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聽(tīng)電影學(xué)英語(yǔ):復(fù)制嬌妻 6





  - There you go. - Stepford stallions love their mares - 開(kāi)始了- 斯戴福的紳士們愛(ài)他們的小姐

  All men left, all men right 男士左,男士右

  Rope that filly, she won't bite 緊握著,她不會(huì)放的

  All join hands and circle sweet 所有人握緊手轉(zhuǎn)圈圈

  Please your cowboy with your feet 帶動(dòng)你的牛仔,腳兒踢起來(lái)

  - Nice shirt, Stan. - Thanks. - 襯衫不錯(cuò),斯坦- 謝謝

  Yippee-ki-yay, yippee-ki-yay, yippee-ki-yay, yippee-ki-yay, 咦-咔-呀

  yippee-ki-yay, yippee-ki-yay, 咦-咔-呀

  - yippee-ki-yay, yippee-ki-yay, - Honey. - 咦-咔-呀- 親愛(ài)的

  - Yippee-ki-yay, yippee-ki-yay. - Calm down. - 咦-咔-呀- 冷靜

  Do-si-do, do-si-do, do-si-do, do-si-do, 多-西-多

  - Whoa, back up, guy. - Do-si-do, do-si-do, do-si-do... - 往后站,各位- 多-西-多…

  Jesus. 上帝啊

  Do-si-do, do-si-do, do-si-do, do-si-do. 多-西-多

  - Excuse me. Excuse me. - Is she all right? - 對(duì)不起,對(duì)不起- 她有事嗎

  - It's OK. - Excuse me. - 沒(méi)事的- 對(duì)不起

  - Do-si-do. - All right. OK. Don't try to move her. - 多-西-多. - 好的,不要?jiǎng)铀?/p>

  - She's drunk. - There's no need, thank you. - 她喝醉了- 不需要的,謝謝你

  - She's blond. - I'm her husband. - 她是金發(fā)- 我是她的丈夫

  - Do-si-do. - Jo, you're not a doctor. - 多-西-多- 喬,你不是醫(yī)生

  Walter, I can take care of this. I ran a network. 沃爾特,這個(gè)我應(yīng)付得來(lái)我曾掌管過(guò)電視網(wǎng)的

  Mike. 邁克

  - Somebody call 911. - Mike's here. - 誰(shuí)去打911 - 邁克來(lái)了

  - Mike. - Do-si-do. - 邁克- 多-西-多

  Do-si-do, do-si-do, do-si-do. 多-西-多

  - Mike. - It's OK. I'm here. - 邁克- 沒(méi)事了,我來(lái)了

  Walter, the missus. 沃爾特,你太太

  - The missus? - Jo, Jo. - 太太?- 喬,喬

  Walter, what is your problem? 沃爾特,你怎么回事???

  - Excuse me. - Stand back, please. - 對(duì)不起- 請(qǐng)靠后站

  - Hey! Excuse... - Excuse me. - 嘿!對(duì)不…- 對(duì)不起

  - What was that? - Herb, Dave, - 那是什么?- 赫伯,戴夫

  give me a hand, and we'll get Sarah right into my Hummer. 幫我一把我們把薩拉弄到我的悍馬上

  - Your Hummer? - It's a sweet ride. - 你的悍馬- 那車很穩(wěn)的

  - It's roomy. - Here you go. - 地方比較寬敞- 起來(lái)

  We need an ambulance. You shouldn't be moving her. 我們需要救護(hù)車你們不應(yīng)該動(dòng)她

  She might need oxygen, paramedics. 她需要氧氣和護(hù)理人員

  Everything isn't always about you, Jo. 不是什么事情都和你有關(guān),喬

  Walter. 沃爾特

  She'll be fine. It's too much sun. She's dehydrated. 她不會(huì)有事的,曬的太陽(yáng)太多了她有點(diǎn)脫水

  - Dehydrated? Are you crazy? - Jo. I'm sorry about this, Mike. - 脫水?你瘋了嗎- 喬,我很抱歉,邁克

  Joanna. Joanna, this is a very special moment. 喬安娜,喬安娜,這是個(gè)非常特殊的時(shí)刻

  - I would like you to meet... - Mike Wellington. - 我向你介紹…- 邁克•威靈頓

  My husband. 我的丈夫

  - Oh... - And you must be the famous Joanna. - 噢…- 你一定就是著名的喬安娜

  You're even prettier than in the newspapers. 你比報(bào)紙上還要漂亮

  - They don't do you justice. - Excuse me, that woman is very sick. - 他們對(duì)你確實(shí)不公- 對(duì)不起,那個(gè)女人病得很重

  Thank you. I should be going with her. 謝謝你,我應(yīng)該和她一起去

  She'll get all the help she needs. Trust me, little lady. 她會(huì)得到應(yīng)有的照顧的相信我,女士

  That woman had a seizure, and she was practically levitating. 那個(gè)女人突然暈過(guò)去都快飛起來(lái)了

  And I have told you five million times I phoned Herb. 我都告訴你無(wú)數(shù)遍了我打電話給赫伯

  He said that Sarah is fine. 他說(shuō)薩拉沒(méi)有事

  She just needed some fluids, just like Mike said. 她只是缺水,就像邁克所說(shuō)的

  - She was sparking, Walter. - She was dancing. - 她當(dāng)時(shí)直冒火花,沃爾特- 她當(dāng)時(shí)在跳舞

  Then why wasn't there a doctor anywhere? And why...? 那為什么那兒都沒(méi)有醫(yī)生?為什么…?

  Why...? 為什么…?

  Walter! Walter! And why did everyone 沃爾特!沃爾特!為什么所有人都那樣?

  just automatically listen to that Mike person? 都自覺(jué)地聽(tīng)那個(gè)叫邁克的?

  And why, why was everyone just standing there? 還有為什么,為什么所有人都袖手旁觀

  You mean why weren't they just listening to you? 你是說(shuō)為什么他們不乖乖聽(tīng)你的話?

  - That's not what I'm saying! - Jesus Christ, Joanna! - 我沒(méi)有那么說(shuō)!- 上帝啊,喬安娜!

  your kids barely know you, and our marriage is falling apart. 你的孩子幾乎不認(rèn)識(shí)你而我們的婚姻也幾近破裂

  - What? - You were fired, - 什么?- 你被解雇了!

  And your whole attitude makes people want to kill you. 而你一直懷疑別人想要?dú)⒘四?/p>

  It makes people try to kill you. 一種被害的妄想

  That's what we're doing here. 我們?cè)谶@兒為的就是這個(gè)

  The people in this town have been nothing 這個(gè)鎮(zhèn)子的人們對(duì)你除了友善…

  but friendly and welcoming and wonderful to you. 歡迎和非常好之外沒(méi)有惡意

  And you've been nothing but snide and suspicious. 而你卻一直疑神疑鬼

  And on top of that, at the picnic you humiliated me. 尤其是在野餐會(huì)上你讓我很丟人

  Well, I can't do it anymore. 我再也沒(méi)有辦法這樣下去了

  I can't keep fighting you for every inch of everything. Game over. 我沒(méi)有辦法和你為了點(diǎn)點(diǎn)滴滴吵了我們完了

  - Marriage over. - Oh, no! - 我們的婚姻完了- 噢,不!

  - No! - No what? - 不!- 什么不?

  Please don't go. 請(qǐng)不要走

  - Why not? - Because you're right. - 為什么不?- 因?yàn)槟闶菍?duì)的

  Wait, I'm sorry. I don't think I heard that. What did you just say? 等等,我沒(méi)聽(tīng)錯(cuò)吧你剛剛說(shuō)什么?

  I said, you're right. 我說(shuō),你是對(duì)的

  About? 關(guān)于什么

  About everything. 所有的事情

  About me. 關(guān)于我

  Do you know why I signed on at the network? 知道我為什么和電視公司簽約嗎?


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