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Mario Cohn-Haft remembers the sinking feeling he had when he realised the parrot he had come to see would probably not appear before him, ever again.

馬里奧·科恩-哈夫特(Mario Cohn-Haft)還記得,當(dāng)他意識(shí)到他帶隊(duì)來看的這種鸚鵡很可能不會(huì)出現(xiàn)時(shí),他內(nèi)心是無比的失落。

He had taken a bird-watching tour to the area where the very last wild Spix’s macaw, a beautiful blue parrot native to the forests of Brazil, was known to show itself. But that tour was the first he had led that couldn’t spot it.

他帶了一個(gè)賞鳥團(tuán)來到最后一只野生斯皮克斯金剛鸚鵡(Spix's macaw)出沒的林地,希望看到這只鸚鵡,但這是他帶隊(duì)觀鳥以來第一次鸚鵡未能出現(xiàn)。斯皮克斯金剛鸚鵡是一種原產(chǎn)于巴西森林的美麗藍(lán)色鸚鵡。

“I was one of the first people to experience it being extinct in the wild,” says Cohn-Haft, an ornithologist at the National Institute of Amazonian Research.

科恩-哈夫特,這位亞馬遜國家研究院(National Institute of Amazonian Research)的鳥類學(xué)家說:“我是第一批親歷野生鳥類如何滅絕的人之一。”

That was 20 years ago. No verified wild specimens have been seen since. The Spix’s macaw was first described in 1638 and is named after the German naturalist, Johann Baptist Ritter von Spix, who collected a specimen in 1819. It’s small for a macaw, but has distinctive blue feathers, often fading to pale grey around the head. South America has many exotically coloured parrots, but the sophisticated blue plumage sets the Spix’s apart from many other species on the continent.

那是20年前的事了。自那以后,再也沒有人可證明他看見過野生的斯皮克斯金剛鸚鵡。斯皮克斯金剛鸚鵡于1638年首次被發(fā)現(xiàn),并以1819年采集到這種鸚鵡標(biāo)本的德國著名博物學(xué)家斯皮克斯(Johann Baptist Ritter von Spix)的名字命名。斯皮克斯金剛鸚鵡體型很小,但卻有著獨(dú)特的藍(lán)色羽毛,頭部周圍的羽毛通常會(huì)褪成淺灰色。南美洲有許多色彩奇特的鸚鵡,但特異的藍(lán)色羽毛使斯皮克斯鸚鵡有別于南美大陸上的許多其他同類物種。

For years, Spix’s macaws were restricted to a small area of habitat in north-eastern Brazil. Deforestation in the 20th Century contributed to their decline.



Saving the blue parrots of South America  拯救南美洲的藍(lán)色金剛鸚鵡  Mario Cohn-Haft remembers the sinking feeling he had when he realised the parrot he had come to see would probably not appear before him, ever again.  馬里奧·科恩-哈夫特(Mario Cohn-Haft)還記得,當(dāng)他意識(shí)到他帶隊(duì)來看的這種鸚鵡很可能不會(huì)出現(xiàn)時(shí),他內(nèi)心是無比的失落。  He had taken a bird-watching tour to the area where the very last wild Spix’s macaw, a beautiful blue parrot native to the forests of Brazil, was known to show itself. But that tour was the first he had led that couldn’t spot it.  他帶了一個(gè)賞鳥團(tuán)來到最后一只野生斯皮克斯金剛鸚鵡(Spix


The species was immortalised in the 2011 animated film Rio – the characters Blu and Jewel being the last wild pair of breeding Spix’s macaws in the world. Fans of the film are often dejected to learn that the species is now considered extinct in the wild.


But today there is hope. Spix’s macaws still exist. A small number of breeding pairs are currently living in captivity. Conservationists are in the middle of a project to rear healthy birds and prepare them for release into the wild. The Association for the Conservation of Threatened Parrots (ACTP) is leading current efforts. A memorandum was signed between the ACTP and Brazil’s government in June this year to ensure the next phase of the project.


Cromwell Purchase, Scientific and Zoological Director at the ACTP, explains that the group plans to send 50 Spix’s macaws to rehabilitation facilities in Brazil, which are currently under construction. If all goes well, the birds will be shipped from Germany in the spring of 2020. The conservation team will first practice a technique for releasing the birds on a small flock of Illiger’s macaws – a green parrot with blue-tinged wings. Then, in 2021, the Spix’s will be released with a small group of the Illiger’s, which will hopefully help them to integrate into the forest of Caatinga, in north-eastern Brazil.

ACTP的科學(xué)和動(dòng)物學(xué)主任克倫威爾·珀切斯(Cromwell Purchase)解釋說,該組織計(jì)劃將50只斯皮克斯金剛鸚鵡送往巴西正在興建的鳥類康復(fù)中心。如果一切順利,這批鸚鵡將于2020年春天從德國運(yùn)到巴西。保育小組將首先放生一小群伊利杰金剛鸚鵡(一種翅膀帶點(diǎn)淡藍(lán)的綠色鸚鵡),以試驗(yàn)放生技術(shù)。然后在2021年,再將斯皮克斯鸚鵡與一小群伊利杰金鸚鵡一起放歸大自然,希望幫助斯皮克斯鸚鵡能融入巴西東北部的卡廷加(Caatinga)森林,讓野生的斯皮克斯金剛鸚鵡起死回生。

“Over the first few weeks the aviary will be open in the morning and closed at dark, birds will be allowed to return at will to get food,” explains Purchase.


The real test will be whether the birds take to their native surroundings and, crucially, whether they successfully breed and rear chicks in the wild. The macaws will face natural challenges as well as the threat of poaching.


But Brazil wants the plan to work. There has been an initiative to reintroduce Spix’s macaws to the wild since 2012, says Camile Lugarini at the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation. She and her colleagues are working closely with the ACTP.

但巴西希望計(jì)劃能夠成功。契科?門德斯生物多樣化保育研究所(Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation.)的卡米爾?盧噶日尼(Camile Lugarini)說,早在2012年已有將斯皮克斯鸚鵡放歸大自然的倡議??谞柤捌渫屡cACTP密切合作推動(dòng)這個(gè)計(jì)劃。

“There is no way to bring Spix´s back without the cooperation of the international holders,” she says. South America has dozens of parrot species. Many are thriving in the wild – but blue parrots are rare. One of the most stunning parrots in the world is the Hyacinth macaw, which is in fact the world’s largest by length. It can grow up to 1 metre from head to tail with a wingspan of 1.5 metres.

她說:“如果飼養(yǎng)斯皮克斯的國際人士不能合作,斯皮克斯是不可能回到自然原鄉(xiāng)。”南美洲有幾十種鸚鵡。有許多種至今仍在自然中生存繁殖,但藍(lán)鸚鵡卻非常罕見。世界上最令人驚艷的鸚鵡之一是風(fēng)信子金剛鸚鵡(Hyacinth macaw),如按長度這也是世界上最大的鸚鵡,從頭部到翼尾長達(dá)1公尺,翼展可達(dá)1.5公尺。

It is a brilliant, rich shade of blue, with a flash of yellow around its eyes and at the base of its large beak. Its wild population fell to just 2,500-3,000 by the end of the 1990s, according to the WWF. Neiva Guedes is one of the key people responsible for helping the Hyacinth macaw to recover. She set up the Hyacinth Macaw Project in 1990 and helped to design nest boxes that made it easier for the birds to breed. Today, there are thought to be up to 5,000 of the birds in the wild.

風(fēng)信子金剛鸚鵡全身是一片有光澤的亮麗藍(lán)色,而眼圈和鳥喙底端為閃亮的黃色。根據(jù)世界自然基金會(huì)(WWF)的數(shù)據(jù),到20世紀(jì)90年代末,在自然中野生的風(fēng)信子金剛鸚鵡的數(shù)量已下降到了2500到3000只。內(nèi)瓦·古德斯(Neiva Guedes)是幫助風(fēng)信子金剛鸚鵡在自然界恢復(fù)的關(guān)鍵人物之一。她在1990年發(fā)起風(fēng)信子金剛鸚鵡計(jì)劃,幫助設(shè)計(jì)了讓風(fēng)信子金剛鸚鵡便于筑巢繁殖的鳥巢箱。今天,據(jù)估計(jì)有多達(dá)5000只風(fēng)信子金剛鸚鵡生活在自然環(huán)境中。

Locals who once killed Hyacinths in order to collect their feathers have been taught to protect them. Some even make money from sheltering them on their ranches as tourist attractions, says Don Brightsmith, a conservationist and expert in parrots at Texas A&M University.

當(dāng)?shù)厝嗽?jīng)為了采集風(fēng)信子金剛鸚鵡的美麗羽毛而殺害這種鸚鵡,現(xiàn)在他們受教育要給予保護(hù)。保育人士、美國德州農(nóng)工大學(xué)(Texas A&M University)的鸚鵡專家唐·布萊特史密斯(Don Brightsmith)說,現(xiàn)在有些當(dāng)?shù)刈∶裆踔涟扬L(fēng)信子金剛養(yǎng)在自己的牧場吸引遊客以賺錢。

“We’ve turned the corner now to where species like that one have really come back,” he says. Knowledge of how to do reintroduce parrots successfully in South America has only really come about in the past 30 years, he adds: “We know how to reintroduce parrots, there are now multiple publications and case studies that show, yeah, we can get birds out into the wild and have them survive.”


It means that there is a better chance today that the Spix’s macaw reintroduction project will go well. Brightsmith notes one crucial point – the birds must be shown to rear chicks independently and successfully. Otherwise any reintroduced population will quickly collapse.


Happily, Purchase says this is something he and his colleagues are working on: “It is a long process, we have a few pairs that can now parent-rear successfully. But we still need to hand rear a few.” Those macaws are some of the last survivors of their kind. But there’s a glimmer of hope that they will return to their true home in Brazil. Should they flourish, the blue flash of a Spix’s wings might one day be seen again by locals and, perhaps, fascinated groups of bird-watchers who have travelled to stroll beneath the canopy – and glimpse this brilliant blue macaw in the forest where it belongs.



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