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聽(tīng)電影學(xué)英語(yǔ):復(fù)制嬌妻 7





  Because I thought that if I was around, I could help you lighten up. 因?yàn)槲蚁肴绻以谂赃?可以讓你輕松一點(diǎn)
  You did? 真的?
  Yeah, I did. What was that one show called? 對(duì),是的,那個(gè)節(jié)目叫什么來(lái)著?
  I Can Do Everybody? 我能扮演所有人?
  See, that's what I mean. I wanted to make you laugh. 是,那是我希望的 我想逗你開(kāi)心
  That's so sweet, but I... 這真體貼,可我…
  I was busy. I was running a network, Walter. 我那時(shí)很忙,我那時(shí) 管理著一個(gè)電視臺(tái),沃爾特
  You were so busy that we haven't made love in over a year. 你忙到我們一年多都沒(méi)有性愛(ài)
  - I know. I... - Well, I miss you. - 我知道,我… - 呃,我想念你
  But I've always loved you so much. I... 可我一直都很愛(ài)你,我…
  You know that. 你知道的
  Why? 為什么?
  Because... Because... 因?yàn)?hellip;因?yàn)?hellip;
  ...you're goofy, and you're... …因?yàn)槟闵瞪档模驗(yàn)?hellip;
  You're handsome, and you're... You're... 你英俊,你是…,你是…
  You're my Walter. 你是我的沃爾特
  And because when you play computer chess 還因?yàn)槟愫碗娔X下棋的時(shí)候
  you do that little... 會(huì)跳那種…
  - You do that little victory dance. - I do not. I don't do that. - 會(huì)跳勝利之舞- 我沒(méi)有,我沒(méi)有那樣
  - Yes, you do. - No, I don't. - 有的,你有- 不,我沒(méi)有
  But if I'm not the smartest 可如果我不是那個(gè)最聰明的
  then I don't know, who am I? 那我就不知道,我是誰(shuí)?
  and the best of the best and the most successful, 那個(gè)最好的,那個(gè)最成功的
  You wanna find out? 你想知道嗎?
  How? 怎么做?
  First of all, we're in the country now, so no more black. 首先,我們現(xiàn)在在鎮(zhèn)上 所以不要再穿黑的了
  - No more black? Are you insane? - You heard me. - 不穿黑的?你瘋了嗎- 你聽(tīng)見(jiàn)我說(shuō)的了
  Manhattan career bitches wear black. Is that what you wanna be? 曼哈頓職場(chǎng)婊子們才穿黑的 你難道想做那樣的人
  Only high-powered, neurotic, castrating, 只有精力過(guò)剩,神經(jīng)質(zhì),中性的
  Ever since I was a little girl. 從我還是個(gè)小姑娘的時(shí)候開(kāi)始就想
  Do I really look OK? 我看起來(lái)真的可以嗎?
  Can I be honest? 我能說(shuō)實(shí)話嗎?
  - You look kind of like Betty Crocker. - I know. - 你看起來(lái)有點(diǎn)像貝蒂·克羅克(食品商標(biāo))- 我知道
  - At Betty Ford. - We need milk. - 在貝蒂·福特鎮(zhèn)- 我們需要牛奶
  - We need milk. We need milk. - Thank you. - 我們需要牛奶,我們需要牛奶- 謝謝
  Look, I'm trying to make an effort to change. 看,我正在努力去改變
  He was strong, he was forceful, he was commanding. 他很強(qiáng)硬,有說(shuō)服力,控制了我
  I mean, last night my husband was a different person. 我是說(shuō),昨晚我老公是個(gè)不同的人
  Like your refrigerator. 就像你的冰箱
  Well, nobody said it was gonna be easy being a homemaker 嗯,沒(méi)人說(shuō)做一個(gè)主婦是件容易的事
  and a stay-at-home mom. 尤其還要做家庭婦女
  It's the toughest job in the world, right? 這是世界上最難做的工作,對(duì)嗎?
  Well, that may be, but these Stepford women, 嗯,可能是,可是這些斯戴福的女人
  - they're a whole other dimension. - Oh, like yesterday, - 她們就像是另一個(gè)空間來(lái)的- 噢,就像昨天
  that poor lady, Sarah Sunderson. 那個(gè)可憐的女士,薩拉·桑德森
  Walter said she's fine. 沃爾特說(shuō)她沒(méi)事
  - Now, that's the first sign. - Of what? - 那就是第一個(gè)征兆- 關(guān)于什么的?
  But you said she was shooting off sparks from her ears. 可你說(shuō)當(dāng)時(shí)她從耳朵里迸出火花
  Cheap jewelry. 廉價(jià)珠寶
  - We should go see her. - Why? - 我們應(yīng)該去看看她- 為什么?
  Because we need to be supportive. 因?yàn)槲覀円С炙?br />   That's how people behave outside of Manhattan. 這就是曼哈頓人在外行事的方式
  They care about each other. 他們關(guān)心彼此
  I mean, if you were in New York and one of your neighbors got sick 我是說(shuō),如果你在紐約 你的一個(gè)鄰居病了
  - what would you do? - We'd call her. - 你會(huì)怎么做- 我們會(huì)打電話給她
  - To see if she was gonna die. - So we could get the apartment. - 看看她是不是會(huì)死- 然后我們就可以得到她的公寓了
  Let's go. Up. Up. Up. 我們走,上,上,上
  Sarah? 薩拉?
  - Yoo-hoo. - Yoo-hoo? Is she in there? - 呦-呼- 呦-呼?她在這兒?jiǎn)幔?br />   - What are you doing? - It's open. - 你在做什么?- 門(mén)是開(kāi)著的
  - That's amazing. - So sweet. - 真令人吃驚- 太好了
  And so trusting. 這么信任別人
  Roger. 羅杰
  - Look at this place. - Wow. - 看看這地方- 哇
  - Sarah? - Sarah? - 薩拉?- 薩拉?
  Roger. 羅杰
  Oh, Herb. 噢,赫伯
  - Oh, baby. - Oh, yes. Oh, yes. - 噢,寶貝- 噢,耶,噢,耶
  - Make me beg! - Yeah! - 讓我滿(mǎn)足吧!- 耶!
  Oh, I'm so lucky! 噢,我真幸運(yùn)
  - Oh, my God. - Is that a DVD? - 噢,天哪- 是在看DVD嗎
  No, it's them. 不,是他們
  Oh, you're the king! 噢,你就是國(guó)王!
  Yes! 耶!
  - I'm going up there. - Why? - 我要上去- 為什么
  - Roger! - I want some. - 羅杰!- 我也想來(lái)試試
  - Roger. - Roger. - 羅杰- 羅杰
  - Baby, grab me some nachos. - Yes, dear. - 寶貝,給我拿點(diǎn)玉米片- 好的,親愛(ài)的
  What's this? 這是什么?
  - Roger, put it down. - What? Oh, come on. - 羅杰,放下- 什么?噢,來(lái)吧
  - Roger. - Why does it say Sarah? - 羅杰- 為什么上面寫(xiě)著薩拉?
  - Let's get out of here. - This isn't our house. - 我們離開(kāi)這兒吧- 這不是我們的房子
  Roger, you should put it down now. 羅杰,你快放下
  Oh, stop. Would you just quit? 噢,住手,你就不能住手嗎?
  - We have to, Roger. - For God's sake, we're trespassing. - 我們必須,羅杰- 老天,非法闖入



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