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欲望都市第六季 變幻人生 Out of the Frying Pan





[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:49:26



[00:37.00](性愛專家凱莉布雷蕭 并且勇于發(fā)問)


[00:50.16]When you're dating someone new, everything can seem foreign... 跟新對象約會時 一切看起來都是那么地新奇

[00:54.84]especiaIIy when you're dating someone foreign. 何況我的交往對象是個外國人

[00:58.12]My Russian had been taking me around the worId. 我的俄國情人帶我環(huán)游世界

[00:60.96]Greece in Astoria, ItaIy in the Bronx. 阿斯托利亞的希臘餐廳 布朗克斯的意大利菜

[01:03.08]Tonight it was Korea, on West 32nd Street. 今晚是西32街的韓國餐廳

[01:14.32]-Wow. You look-- -Why, thank you. -你看起來… -謝謝

[01:19.04]So where to tonight? 今晚我們要去哪里?

[01:23.76]Very, very exotic place. 一個非常新奇的地方

[01:25.40]Really? 真的嗎?

[01:26.100]Well, just so you know, l'm fully vaccinated. 我已打了預(yù)防針

[01:31.48]-Good. -So should we get a cab? -很好 -我們要搭計程車嗎?

[01:32.60]l have not been to this mysterious place before... 我從來沒去過這個神秘的地方 但我想走路應(yīng)該就能到

[01:36.28]but l believe we can walk.

[01:38.04]l'm intrigued. Continue. 我很好奇,繼續(xù)說

[01:43.20]Turn around, we are going to your place. 轉(zhuǎn)身,我們要到你家

[01:55.64]Art, shmart. The man can cook. 一個藝術(shù)家,還會做菜

[01:58.12]l have never made a risotto in a frying pan before. 我從來沒有用平底鍋 做過意大利燴飯

[02:03.88]l'm sorry. l don't use my kitchen. 抱歉,我從來沒用過我的廚房

[02:06.08]And l don't usually make my guests sit on the floor... 我不常請客人坐在地上

[02:10.68]next to my stack of Vogues, which l ordinarily hide... 旁邊放著“時尚”雜志 通常我會把它們藏在浴缸里

[02:12.16]in the tub, for company.

[02:16.20]And the walls are-- 而且我家的墻面…

[02:17.00]l love your house. lt's so you. 我喜歡你家 它非常有你的風(fēng)格

[02:21.20]-Small and artless? -No, warm and lovely. -既小又沒有藝術(shù)品味? -不,既溫暖又可愛

[02:27.96]-Are you okay? -My foot sleeps. -你沒事吧? -我的腳都麻了

[02:32.52]-Well, now we'll have espresso. -Great, where? -我們來喝意大利濃縮咖啡 -太棒了,去哪里?

[02:37.08]l don't have an espresso machine. 我沒有意大利濃縮咖啡機(jī)

[02:41.44]And you call yourself a writer, yeah? 你說你是個作家?

[02:46.56]l may have an old Mr. Coffee one-cup... 我之前買的即溶咖啡還有剩 但你一定不會喜歡

[02:48.72]but don't hold your breath.

[02:51.40]Oh, my God! 我的天啊

[02:60.96]Okay, we go out. 好吧,我們出去喝咖啡

[03:04.12]Okay. 好吧

[03:07.72]That mouse is dead. Wow. 那只老鼠死了

[03:09.32]lt was a rodent. You don't want this in your house. 它是老鼠 你不會希望家里有那種東西

[03:16.96]Maybe he was just crossing through... 或許它是剛好經(jīng)過 想到隔壁的漂亮公寓去

[03:18.44]to get to the much nicer apartment next door.

[03:21.96]They call this denial. 你在否認(rèn)事實 看到一只老鼠代表還有更多

[03:22.20]Where there is one, there will be more.

[03:29.08]Yeah, we're going out. 我們出去吧

[03:36.12]At least it didn't happen in a room l actually use, like my closet. 至少它不在我常用的房間里 譬如我的衣物間

[03:38.52]Good Humor me. 太好笑了

[03:40.84]The next morning, we were determined to use our good humors... 隔天早上我們決定

[03:44.92]to make Samantha's chemo Iounge as cIose as possibIe to a cocktaiI Iounge. 將莎曼珊的化療療程 變得跟雞尾酒會一樣

[03:47.08]Look at Miranda working Mr. Grape there. 快看米蘭達(dá)啜冰棒的樣子

[03:51.44]Steve is one lucky guy. -史蒂夫真幸運 -莎曼珊

[03:56.00]Well, you guys are having a good time. -你們玩得很開心 -沒錯,得癌癥是件趣事

[03:58.12]You bet, cancer is hilarious.

[04:01.20]-Are all of you as fun as Samantha? -We try. -你們都跟莎曼珊一樣風(fēng)趣? -我們努力那么做

[04:02.88]l'm her favorite patient. 我是她最喜歡的病人

[04:04.88]-Any mouth sores, sweetie? -No. -你嘴巴會痛嗎? -不會

[04:05.44]Great, just keep up the Popsicles. 繼續(xù)吃冰棒

[04:07.04]-Samantha, l have to say, you are amazing. -l am. -莎曼珊,你太棒了 -沒錯

[04:13.24]And if you love me in chemo, wait till you see me at Smith's movie premiere. 如果你喜歡我做化療的樣子 等著看我出席史密斯的首映會

[04:17.52]l'm getting a hot dress, fantastic shoes... 我會換上性感禮服跟漂亮鞋子 打敗癌癥,在紅毯上大放光芒

[04:19.60]l'm going to kick cancer, and that red carpet's ass.

[04:23.68]Hear, hear. -敬大家 -敬大家

[04:27.64]lt's not at all what l expected. 完全出乎我意想之外,那里有 蘇丹式躺椅、錄影帶跟冰棒

[04:28.20]They have these Barcaloungers and videos and Popsicles.

[04:33.28]You throw in shuffleboard, it would be a vacation in Miami. 加上推盤游戲 這里跟邁阿密假期差不多

[04:37.88]Here they are. 就是這里

[04:36.28]Later, the Russian took me somewhere eIse I'd never been before... 稍晚他帶我到一個 我從來沒去過的地方

[04:40.08]the kitchen suppIies department. 廚房用具部

[04:41.32]-She doesn't even look sick. -But she is sick, yes? -她看起來不像生病了 -但她真的有病吧?

[04:46.84]Well, she was, but she's gonna be fine. 沒錯,但她會好起來的

[04:49.52]l had a friend who had breast cancer. 我有個朋友得了乳癌 她過世了

[04:53.48]She died.

[04:56.04]l think this one is you. 我想這個很適合你

[05:04.40]From kitchen suppIies to a kitchen surprise. 我們在逛廚房用具部 有人在廚房聽到意外消息


[05:16.72]Hi, Dr. Steiner.

[05:23.80]None of them? 都沒有嗎?

[05:23.100]Sure, l understand. 我當(dāng)然了解

[05:28.60]Thanks for calling on a Saturday. Bye. 謝謝你在星期六打電話來 再見

[05:38.60]-None of my eggs were viable. -Oh, baby. -我的卵子都沒有著床 -寶貝

[05:42.88]Again. 又失敗了

[05:47.08]What do you want to do? 你打算怎么辦?

[05:50.92]-Try lVF again. -You sure? -再試一次試管嬰兒胚胎植入 -你確定?我們試過兩次

[05:51.92]-We've already tried it twice. -Yeah, l'm sure. 我很確定,一定會成功的

[05:55.28]lt'll work. l mean, it has to. 我是說我們非成功不可

[06:02.68]-You okay? -Yeah. l'm gonna go for a run. -你沒事吧? -沒事


[06:12.00]In high schooI, CharIotte was voted most popuIar... 高中時 夏綠蒂是最受歡迎的學(xué)生

[06:15.16]head of the track team, and cIass president. 田徑隊隊長跟班代表

[06:20.36]She had won everything... 她事事如意

[06:24.92]except the baby race. 就是生不出孩子

[06:33.20]MeanwhiIe, across town, a coupIe who had won the baby race... 在紐約的另一端 一對夫妻為了孩子傷腦筋

[06:38.36]had Iost their bedroom to their baby. 他們把臥室讓給寶寶

[06:41.92]Wait, we saw this one. 等一下,我們看過這一間 “在中區(qū)的迷人兩房公寓”

[06:43.40]''Charming midtown two-bedroom.''

[06:45.48]Why don't they say what it really is? Crack house on an air shaft. 為什么他們不說實話呢? 那是在通風(fēng)井上的破房子

[06:51.08]Scout, off! 史考特,下去

[06:56.64]Listen to this one, in our price range, ''Three-bedroom.'' -這在我們的預(yù)算內(nèi),三房 -我要去穿鞋子了

[06:57.84]-l'm putting my shoes on. -''Outdoor space.'' -有戶外空間 -我要去拿皮包了

[07:01.20]-l'm getting my bag. -''Finished basement.'' -還附地下室 -是獨棟的房子?

[07:02.48]-lt's a house? -ln Brooklyn. -在布魯克林 -好吧,我去脫鞋子

[07:04.100]Okay, shoes are off.

[07:07.48]What did l tell you about that side of the paper? -我說過報紙廣告都是騙人的 -那個地方很不錯

[07:10.56]What? lt's a good place.

[07:11.08]Steve, we're not moving to Brooklyn. 我們不搬到布魯克林區(qū) 我只喜歡住在曼哈頓

[07:12.56]l'm a Manhattan girl. l don't like anything not Manhattan.

[07:16.12]l'm Queens, and l'm pretty cute. Let's just look at it. 我住在皇后區(qū) 但我是個好男人,去看看吧

[07:20.72]Sleeping in the dining room isn't so bad. We're near the kitchen. 睡在餐廳里還不錯 我們離廚房很近

[07:24.76]Did you let Fatty out of the laundry room? 你讓胖胖在洗衣間亂跑?

[07:27.08]We don't even need this, we can hear Brady through the wall! 我們不必要這東西 隔墻就能聽到布萊迪的聲音

[07:31.96]Miranda, we can't keep living like this. 米蘭達(dá),我們不能再這樣下去

[07:34.40]Scout, down! 史考特,下去

[07:38.60]Fine. l'll look at it. 好吧,我會去看看

[07:50.84]Wow. -哇 -什么?

[07:50.60]-What? -That is some strong coffee. 咖啡味好濃

[07:56.76]-No wonder you work all night. -That's the way l like it. -難怪你會熬夜工作 -我喜歡喝這種咖啡

[07:59.76]-l'm gonna need a little milk in this. -Then it's not espresso. -我得加點牛奶 -那就不是意大利濃縮咖啡了

[08:03.64]Milk will ruin it. Keep sipping it. You'll see. 加牛奶會毀了它 繼續(xù)喝,你會喜歡的

[08:15.08]-l need to talk to you about something. -Yes? -我得跟你談一件事 -什么?

[08:18.36]You know, the other day, when l was talking about my friend? -當(dāng)我談到我的朋友… -那個得癌癥的女人

[08:21.40]-The one with cancer. -Her name is Samantha. 她叫做莎曼珊

[08:27.40]l just felt like... 我覺得你太不體諒我的感覺

[08:30.36]you weren't being very sensitive about my feelings.

[08:32.44]l mentioned her, and your first response... 我提起她,你的第一個反應(yīng)是 告訴我你朋友的事

[08:34.56]-was to tell me about your friend. -Who died, yeah.

[08:38.72]Yes, see? Exactly. -她死了 -你看吧

[08:44.52]l'm sorry about your friend, but my friend is going to be fine. 關(guān)于你朋友的事我很遺憾 但我朋友會好起來

[08:50.96]And my friend died. -我朋友死了 -你又來了

[08:52.04]See? You're doing it again.

[08:54.64]-Not everyone dies. -Then they are lucky. -不是每個人都會死 -那么他們很幸運

[08:57.52]Okay. 好吧

[09:00.12]Maybe l'm not being very clear. 或許我說得不夠清楚

[09:05.56]No, you're being clear. You don't want your friend to die. 不,你說得夠清楚了 你不希望你朋友死掉

[09:09.72]Please stop saying ''die.'' 請你不要再提“死”字

[09:11.12]But to be realistic, you must acknowledge this possibility, yes? 但你得現(xiàn)實一點 知道她的確有可能會死掉

[09:16.20]No. 不,她及早發(fā)現(xiàn),她是第一期 她正在做化學(xué)療法

[09:17.80]They caught it early, it's Stage One. She's having the Cadillac of chemo.

[09:20.08]No, she is going to be fine. 她會沒事,你是嚇不了我的

[09:24.24]-And your scaring me isn't helping. -All l am saying, when my friend died--


[09:27.12]l don't know why, but you are not listening to me. -你為什么不聽我說? -你才沒有聽我說

[09:33.48]You are not listening to me.

[09:33.32]Are you kidding? All l've said is, ''Please, don't talk about your friend who died.'' 你在開玩笑嗎?我是說 “請不要談你過世的朋友”

[09:39.60]Her name was Sophie. -她叫做蘇菲 -我要走了

[09:41.36]l'm leaving. 但我們在喝意大利濃縮咖啡

[09:41.08]What are you talking about? We're having espresso.

[09:45.36]No, we're not having espresso. We are not listening. 我們不必喝意大利濃縮咖啡了 我們根本溝通不良

[09:49.24]Sit down, finish your coffee. lt's hot. 坐下把咖啡喝完,很燙的

[09:54.24]l'm leaving. 我要走了

[09:57.76]Excuse me. 對不…

[10:02.12]You know, l asked you not to mention your friend... 我要你別提你朋友的事

[10:07.20]and now all l can think about is your friend. 現(xiàn)在我滿腦子只想到她 我朋友跟你朋友無關(guān)

[10:08.48]And my friend has nothing to do with your friend.

[10:13.76]-l think you are acting like a child. -And l think you're acting like an asshole. -你太孩子氣了 -你是個大混蛋

[10:16.64]-Maybe you should go for now. -l'm already going! -或許你該走了 -我已經(jīng)要走了

[10:31.04]It was my first fight with the Russian. 那是我第一次跟俄國佬吵架

[10:34.12]And I didn't know if it was the strong espresso or the strong words... 我不知道是意大利濃縮咖啡 或是吵架的關(guān)系

[10:37.64]but either way, not even my feet sIept that night. 那晚我輾轉(zhuǎn)難眠

[10:46.64]My goodness, look at you and your little coat. 天啊,看看你穿著外套的樣子 你去逛街了嗎?

[10:50.24]-Did you go shopping? -Princess Dandyridge Brandywine, come!


[10:53.84]l got her. 我抱住它了

[10:56.68]My goodness, so cute. 天啊,好可愛

[11:04.68]Thank you. -謝謝 -這只小狗的名字挺嚇人的

[11:03.08]That's a mighty big name for such a little dog.

[11:05.92]-lt's her show name. -My gosh, l love dog shows. -那是它表演時的名字 -我喜歡狗選美,它贏過嗎?

[11:10.04]-Has she ever won? -This one? Two-time loser. 這只狗嗎?它輸了兩次 它已經(jīng)不參加比賽了

[11:13.32]She doesn't show anymore.

[11:16.32]She was bred from two champion Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. 它是兩只冠軍 騎士查理王獵犬的后代

[11:18.96]But when l tried to show her, it turns out she has a defect. -結(jié)果它有缺陷 -不

[11:21.32]-No. -Yeah, one of her hind legs is too short. 它的一條腿太短了 真可惜,它非常有天分

[11:24.32]Such a shame, she had so much promise.

[11:27.24]She just isn't a winner. 但它不是冠軍

[11:29.88]Well, she's awfully cute anyway. 它真的好可愛

[11:32.48]-l'm Charlotte York Goldenblatt. -Trudy Stork. -我是夏綠蒂約克登布拉特 -楚蒂史托克

[11:36.56]All right, Princess, come on, that's enough. 公主,夠了

[11:38.36]That's enough, come on. There.

[11:40.12]-好了 -好吧

[11:43.04]-Well, nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you. Bye-bye. -很高興能認(rèn)識你 -我也是,再見

[11:48.88]That was the day a King CharIes met an Upper East Side princess. 再見

[11:49.40]那一天騎士查理王獵犬 遇見上城東區(qū)的公主

[11:56.12]Taxi! 計程車

[11:57.52]And an Upper West Sider went to see a house in BrookIyn. 一個上城西區(qū)的職業(yè)婦女 要到布魯克林區(qū)看房子

[12:07.60]-Where to? -Brooklyn, please. -你要去哪里? -麻煩到布魯克林區(qū)

[12:12.64]l don't go to Brooklyn. 我不去布魯克林區(qū)

[12:16.16]Yeah, neither do l. 對,我也是

[12:22.08]Miranda tried to see her future in BrookIyn, but she just couIdn't get there. 米蘭達(dá)想到布魯克林區(qū)找未來 但她連去都去不了

[12:28.04]Shit, yeah. 對,該死,天啊,你真棒

[12:32.24]God, you're good.

[12:35.04]Fuck. 該死

[12:38.28]What? Jesus! 什么?天啊

[12:39.28]-What do l.... -Just give it to me. -我做了… -給我吧

[12:44.68]-Man, that's a lot of hair. Did that hurt? -No, l'm fine, really. -那撮頭發(fā)挺多的,會痛嗎? -我真的沒事

[12:49.64]So where were we? 我們剛剛做到哪里了?

[12:55.48]l'm sorry. 對不起

[12:58.76]l'm gonna take a bath. 我去沖個澡

[13:01.04]ApparentIy, Samantha wasn't the onIy one Iosing something that night. 很明顯地那晚不只莎曼珊 因為失去感到心痛

[13:07.24]-Samantha's not gonna die, right? -Of course not, she'll be fine. -莎曼珊不會死吧? -當(dāng)然不會,她會好起來的

[13:10.100]Her hair started falling out at a really bad time. 她開始掉頭發(fā) 而且時機(jī)太不恰當(dāng)了

[13:15.36]God, was she at work? -天啊,她開始工作了嗎? -不,但那時她真的在忙

[13:16.04]No, but she was definitely doing a job.

[13:21.12]-No. -Yes, ma'am. -不 -沒錯

[13:23.84]-She's a trouper, she'll be fine. -Yeah, l know. -她是個斗士,她會沒事的 -我知道

[13:26.00]But according to my Russian friend, we are all in denial. 但我的俄國情人說 我們都在否認(rèn)事實

[13:29.28]-Why, what does he say? -lt went like this: -他說了什么? -事情是這樣的

[13:34.48]Him: ''Your friend might die, yes?'' 他說“你朋友可能會死” 我說“不,你是混蛋”

[13:34.16]Me: ''No, you're an asshole.''

[13:39.64]-We had our first fight. -Yeah, l picked up on that. -那是我們第一次吵架 -我了解

[13:43.92]l mean, this is a man who is so sensitive about so much. 這個男人那么浪漫

[13:46.76]But then this: ''Death, deal with it.'' 但他說“面對死亡的事實吧” 我知道他是俄國人,天啊

[13:49.08]l know he's Russian, but Jesus, come on.

[13:51.84]-Maybe it's the language barrier. -Well, it's definitely a barrier for me. -或許是語言障礙的關(guān)系 -對我來說那是個障礙

[13:55.24]ls this who l'm seeing, a man who kills mice and optimism? 我在跟一個會殺老鼠 又樂觀的男人交往?

[13:60.92]lt's not denial. They got it early, she's gonna be fine. 那不是否認(rèn),她及早發(fā)現(xiàn) 她一定會沒事的

[14:05.88]You are aware that you've said she'll be fine three times in half a block? 我們才走了半條街 你就說了三次她會沒事

[14:08.56]Yeah, l just picked up on that, too. 對,我也了解那一點

[14:11.04]Anyway, how's it helping her, if we freak out about it? 驚慌害怕是沒有用的

[14:13.64]-lt is our job to think positive. -Exactly. -我們的任務(wù)是保持樂觀 -沒錯

[14:16.88]Can you believe we're actually having this conversation? 你能相信 我們真的在聊這件事嗎?

[14:20.16]No, and here's another thing l never thought l'd be saying: 不,還有一件事 我從來沒想過我會這么說

[14:24.96]Steve wants us to move to Brooklyn. -史蒂夫要我們搬到布魯克林 -好吧,別說了

[14:27.36]Okay, stop!

[14:28.64]-Now that is information l can't handle. -l know. 我無法接受那種事

[14:34.92]l can't move to Brooklyn. Even cabs won't go there. 我知道我不能搬到布魯克林區(qū) 連計程車都拒絕去那里

[14:47.40]My conversation with Miranda brought me back to reaIity. 我跟米蘭達(dá)的談話 讓我真的面對現(xiàn)實

[14:48.20]Or, more specificaIIy, the peopIe who want us to Iive in it. 更精確地來說 我面對大家口中所說的生活

[14:52.76]The worId teIIs us to get reaI. 這個世界要我們現(xiàn)實一點

[14:55.08]But what happens when Iiving in reaIity means Iiving in pain, fear... 如果現(xiàn)實就是活在痛苦恐懼中 或是住在布魯克林區(qū)

[15:01.72]or BrookIyn? 那會發(fā)生什么事呢?

[15:02.80]If a defense mechanism can get us through the difficuIt times, how bad can it be? 如果防御機(jī)能讓我們渡過難關(guān) 生活會有多難呢?

[15:09.12]Maybe the reaIity is, we need deniaI. 或許現(xiàn)實是我們需要否認(rèn)


[15:18.60]DeniaI had become CharIotte's best friend, next to Harry. 否認(rèn)成了夏綠蒂的好朋友 它的地位僅次于哈利

[15:22.08]Going for a run? 你要去慢跑?

[15:27.00]-What are you looking at? -Just doing some research. -你在看什么? -我在找資料

[15:28.56]-On what? -Adoption. -找什么資料? -領(lǐng)養(yǎng)手續(xù)

[15:34.56]lt could be just a backup, you know. lf we put ourselves on some lists... 那是我們的備用計劃 或許我們該去登記

[15:38.44]by the time we know what's what, we'll have some choices. 知道結(jié)果后我們可以做選擇 你覺得呢?

[15:41.48]What do you think?

[15:44.80]That seems like the right thing to do. 那似乎是個好方法

[15:54.100]-Hi, Trudy. -Hi. -你好,楚蒂 -你好

[15:57.92]Hi, Dandyridge. 你好,丹蒂蕾吉

[16:03.68]l brought you a present. 我?guī)湍銕Я硕Y物來

[16:04.68]-lt's turkey bacon. ls that all right? -Sure, she's not a show dog. -是火雞培根,沒關(guān)系吧? -沒關(guān)系,它已經(jīng)不比賽了

[16:13.80]Do you like that? 你喜歡嗎?

[16:15.00]Well, she really loves you. 它真的喜歡你

[16:18.04]Who wouldn't love her? Look at that face. 誰不喜歡它呢?看看它的臉

[16:26.04]You know... 只因為它的表現(xiàn)不如你意

[16:28.64]just because somebody doesn't perform the way that you want them to...

[16:33.68]doesn't mean that you should just give up on them. 那不表示你應(yīng)該放棄它

[16:36.24]l'm sorry. 對不起

[16:39.64]l swore l wouldn't cry. 我發(fā)過誓我不會哭

[16:44.24]lt's just that l'm trying to have a baby, and it's just not going very well. 我試著要懷孕 但一直無法成功

[16:47.28]That day, thanks to a dog with one short Ieg... 那天由于一只短腿狗的關(guān)系

[16:51.60]CharIotte stopped denying her shortcomings. 夏綠蒂不再否認(rèn)她的缺點

[16:56.64]l don't care for babies... 我不在乎孩子

[16:57.72]or Labs. 或是懷孕的事

[17:04.72]-Thanks for coming. -Are you kidding me? This is gonna be fun. -謝謝你趕過來 -你在開玩笑嗎?這會很好玩

[17:06.36]l used to do this when l was 16, at the mall. Without the cancer part. 16歲時我常在購物中心這么做


[17:16.60]l have a movie premiere, and l need to look like myself at my most fabulous. 我要參加電影首映會 我要表現(xiàn)出最美的一面

[17:21.68]Would you like natural hair or acrylic? 你要真發(fā)還是合成假發(fā)?

[17:25.08]Sweetheart, does it look like l do acrylic? 甜心 你覺得我會喜歡合成假發(fā)嗎?

[17:26.96]These are our best natural hair: Sassy and Pretty Me. 這些是我們最棒的真發(fā) 紗希跟美人

[17:34.44]-No, and no. -Fine. -不 -好吧

[17:37.32]Let's try this. 試試這頂

[17:40.20]lt's from the Rene of Paris line. 它是馬格里特系列

[17:43.76]This looks like you. 看起來很適合你

[17:48.92]Carrie, how do l look? 凱莉,我看起來怎么樣?

[17:52.84]You look like Florence Henderson. -你看起來像佛蘿倫絲韓德森 -她的假發(fā)太假了

[17:52.28]Florence Henderson in a bad wig.

[17:56.80]Listen, l can't be on the red carpet in a bad rug, do you understand? 聽著,我不想戴著難看假發(fā) 走上紅地毯,你明白嗎?

[18:04.52]l know. 我知道

[18:05.92]This is Candy. 這是甜甜

[18:08.08]She's very popular. 它非常受歡迎

[18:13.88]l don't think you're listening. 我想你沒認(rèn)真在聽 我不想看起來像甜甜

[18:16.04]l don't want to look like Candy. l just want to look like myself.

[18:19.36]-我只是看起來像自己 -小姐,這些是假發(fā)

[18:21.52]Ma'am, these are wigs.

[18:25.52]They're not ever gonna look exactly like you. -它們不可能長得像你 -我無法接受

[18:28.60]That is not acceptable.

[18:30.88]-We could style the bangs-- -Don't touch my head. -我們可以幫你做整理 -別碰我的頭

[18:33.48]l've worked with many women with cancer. 我為許多得癌癥的女人服務(wù)過

[18:34.16]l don't have cancer, l have a premiere. 我沒有得癌癥 我要參加電影首映會

[18:37.32]And l don't want some second-rate wig named after a hooker. 我不要用妓女名字 命名的二流假發(fā)

[18:43.00]My hair is my thing. 我喜歡我的頭發(fā),這…

[18:44.72]This is bullshit.


[18:48.88]Carrie, we're going. 凱莉,我們要走了


[18:55.92]l'm just so angry. 我好生氣,我可以應(yīng)付化療 但掉頭發(fā)的事情太沉重了

[18:59.32]The chemo l can handle, but this hair thing, it's too much.

[19:02.40]-We'll find you a better wig. -l have left hair all over Manhattan. -我們會幫你找到更棒的假發(fā) -我到處掉頭發(fā)

[19:04.56]Every time the wind blows, l have to check to make sure l'm not bald. 每次一起風(fēng) 我得檢查自己是不是禿了

[19:10.36]lt's only temporary, it'll grow back. 頭發(fā)會長回來的

[19:12.76]And until then, l have to look like a sick person, and l don't do sick person. 在那之前我看起來像病人 我不會跟病人上床

[19:16.92]Because you're not. You're someone who had a little blip of bad luck... 因為你不是病人,你只是 運氣不好,現(xiàn)在都過去了

[19:18.68]-and now it's over. -What if it's not over? -如果它不會過去呢? -一定會的

[19:20.20]-lt's over, so over. -What if it comes back?

[19:24.64]如果癌細(xì)胞又復(fù)發(fā)呢? 我會死的,而且頭發(fā)掉光

[19:25.84]l could die, Carrie, with really bad hair.

[19:30.20]You are not going anywhere. 你不會死

[19:35.72]Carrie, please... 凱莉,拜托 讓我說出我的恐懼

[19:38.00]let me talk about what l'm afraid of, please.

[19:40.84]The deniaI part of me wanted to say, ''You'II be fine. '' 抱持否認(rèn)態(tài)度的我想說 “你會沒事的”,但我說

[19:45.56]Instead I said.:

[19:46.80]Okay, l'm here. 好吧,我洗耳恭聽

[19:50.32]Maybe l should just shave it all off. 或許我該把頭發(fā)剃光

[19:52.08]Yeah, you could be one of those fantastic bald women, who's all about earrings. 你會是 戴著漂亮耳環(huán)的禿頭美女

[19:57.28]l better not look like fucking Kojak. 我不想看起來像外星人

[20:03.96]Yeah, cancer. 對,癌癥

[20:05.64]Turns out, not so hilarious. 結(jié)果它一點都不好笑

[20:09.92]After Samantha Iost controI, she did the onIy thing she knew to get it back. 莎曼珊失控后 她做了唯一的反擊

[20:29.64]Babe. 寶貝

[20:36.32]What are you doing here? 你來這里做什么?

[20:36.60]l got your message. What do you mean, you're not coming to my premiere? 我收到你的留言 你不參加我的首映會?

[20:41.72]l'm very busy. 我非常忙

[20:50.64]l'm shaving my head, all right? 我正在理頭發(fā),它非??膳?你一定不敢看的

[20:52.24]lt's scary and awful, and you can't handle it.

[20:55.80]-Who says l can't handle it? -You freaked out after just a few little hairs. -誰說的? -你被幾根頭發(fā)嚇壞了

[20:60.08]-You freaked out, too. -You lost your hard-on. -你也是 -你還陽痿

[21:02.60]Shit happens. 那種事常發(fā)生的

[21:07.32]Let me be here for you. 我要留在這里陪你

[21:11.32]Listen, this is very intense, and you're being very sweet... 聽著,這件事很可怕 你一直都很體貼

[21:13.80]but there is no way that you can relate to what l'm going though. 但你沒辦法了解我的感覺

[21:21.48]What are you doing? 你在做什么?

[21:25.16]No, you can't, your hair's your thing! 你不能那么做 你就是靠頭發(fā)吃飯的

[21:28.04]Chill out, l'm busy. 別說話,我正在忙

[21:36.20]And when l'm done cue-balling here, l'm moving right over to you. 我剃光頭發(fā)之后就幫你剃

[21:39.52]That night, Smith gave Samantha the very best head of her Iife. 那晚史密斯幫莎曼珊 理了她一生中最滿意的發(fā)型

[21:47.52]The next day, Miranda endured her first out-of-borough experience. 隔天米蘭達(dá)忍受 第一次化為普通人的經(jīng)驗

[21:52.56]Broken. 壞了

[21:56.52]Broken. 壞了

[21:58.96]You mean Brooklyn. 你是說“布魯克林”

[22:01.100]Here, let me show you what we could do. 我來告訴你 我們該怎么整修房子

[22:07.76]We tear out these closets, we make this the dining room... 我們可以把柜子打掉做成餐廳

[22:10.36]which we wouldn't have to sleep in. 我們不必睡在里面

[22:11.96]Open up this fireplace. lmagine all of our friends over here... 整理壁爐,朋友來拜訪我們時 可以坐在壁爐邊喝啤酒

[22:15.32]the fire's going, having some beers....

[22:18.80]None of our friends are coming to Brooklyn, but continue. 我們的朋友不會來布魯克林 但繼續(xù)說吧

[22:24.56]米蘭達(dá) 這已經(jīng)由不得你喜不喜歡了

[22:27.88]This isn't just about you anymore.

[22:29.16]Brady is only gonna get bigger, God willing. 布萊迪會越來越大,感謝上帝

[22:32.56]And look at all this space. 看看這間房子

[22:33.84]You owe it to all of us, you, me, Brady, Scout, Fatty... 為了我們,你、我 布萊迪、史考特、胖胖

[22:38.20]to really look at this place. 好好看看這個地方

[22:42.08]We're a family. 我們是一家人

[22:46.36]Oh, my God. 天啊,我結(jié)婚了

[22:49.72]l'm married. 那是現(xiàn)實

[22:48.12]And that was the reaIity.

[22:51.92]l'm gonna take Brady and the dog outside. 我要帶布萊迪跟狗到外面去

[22:56.36]You let me know what you think. 你決定后再跟我談

[23:02.04]Come on, let's go out back. Yeah! 來吧,我們到后院去

[23:20.76]Let's chase the dog around. 我們?nèi)プ饭吠?/p>

[23:26.72]You wanna go get him? (歡迎光臨布魯克林 美國優(yōu)質(zhì)住宅區(qū))

[23:30.16]That day, Miranda couIdn't deny what was best for her famiIy. 那天米蘭達(dá)無法否認(rèn) 什么事對她的家人最好

[23:38.24]So what do you think? 你覺得呢?

[23:45.92]We're very interested, but l'll want to bring in an engineer. 我們有興趣 但我想帶設(shè)計師來看看

[23:48.56]l'd require a long escrow, and if the furnace isn't up to code, l'll need it replaced. 我要跟你訂契約 如果壁爐不能用,你得換新的

[23:51.04]And so, she negotiated her way into her future. 她跟房東談判她的未來

[24:01.08]所有的紐約客 都來看葛斯范桑的電影


[24:12.36]And Samantha reaIized she couIdn't deny cancer. 莎曼珊了解 她無法否認(rèn)罹患癌癥的事

[24:19.08]She wouId never be exactIy who she was again... 她永遠(yuǎn)都無法恢復(fù)以前的模樣

[24:22.76]so for that night, she decided to be LiI' Kim. 所以那晚她決定扮成莉兒金

[24:44.92]It was a very speciaI deIivery from Miss Stork. 史托克小姐送來的快遞

[24:47.44](你比我更能夠 給它一個溫暖的家)

[24:48.88]Oh, my goodness, thank you! 我的天啊,謝謝


[24:56.96]It was a girI, eight pounds, two ounces. 它是只八磅兩盎司的小母狗

[25:03.84]My goodness! Hello, are you hungry, precious? 天啊,你餓了嗎?寶貝

[25:06.32]-Who is that? -She's a present, can we keep her? -誰來了? -它是禮物,它能留下來嗎?

[25:09.68]Anything that makes you smile like that, we'd be crazy not to. 如果它能讓你笑 我們當(dāng)然要留下它

[25:15.76]-What's her name? -Princess Dandyridge Brandywine. -它叫什么名字? -丹蒂蕾吉白蘭地公主

[25:19.24]That's impossible, you got to change it. 我根本念不出來 你得幫它改名字

[25:19.44]What should we name you, pretty girl? 我們該叫你什么呢?寶貝

[25:23.72]Who's the prettiest girl in the world? 誰是全世界最漂亮的女孩?

[25:29.96]Elizabeth Taylor. 伊麗莎白泰勒

[25:32.16]Elizabeth Taylor Goldenblatt. 伊麗莎白泰勒葛登布拉特

[25:35.64]That was the day EIizabeth TayIor moved in with Harry and CharIotte. 那天伊麗莎白泰勒 搬到哈利跟夏綠蒂的家

[25:43.56]And something far Iess gIamorous moved in with me. 有個不速之客跑到我家

[25:50.72]Oh, my God!

[26:02.36]He will stay at the fancy neighbors' now. 現(xiàn)在它會待在隔壁的漂亮公寓

[26:06.44]Thanks. 謝謝

[26:06.64]l didn't think l would hear from you. 我以為你再也不會跟我聯(lián)絡(luò)

[26:11.32]l was upset. 我很難過

[26:12.52]l need you to not talk, so that... 我要你別說話

[26:17.08]l can say this without you confusing me. 聽我把話說完 不要再打斷我

[26:21.96]Samantha is my friend. 莎曼珊是我的朋友

[26:26.36]She's my family... 她是我的家人,我愛的人

[26:29.72]my insides. 她會沒事的 因為她一定要沒事

[26:31.88]She will be fine, because she has to be fine.

[26:35.16]That's how important she is to me. 她對我就是那么重要

[26:38.16]So for you to say that she may not be... 所以你說她可能無法康復(fù)

[26:44.44]it feels very hurtful... 我真的很痛心

[26:47.00]and really unnecessary. 我不希望是那樣的

[26:50.28]Let me explain. -聽我解釋,我過世的朋友… -天啊

[26:53.36]-My friend, who died-- -Oh, my God!

[26:56.24]Wait. 等一下

[26:59.96]When she died... 她過世的時候

[27:03.40]l was surprised. 我很訝異

[27:05.32]The amount of pain.... 那種心痛

[27:06.20]l didn't want you to be surprised, like l was. 我不希望你跟我一樣 毫無準(zhǔn)備地面對痛苦

[27:14.72]-You could have just said that. -We are different. 你可以直接說

[27:15.40]-我們是不一樣的人 -沒錯

[27:19.44]Yes, we are.

[27:21.88]l need my relationship with a little bit of milk. 我希望我的愛情世界 不要因為現(xiàn)實變得苦澀

[27:26.80]lt is clear who is the writer here. 誰是作家看起來非常明顯

[27:30.12]Your friend will be fine. 你的朋友會沒事的

[27:34.44]Thank you. 謝謝

[27:35.60]And l'm sorry about Sophie. 關(guān)于蘇菲的事我非常遺憾

[27:41.00]Thank you. 謝謝

[27:45.16]That night, for the first time, we spoke the same Ianguage. 那晚我們第一次有相同的感覺

[27:51.20]So whiIe Samantha's Iife and my Iife with the Russian wouId continue... 莎曼珊努力活下來 我跟俄國佬重拾舊好

[27:54.12]it was cIear that Miranda's Iife, as we knew it, was over. 很明顯地我們所熟悉的 米蘭達(dá)的生活方式結(jié)束了

[27:58.00]Brooklyn. 我不想提布魯克林,更何況 住在那里,你們會來看我吧?

[27:60.88]l can't even say it, let alone live in it. You'll all come visit, right?

[28:06.52]Talk about denial. 這才是否認(rèn)

[28:07.04]Stop. We'll all come, won't we? -別說了,我們都會去吧? -我不會,我得了癌癥

[28:10.00]Well, l won't, l have cancer.

[28:12.20]How long are you gonna play that cancer card? -你要拿癌癥當(dāng)擋箭牌多久? -直到你搬回來為止

[28:15.80]As long as it takes for you to move back.

[28:15.88]But it's just a subway ride away. -搭地鐵就能到了 -它得穿過河底,太不安全了

[28:17.48]A subway that goes under water. That's not normal.

[28:21.12]Another Manhattan? -再來一杯曼哈頓? -拜托給我們四杯

[28:23.36]Please, for all of us.

[28:25.32]That night, Miranda was determined to drink in as much Manhattan as she couId. 米蘭達(dá)決定多喝幾杯曼哈頓

[28:31.16]Do you remember that awful apartment that l had on 1 7th Street? 你記得我在17街 住過的那間恐怖公寓嗎?

[28:36.48]The one with the water bugs? -那間有水蟲的公寓? -你在河濱路的工作室呢?

[28:37.72]What about your horrifying studio sublet on Riverside Drive?

[28:40.44]l blocked it. -我把它封死了 -我也租過一些爛公寓

[28:42.24]Man, l have had some really shitty apartments here.

[28:45.08]Why do l think living in Manhattan is so fantastic? 為什么我覺得 住在曼哈頓很棒呢?

[28:49.96]Because it is. 因為它真的很棒

[28:51.08]Here we go. -酒來了 -謝謝

[28:52.92]It wouId be chiIdish of us to deny that our Iives weren't changing... 否認(rèn)我們的生活沒有改變 太孩子氣了

[28:57.24]but for this night, none of us were going anywhere. 但今晚我們哪里都不去

[29:02.08]That's the thing about reaIIy good friends, and a reaIIy great Manhattan. 好友齊聚一堂 喝杯好喝的曼哈頓


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