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聽電影學英語-重返17歲 09





  Don’t hurt yourself, big boy. 別讓自己受傷了,大男孩
  Whoa, whoa, hey. Drinking age is still 21, thank you very much. 哇,哇,嗨,喝酒年齡是二十一歲 非常感謝
  Unless your spirit guide gave you a fake ID, this is mine. 除非你的精神引導(dǎo)者給了你一個假的 身份證,不然這些可都是我的
  What are you eating? 你在吃什么?
  I don’t even know. I just know I’m hungry. 我也不知道,我只知道我現(xiàn)在餓壞了
  All the time. 總是如此
  Okay, that’s not safe or sanitary. 好了,那可既不安全也不衛(wèi)生
  That’s your can now. We’ll label it like that. 那全是你的了 稍后我們給它貼個標簽
  So, what did you learn at school today? 那么,你今天在學校學到什么了?
  - That I’m a bad dad. - I thought it was going great. - 我是一個壞爸爸- 我以為一切都很順利呢
  It was going fantastic for me. 以前我把事情太理想化了
  And then what? 然后呢?
  And then I found out my son spent the last year being the school punching bag... 我發(fā)現(xiàn)我兒子在學校的最后一年 都在被別人當做練習拳頭的沙包…
  ...and watched my daughter get a tongue bath from a psychopathic jackass. …而且我看到我的女兒 跟一個變態(tài)的蠢貨忘情舌吻
  High school’s delightful, isn’t it? 高中生活還是令人愉快的,不是嗎?
  Yeah. But I think I was wrong about my spirit path. 是的,但是我認為 我似乎對我的心靈旅程有所誤解
  NED: And who was right? See? I told you. 那誰是正確的?你看,我告訴過你
  I told you high school was the wrong thing. 我告訴你回到高中生活是一個錯誤
  High school was right, but it’s not about basketball. 回到高中生活本身是沒錯的 但不是和我的籃球生涯有關(guān)

  It’s about helping Alex and Maggie. 而是要去幫助亞歷克斯和瑪姬
  Mmm. 嗯…
  All right. I’m getting out of here. 好,我要走了
  - Disgusting. - My kids need their father. - 真惡心- 我的孩子們需要他們的父親
  - What’s going on? - Oh, hey, Mark. - 怎么了?- 嗨,馬克
  What was that? 剛才是什么?
  A three-pointer. 三分球
  Can you do that twice in a row? 你可以連續(xù)進兩次嗎?
  Okay. Let’s see you do it with a little pressure. 好,看看在有點壓力的情況下 表現(xiàn)如何
  Wow, you’re great. You should be on the team. 哇,你棒極了 你應(yīng)該在隊里大展身手
  You should be on the team. I’m going to get you on the team. 你應(yīng)該這樣,我會幫你的
  That’s it. That’ll solve everything. 就是這樣 這么一切問題都會迎刃而解
  Dude, what are you talking about? 兄弟,你到底在說什么?
  Nothing. 沒什么
  Well, that was fun. I haven’t been to happy hour in, like, a week and a half. 好吧,那倒是很有趣 我從未有如此的快樂時光了

  Naomi, thank you so much. That is exactly what I needed. 娜奧米,非常謝謝你 這正是我想要的
  NAOMl: Oh, great. 噢,那就最好了
  SCARLET: Mike who? - Mike who? I’ve never heard of the guy. - 哪個麥克?- 那個麥克?我從沒聽說有這么個人
  Ow. 噢
  Hey, Mom, this is Mark, Uncle Ned’s bastard. 嗨,媽媽,這是馬克 奈德叔叔的私生子
  Wow. 哇
  I know. Someone had a kid with Uncle Ned. Ew. 我明白你的意思 竟然有人和奈德叔叔生了個孩子
  You okay, Mrs. O’Donnell? 你還好嗎,奧唐納太太?
  Yeah, I’m fine. 嗯,我很好
  It’s "Ms.," kid. It’s "Ms.," Scarlet. Don’t forget that. 是“小姐”,孩子,是斯嘉麗小姐 別弄錯了
  Oh, right. 噢,對
  Wow. 哇
  You look just like my husband. Doesn’t he? 你看起來就像我的丈夫一樣,不是嗎?
  - My ex-husband. That is so weird. - Heh, heh. - 應(yīng)該說我的前夫,感覺怪怪的- 呵,呵
  SCARLET: What is that? 這是怎么回事?
  It is weird. 真是怪極了
  NAOMl: Scarlet, I need you to come. 斯嘉麗,你得跟我走了
  - Do you see that? - I did see it. - 你看見了嗎?- 我看見了
  SCARLET: Weird. 真是太怪了
  SCARLET: You see him? - She’s nice. - 你看見了?- 她人不錯
  But look at him. 可是你看看他
  You gotta let that guy go, just out of your brain and move on. 你得忘了那個人,從你的腦中抹去 并且邁向新的人生
  I know you need to grieve a relationship. It’s only natural. 我知道你需要一段時間釋懷 這很自然
  Okay. 好吧
  You wait here. I’m going to go smell him. 你等我一下,我要去聞聞他的味道
  No, no, no. Sweetie. You’re not allowed to smell teenagers. 不,不,親愛的 你不可以去聞一個青少年
  Sweetie, you need to hear me on this. Here’s the thing. 親愛的,你得聽我的,事情是這樣的
  The other thing, you need to acknowledge... 但是,你得承認…
  ...that he looks exactly like Mike used to look in high school. …他看起來和高中時代的麥克 一摸一樣
  Naomi.  I don’t care.  娜奧米  我才不管呢
  I’m just saying. I’m just saying, Naomi. 我只是說說而已,說說而已,拉奧米
  In Afghanistan, she’d be dragged through the streets by goats with her hands cut off. 要是在阿富汗,她可是會被砍下雙手 用羊群拖著游街示眾的
  ...is planning to run around with every guy she can get. …竟然在計劃勾引 任何一個她能釣到的男人
  ...at hearing about how his mother, who is still married, by the way... …在聽著還是身為人妻的媽媽…
  I guess I was, uh, kind of distracted, as I imagine Alex was... 我猜我有點心不在焉 因為我想到亞歷克斯…

  My bad. Gosh, I’m so sorry. 我的錯,天吶,真抱歉
  You little turd. You little snot. 你這臭小子,你這個混球
  Or lunch. But, yes, we’re gonna find you a new playmate. Ow! 或者吃飯,但是,你得找個新玩伴了 噢!
  ...to just get me to go home with him. …他只是想讓我跟他回家
  You do.  Even if it is...  當然  即使…
  Yeah, I deserve to have somebody smile at me and tell me I’m pretty. 沒錯,我還是值得別人對我微笑 并且對我說我很美麗動人的
  You need to hook up with someone new. 你得去尋找一段新感情了



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