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聽(tīng)電影學(xué)英語(yǔ)-重返17歲 10





  - Hey, guys. MAGGIE: Oh. - 讓讓- 噢
  Okay, settle down. Take your seats. 好了,大家安靜,做好
  Thank you, thank you. Thank you, Stan. Thank you. 謝謝,謝謝,斯坦,坐下,謝謝
  Okay, today we will be continuing our discussion on human sexuality. 好,今天我們將繼續(xù)討論人類性行為
  And as we discussed, the official school policy is abstinence. 就像先前討論過(guò)的 官方的政策思想是節(jié)制
  Now, that is very sensible. 嗯,那是很明智的
  I’m glad that someone here has their head screwed on straight. 真高興在這里還有人腦袋是清楚的
  I think all of us should make a pact to abstain from sex. 我想我們大家都應(yīng)該來(lái)簽署一個(gè)協(xié)定 拒絕婚前性行為
  Now, who’s with me, you guys? Come on. 現(xiàn)在,誰(shuí)和我一起,伙計(jì)們,快點(diǎn)
  Oh, my God. 噢,我的天
  - Maggie? - Hm? - 瑪姬?- 嗯?
  DELL: However, let’s get real. 然而,讓我們回到現(xiàn)實(shí)來(lái)
  I know asking high school seniors to be abstinent... 我明白要高中生禁欲…
  ...is like asking a porcupine to poop goat cheese. Yuck. …就像要貓不偷腥,呸!
  So since the majority of you are or will become sexually active at some point... 既然你們大部分人現(xiàn)在或未來(lái)都有可能 在某個(gè)時(shí)間點(diǎn)上發(fā)生性行為
  But that point should be way, way in the future, right? 但這個(gè)時(shí)間點(diǎn)應(yīng)該是在 很遙遠(yuǎn)的未來(lái)才對(duì)
  Well, the official school position... 好吧,官方的立場(chǎng)是…
  ...is that we prepare you for safe sex now. …我們將會(huì)為你們準(zhǔn)備 安全性行為的知識(shí)
  So please take one and pass it down. 每人拿一個(gè),往后傳

  I have needs. 我需求量很大
  - You don’t need these. DELL: Stan, give one to Mark. - 你不需要這些- 斯坦,給馬克一個(gè)
  No. No, you know what, he’s right. He’s right. I don’t need one. 不,不,他說(shuō)的沒(méi)錯(cuò),我可不需要
  You know why I don’t need one? Because there’s no one I’m in love with. 你們知道我為什么不需要嗎? 因?yàn)槲椰F(xiàn)在并沒(méi)有戀愛(ài)對(duì)象
  It’s called "making love," isn’t it? 它被稱為“做愛(ài)”,不是嗎?
  Maybe I’m old-fashioned, but I think that means you do it with someone you love. 也許我的思想有點(diǎn)過(guò)時(shí),但是我就覺(jué)得 性愛(ài)是該和你所愛(ài)的人做才對(duì)
  And preferably when you’re married. 而且最好是在結(jié)婚之后
  You know, when you’re ready to take that love and turn it into a baby. 在你決定將你們的愛(ài)情 結(jié)晶為一個(gè)小寶貝的時(shí)候
  Because that’s what love is. 因?yàn)槟遣攀钦嬲膼?ài)情
  It’s that first moment when you hold your baby girl... 那是你第一次抱起你的寶貝小女兒…
  ...and you didn’t know that anything could be so small or so delicate. …而你從未曾想象到她竟是如此的 精巧與脆弱

  And you feel that tiny heart beat... 而且你能感受到她小小的心臟在跳動(dòng)…
  ...and you know that you couldn’t love anything more in the whole world. …讓你覺(jué)得世上再也沒(méi)有什么東西能 令你如此的愛(ài)憐
  And you hope that you can do right by that little girl... 而且你會(huì)希望能夠常伴這個(gè)小女孩…
  ...and always be there to catch her when she falls, and that nothing ever hurts her. …無(wú)論何時(shí)都陪伴在她身邊 當(dāng)她跌倒或是要受到傷害時(shí)呵護(hù)著她
  Not a broken arm... 不管是受傷…
  ...or a bad dream... …還是做噩夢(mèng)…
  ...or a broken heart. 亦或是心碎
  - I don’t want these. Just take them. LAUREN: Me either. - 我不想要這個(gè),拿走它- 我也是
  Are you serious? 你是說(shuō)真的嗎?
  Great, fine, wonderful. 好,很好,棒極了
  Now I got enough for the whole weekend. 現(xiàn)在我有足夠用一周的了
  More for me. 全都給我好了
  Oh, my God! 噢,我的天??!
  - Stan! - Boys, stop it! - 斯坦!- 孩子們,快停下!
  Break it up! Get off him, Stan! 快分開(kāi)!停下,斯坦!
  Put those phones away! Stop it! 把手機(jī)收起來(lái)!住手!
  - Stop hitting him! DELL: No fighting! - 別再打他了!- 別打了!
  - You like that? - You’re gonna go to jail again. - 你喜歡這樣嗎?- 你會(huì)再被抓進(jìn)去的
  BOY: Look at that. He slapped him like a mother. 快看這個(gè),他就像他老媽在打他
  GIRL: That thing sucks. 真是太差勁了
  - Oh! - Oh, that’s wrong. - 噢!- 這可不好
  Yo, check this out. My cousin in New York sent it to me. 快看這個(gè),我紐約的表哥傳給我的
  I hope I’m not late for our meeting. 我希望我沒(méi)來(lái)遲了
  Busted for fighting, nice. Who won? 突然大打出手,真不賴,誰(shuí)贏了?
  You know, it was actually pretty even. 你知道,其實(shí)不相伯仲
  Really? 真的嗎?
  On YouTube it looked like you got your ass kicked. 從YouTube上看起來(lái)好像是你被揍了
  I saw it a couple times. 我看了好幾次了
  - What are you wearing? - Hm? - 你穿的是什么東西?- 嗯?
  - Beckham. - No, what? - 貝克漢姆- 什么?
  Oh, the clothes. Oh, right. 噢,你是說(shuō)這衣服,噢,好吧
  To the untrained eye, I look like a total idiot. 在世俗的眼光下 會(huì)認(rèn)為我的穿著像笨蛋
  Ah. But it’s actually a seduction technique known as "peacocking." 啊,但是它實(shí)際上是一種類似于“孔雀開(kāi)屏”的吸引方式
  My outfit serves the dual function of icebreaker and attention-getter. 我身上的行頭有二種功能,一是能夠 打破冰冷的氣氛,二是能夠吸引目光
  You can go in now. 你可以進(jìn)去了
  Watch. 看著
  Are you peacocking? 你正在表演孔雀開(kāi)屏嗎?

  Really? You think that’s gonna work? 真的嗎?你認(rèn)為這會(huì)有用嗎?
  I think it just might. 我以為應(yīng)該有用
  Is that? Mrs. O’Donnell! How you doing? 是你嗎?奧唐納太太,你好嗎?
  I’m good. How are you? 我很好,你呢?
  Hello, how are you? 嗨,你好嗎?
  Good. 不錯(cuò)
  Wow. This is gonna take some getting used to. 噢,我想我得花點(diǎn)時(shí)間才能習(xí)慣
  You’re Ned’s son? 你是奈德的兒子?
  Yeah. Yeah. Ned gave birth to me. 嗯,是的,奈德賜予了我生命
  Well, he didn’t give birth... You know what I meant. 好吧,我不是說(shuō)他生下了我… 你知道我的意思
  You’re doing some gardening. 你打算做一些園藝工作嗎?
  - I’m redoing the backyard. - Oh. - 我在整修后院- 噢
  You want to see? 要來(lái)看看嗎?
  Yeah, sure. I got some time. 好呀,當(dāng)然,我現(xiàn)在沒(méi)什么事



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