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用英語說中國旅游華北地區(qū) 03:長城自然概況1




The Great Wall


From Shanhaiguan,northeast of Qinhuangdao City,Hebei Province in the east coast .the Great Wall rises and falls with the contours of the mountains westward .crossing the provinces,municipalities and autonomous regions of Liaoning,Hebei,Tianjin,Beijing,Shanxi,Inner Mongolia,Shanxi, Ningxia and Gansu for 6 700 kilometers,to end at Jiayuguan,southwest of Jiayu- guan City in Gansu Province. 長城起于河北省東海岸秦皇島市東北部的山海關(guān),路跌宕起伏,順山西行,至西端甘肅省嘉峪關(guān)市西南的嘉峪關(guān),橫貫遼寧、河北、天津、北京、山西、內(nèi)蒙占、陜西、寧夏和甘肅等省、市、自治區(qū)全長約6 700公里。 The construction of the wall be- gan during the Spring and Autumn pe- riod(770一476 BC)and V}Jarring States period(475一22l BC).Ducal states at that time built walls to defend their own territories. After the First Em- peror of the Qin Dynasty crushed all ri- val states,he founded the first central- ized and unified dynasty in Chinese history. To consolidate the country and ward off invasion by ethnic minority tribes in the north,he had the walls linked and extended,giving rise to the 5 000-kilometer- long Qin Great Wall. Later dynasties from Han(206 BC一220 AD)to Ming( 1368- 1644)kept building and improving the wall,extending it more than 1 000 kilome- ters to today's scale. The wall stretches across the vast area of north and central China reputed as“Enlivened for 2 000 years and Maneuvering for 100 000 Ii" 長城的修建始于春秋(公元前770年一公元前476年)、,戰(zhàn)國(公元前475年一公元前221年)。當(dāng)時(shí)的諸侯國為了保護(hù)自己的領(lǐng)地各自修建城墻以抵御外侵。秦始皇滅六國之后建立起了中國歷史上第一個(gè)央集權(quán)制的國家。為了鞏固國防和抵御北方少數(shù)民族的侵?jǐn)_,秦始皇把各個(gè)國家的城墻連接起來并予以加長,形成了5 000多公里的秦長城。之后的漢朝(公元前206年一公元220年)至明朝 (1368一1644)不斷對(duì)長城進(jìn)行加固、延伸,使之又增加了 1 000多公以,最終形成了長城如今的規(guī)模。長城綿延j中困北部和中部的廣人土地上,被稱為“上下兩千年,縱橫十萬里”。 Great Wall of Han Dynasty was about 10000 km long,and it is the longest of all in history. Today,we can easily find its remains along a rough line from Xinjiang Autonomous Region to Hebei Province. Silk Road went on along the wall for half of its length president of Former United States great Richard Nixon remarked on his visiting“This is the Great Wall and only a people with a great past could have a with such a great wall will surely have a great great wall and such a great people future" 歷史上最長的長城是漢長城,它長達(dá)一萬多公里。時(shí)至今日,人們?nèi)钥煽匆娚⒉荚谛陆梁颖敝g的漢長城遺跡。古絲綢之路有一半的路程就是沿著這條長城而行的。美國前總統(tǒng)尼克松參觀長城時(shí)說:“只有一個(gè)偉大的民族,才能造得出這樣一座偉大的長城”。 The Great Wall The walls are made comprises walls,passes,watchtowers, of large stone strips. From east to west castles and fortresses. ,the sections at Shan- haiguan。Jinshanling,Mutianyu .Badaling and Jiayuguan have become tourist at- tradions 長城山城墻、關(guān)城、了望臺(tái)、墩堡、營城等組成。城墻由大塊的石條砌成。從東至西,長城的山海關(guān)、金山嶺、慕田峪、八達(dá)嶺、嘉峪關(guān)等地段已成為旅游勝地。 The Great Wall we see today mostly dates back to the Ming Dynasty. The best- preserved and most imposing section is at Badaling in Beijing. The section,located outside the Juyongguan Pass .is made of large blue bricks and has an average height of 7. 8 meters. Five to six horses can be ridden abreast along it. At regular intervals there is an arched door leading to the top of the wall. The walls are cov- ered with many lookout holes,window embrasures and castellated crenels. Beacon towers were also built at fixed intervals for passing on military information. All these indicate the important role of the Great Wall in military defense. 我們今日所看到的長城大部分建于明朝。其中保存最完好以及最負(fù)盛名的是于位北京境內(nèi)的八達(dá)嶺長城。坐落在居庸關(guān)的這部分長城全山青磚砌成,平均高度7.8米,可以并排通過5至6匹戰(zhàn)馬。城墻每隔一段就設(shè)建一個(gè)通向長城頂部的拱門。城墻上布滿了了望口、射洞和墩堡。每隔一定距離就建造一座烽火臺(tái),用來傳遞軍情在長城的整個(gè)軍事防御體系中,這一切都起著非常重要的作用。 As one of the most magnificent ancient defense works .the Great Wall is known as one of the wonders of the world. All tourists now know the saying,"You are not a real person until you have climbed the Great Wall.” 作為古代最宏大的防御工事之一,長城是世界上的一個(gè)奇跡。如今的游客都知道這樣一句話:“不到長城非好漢”。 The Great Wall was put on the world cultural heritage list in 1987. 長城于1987年被列人《世界文化遺產(chǎn)名錄》。


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