Music: I've got you. Under my skin. I've got you. Deep in the heart of me. So deep in my heart.
Darcy: Are you laughing at me?
Nick: Yeah.
Darcy: Good. I didn't think anyone else was still here.
Nick: I didn't know anyone was here.
Darcy: What time is it?
Nick: It's after 10:00. I didn't realize it was so late. I feel so alone.
Nick: Um... I didn't catch that. Sorry?
Darcy: I didn't realize how late it was. And I'm glad you're here. I'm stuck. I feel so alone.
Nick: You want a hand with this?
Darcy: No, thanks. I'm okay.
Nick: Yeah, I'm not buying it. What's going on?
Darcy: Well, I have an early meeting tomorrow with Dan, and I wanted to make it later so I could be more prepared. But then you slipped in there and took the only time he had left, which left me with 8:15 tomorrow morning. It's fine. I'm just not as ready as I wish I was.
Nick: Sorry.
Darcy: You didn't do it on purpose. I just don't want him to be disappointed.
Nick: Hey, why don't we go through some of these together?
Darcy: Really?
Nick: I insist. Unless you're too tired.
Darcy: Oh, no. I'm not tired.
Nick: Yeah, I can see that.
Darcy: It's just so far beyond tired at this point. I've basically stopped sleeping ever since I took this job.
Nick: You have?
Darcy: Yeah, it's weird. I, um... How do I say this?
Nick: You don't feel quite like yourself here, do you?
Darcy: No, I don't. Not yet, anyway. Boy. Plus, I'm mad that I'm getting sick. I never, ever get sick. In fact, you don't have to sit so close to me if you don't want to.
Nick: No, come here. I'll brave it. So, where do we kick off? Control-top panty hose?
Darcy: Okay.
Nick: Personally, I think they do the trick.
Darcy: You've worn control-top panty hose?
Nick: Did you put a pair in the box?
Darcy: Seriously?
Nick: Oh, yeah.
Darcy: You are full of surprises.
Nick: Yeah.
Darcy: No, no, no. I mean that as a compliment. I love that. And how did you look in them?
Nick: Ooh. Hot. My daughter and her boyfriend walked in, and I got 'em on with...
Darcy: And they said what when they saw you in your panty hose?
Nick: It was the turquoise Wonderbra they noticed. Then, the nail polish.