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浙江擬禁止老師用APP布置作業(yè) 兒童近視率納入政府考核




浙江擬禁止老師用APP布置作業(yè) 兒童近視率納入政府考核

Zhejiang province is moving to ban teachers from assigning homework on mobile apps as part of an effort to save students' eyesight.


Along with banning app-based homework assignments, the regulation would limit the use of electronic devices to 30 percent of total teaching time and instead encourage homework to be completed by hand on paper.


作業(yè)方面,小學(xué)一二年級(jí)不布置書(shū)面家庭作業(yè)(no written homework at all should be assigned to children in the first two years of school),三至六年級(jí)書(shū)面家庭作業(yè)完成時(shí)間不得超過(guò)60分鐘,初中不得超過(guò)90分鐘,高中階段也要合理安排作業(yè)時(shí)間。

在考試管理方面,全面推進(jìn)義務(wù)教育學(xué)校免試就近入學(xué)全覆蓋(fully implement the policy ensuring that children can receive compulsory education at schools close to where they live without having to take entrance exams)。小學(xué)一二年級(jí)每學(xué)期不得超過(guò)1次,其他年級(jí)每學(xué)期不得超過(guò)2次。嚴(yán)禁以任何形式、方式公布學(xué)生考試成績(jī)和排名(no release of test results and ranks in any form);嚴(yán)禁以各類競(jìng)賽獲獎(jiǎng)證書(shū)、學(xué)科競(jìng)賽成績(jī)或考級(jí)證明等作為招生入學(xué)依據(jù)(enrollment based on academic competition results will be banned);嚴(yán)禁以各種名義組織考試選拔學(xué)生。

防控兒童青少年近視,浙江省教育廳還要求,強(qiáng)化體育課和課外鍛煉(increase the time for sports and extra-curricular activities),大課間、課外體育活動(dòng)、眼保健操時(shí)間均納入課表(long breaks, extra-curricular sports activities and eye exercises will be included in school schedules),嚴(yán)格按規(guī)定時(shí)間組織實(shí)施。兒童青少年近視防控工作(myopia prevention and control)、總體近視率(overall myopia rate)和體質(zhì)健康狀況(physical health)納入政府績(jī)效考核的要求。


Teachers will not be allowed to use the WeChat or QQ messaging apps to assign homework or ask parents to grade students' homework.



2018年,中國(guó)小學(xué)生視力不良率(the proportion of poor vision)為45.7%、初中生為74.4%、高中生為83.3%、大學(xué)生為86.4%,其中85%至90%為近視眼(myopia),全國(guó)近視眼人群中,小學(xué)生預(yù)估超過(guò)1億人。
浙江擬禁止老師用APP布置作業(yè) 兒童近視率納入政府考核

A primary school student gets a vision test in Handan, Hebei province, during the summer holiday. [Hao Qunying/For China Daily]

2018年8月30日,教育部、國(guó)家衛(wèi)生健康委員會(huì)等8部門聯(lián)合印發(fā)《綜合防控兒童青少年近視實(shí)施方案(comprehensive plan to prevent shortsightedness among children)》。


The overall myopia rate among teenagers reduces by more than 0.5 percentage points per year from 2018 until 2023. Provinces with a high incidence of myopia are required to cut at least 1 percentage point per year.


By 2030, the myopia rate for 6-year-old children should be below 3 percent, for primary school students, below 38 percent, for middle school students, below 60 percent, and for high school students, below 70 percent.



近視 nearsightedness/myopia

視力不良 poor vision

弱視 vision impairment

視力健康 visual health

紙質(zhì)作業(yè) written homework

隱形眼鏡 contact lenses

眼科醫(yī)生 eye doctor/ophthalmologist

無(wú)框眼鏡 rimless glasses

眼保健操 eye exercises


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