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   在今天這一課里, 我們要學(xué)習(xí)  let's 也就是 let us, l-e-t u-s, let  us 的用法; 我們還要學(xué)習(xí)用連詞 that, t-h-a-t, that 引導(dǎo)的賓語從句. 現(xiàn)在我們來聽今天這一課的對話,   內(nèi)容是說亨利提議周未全家一塊去旅行的事情, 請你注意聽兩位英文老師的發(fā)音和語調(diào).

   M: Kate, let's go for a drive somewhere this weekend.
   F:  That's a good idea. Just the two of us!
   M: I thought that the whole family could go together.
   F:  I'm afraid that the kids can't. Jenny is staying at the university this weekend to study. 
   M: What about Peter and Linda?
   F:  They are going on a trip this weekend with their school.
   M: Oh, well. I thought that they would enjoy a family trip.
   F:  They probably would. But I think that they'll enjoy the school tour even more.
   M: Okay. We'll go. Just the two of us.

   現(xiàn)在我們再聽老師用慢速度把整段對話念一遍, 請你注意聽.

   M: Kate, let's go for a drive somewhere this weekend.
   F:  That's a good idea. Just the two of us!
   M: I thought that the whole family could go together.
   F:  I'm afraid that the kids can't. Jenny is staying at the university this weekend to study. 
   M: What about Peter and Linda?
   F:  They are going on a trip this weekend with their school.
   M: Oh, well. I thought that they would enjoy a family trip.
   F:  They probably would. But I think that they'll enjoy the school tour even more.
   M: Okay. We'll go. Just the two of us.

   剛才那段對話里有些句子包含了我們今天要學(xué)的語法,   現(xiàn)在我請兩位老師再

   M: Let's go for a drive somewhere this weekend.
   M: I thought that the whole family could go together.
   F:  I'm afraid that the kids can't.
   M: I thought that they would enjoy a family trip.
   F:  I think that they'll enjoy the school tour even more.


   首先我們學(xué)習(xí) let's 也就是 let  us 的用法. 這兩個字用在一個句子的開頭可以表示 "我們作什么事情吧!"  比方:  "我們開車兜風(fēng)去吧!" 這句話英文可以這樣說: Let's go for a drive. 下面英文老師用這個詞組作一些句子, 內(nèi)容都是有關(guān)各種消遣活動, 比方:"滑雪"  skiing,  "滑冰"  skating,  "騎自行車"   biking,  "到海邊去"  go  to  the  beach等等. 每個句子我們念兩遍, 請你聽一遍, 跟著老師重復(fù)一遍.

   M: Let's go for a drive.
   F:  Let's go for a drive.
   M: Let's go skiing.
   F:  Let's go skiing.
   M: Let's go skating.
   F:  Let's go skating.
   M: Let's go shopping.
   F:  Let's go shopping.
   M: Let's go biking.
   F:  Let's go biking.
   M: Let's go to the beach.
   F:  Let's go to the beach.

   在下面一組練習(xí)里, 先由老師念一個陳述句, 比方: "明天放假"   Tomorrow is a holiday.  然后老師提出一些跟休閑活動有關(guān)系的建議,    比方:   "請客" have a party, 你先把第一句話重復(fù)一遍,  再用 Let's 開頭把第二句話說出來,  所以答案就是: Tomorrow is a holiday. Let's have a  party. 現(xiàn)在我們開始作練習(xí). 每作完一句就請你聽老師念正確答案.

   M: Tomorrow is a holiday.
   M: have a party
   F:  Tomorrow is a holiday. Let's have a party.
   M: There is a good program on television.
   M: watch it
   F:  There is a good program on television. Let's watch it.
   M: The weather is nice.
   M: go for a walk
   F:  The weather is nice. Let's go for a walk.
   M: I would like to go swimming.
   M: go to the beach
   F:  I would like to go swimming. Let's go to the beach.


   下面我們來學(xué)習(xí)用連詞 that,  t-h-a-t,  that 引導(dǎo)的賓語從句. 首先請你聽兩個句子.  第一個句子是:  "我想."  I think, 第二個句子是:  "我們應(yīng)該開車到海邊去."We should drive to the beach.  如果把這兩句話合并, 說成 "我想我們應(yīng)該開車到海邊去",     在英文里就必須在兩句話之間加上連詞   that,   所以整句話就是:I think that we should drive to the beach. 現(xiàn)在我們以代換練習(xí)的方式學(xué)學(xué)這類句子,   練習(xí)的內(nèi)容都是說到亨利想在周未里去玩. 首先老師念一個陳述句,   接著老師念一個賓語從句, 學(xué)生就把這個賓語從句代換到原來的句子里.   在學(xué)生作練習(xí)的時候也請你一起作.

   M: I think that the weather will be nice this weekend.
   M: We should go somewhere.
   F:  I think that we should go somewhere.
   M: We should drive to the beach.
   F:  I think that we should drive to the beach.
   M: It'll be a good trip.
   F:  I think that it'll be a good trip.
   M: You'll enjoy it.
   F:  I think that you'll enjoy it.

   現(xiàn)在我們來作一些否定句.  think   這個動詞的用法比較特別,   比方有一句話:"我想這個周未不會下雨", 這句話英文必須這樣說: I don't think that it will rain  this  weekend.    現(xiàn)在我們來練習(xí)這類句子,     先由老師念一個否定句,   比方: It  won't  rain  this  weekend.   請你把句子改成 I don't  think  that it  will rain this weekend. 這組練習(xí)里的字都是我們以前學(xué)過的.   現(xiàn)在我們開始作練習(xí), 每作完一句就請你聽正確答案.

   M: It won't rain this weekend.
   F:  I don't think that it will rain this weekend.
   M: We shouldn't stay home.
   F:  I don't think that we should stay home.
   M: We shouldn't take the train to the beach.
   F:  I don't think that we should take the train to the beach.
   M: It won't be a boring trip.
   F:  I don't think that it will be a boring trip.
   M: Jenny can't come home this weekend.
   F:  I don't think that Jenny can come home this weekend.
   M: Peter and Linda can't go on the family trip.
   F:  I don't think that Peter and Linda can go on the family trip.


   現(xiàn)在我們來學(xué)習(xí)包含賓語從句的問句.  比方有一句話:   "這個周未會下雨嗎?" Is it going to rain this weekend? 如果把這句話改成: "你想這個周未會下雨嗎?" 英文就應(yīng)該這么說:  Do you think that it is going to rain this weekend? 我們來練習(xí)這類句子,首先由老師提出一個問句,比方:"我們應(yīng)該請客嗎?"Should we have a party? 請你把句子改成:"你想我們應(yīng)該請客嗎?" Do you thinkwe should have a party? 這組練習(xí)里的句子都跟周未的休閑活動有關(guān)系的,現(xiàn)在我們開始作練習(xí).

   M: Should we have a party?
   F:  Do you think that we should have a party?
   M: Should we go for a drive?
   F:  Do you think that we should go for a drive?
   M: Should we go to the beach?
   F:  Do you think that we should go to the beach?
   M: Should we go skating?
   F:  Do you think that we should go skating?
   M: Should we go skiing?
   F:  Do you think that we should go skiing?
   M: Should we go shopping?
   F:  Do you think that we should go shopping?

   下面我們來學(xué)怎么用簡短的方式回答剛才那種問句.   比方有人問你:   Do youthink that it is going to rain? 如果你認(rèn)為會, 你就回答說: Yes, I think so. 如果你認(rèn)為不會你就回答說: No, I don't think so. 現(xiàn)在我們來聽亨利問凱特一些問題,每問一句, 老師就會提出一個 yes 或是 no,    然后請你根據(jù)這些作肯定或是否定的答覆. 現(xiàn)在我們開始.

   M: Do you think that it is going to rain this weekend?
   F:  No
   F:  No, I don't think so.
   M: Do you think that we can drive to the beach?
   F:  Yes
   F:  Yes, I think so.
   M: Do You think that it is going to be crowded there?
   F:  Yes
   F:  Yes, I think so.
   M: Do you think that you will enjoy the trip?
   F:  Yes
   F:  Yes, I think so.
   M: Do you think that the kids can go with us?
   F:  No
   F:  No, I don't think so.


   下面我們來學(xué)動詞 think 的過去式  thought, t-h-o-u-g-h-t, thought  加上連詞 that再加上賓語從句的用法.比方有一句話: I thought that he would come. 這句話可以表示  "我當(dāng)時就認(rèn)為他會來" ,   也可以表示  "我以為他會來".比方在這課的對話里,  亨利聽凱特說孩子們不能一起去旅行之后,    就說:    I thought that thewhole family could go together. 在這種情況下,這句話就應(yīng)該解釋為 "我以為可以全家一起去". 下面我們來作一組練習(xí), 學(xué)學(xué)這種用法.首先我們聽凱特說一個否定句, Jenny is  not coming home. 請你把句子改成: I thought that  she was. 每作完一句就請你聽亨利念正確答案.

   F:  Jenny is not coming home this weekend.
   M: I thought that she was.
   F:  Peter and Linda are not going with us.
   M: I thought that they were.
   F:  We can't have a family trip this weekend.
   M: I thought that we could.
   F:  We can't take the kids with us.
   M: I thought that we could.
   F:  The kids won't enjoy a family trip this weekend.
   M: I thought that they would.


   現(xiàn)在我們來作今天的聽力測驗, 首先還是請你聽一段文章, 內(nèi)容是說美國家庭在周未里作什么樣的休閑活動, 他們除了請朋友們過來聚一聚, 還可以參加體育活動, 還可以上街買東西等等,   有些家庭利用周未種花,  種菜或是修修房子等等. 現(xiàn)在請你注意聽:

   Most American businesses are open five days a week.   American school  children attend school  five  days  a  week  as  well.    American  families usually have a two-day weekend. The weekend is Saturday and Sunday.   Over the  weekend,  people spend their time in many different ways.   Many  families enjoy  weekends together. They may go shopping, go for a drive, or visit friends. They may also invite friends over and have a party at home. Many American families participate in sports during the weekend.  Running, biking, playing  volleyball and swimming are popular in the  summer.  Skiing and skating are the favorite winter sports.  Weekends are also a time for American families to work on something in their yards or on their houses.  Many families plant  flowers and have vegetable   gardens.   Some  families  use  the  weekends to paint  or  repair  their   houses.  For most  Americans, weekends are very busy.

   剛才那段文章比較長, 等一會兒我會請老師再念一遍,現(xiàn)在我們先來聽今天測驗的三個問題.

   M: What is the weekend in the United States?
   M: What are some of the popular summer sports for American families?
   M: What kinds of work do many American families do?


   Most American businesses are open five days a week.   American school  children attend school  five  days  a  week  as  well.    American  families usually have a two-day weekend. The weekend is Saturday and Sunday.   Over the  weekend,  people spend their time in many different ways.   Many  families enjoy  weekends together. They may go shopping, go for a drive, or visit friends. They may also invite friends over and have a party at home. Many American families participate in sports during the weekend.  Running, biking, playing  volleyball and swimming are popular in the  summer.  Skiing and skating are the favorite winter sports.  Weekends are also a time for American families to work on something in their yards or on their houses.  Many families plant  flowers and have vegetable   gardens.   Some  families  use  the  weekends to paint  or  repair  their   houses.  For most  Americans, weekends are very busy. 

   現(xiàn)在請你回答今天測驗的三個問題. 在你回答之后,請你注意聽老師念正確答案.

   M: What is the weekend in the United States?
   F:  The weekend is Saturday and Sunday.
   M: What are some of the popular summer sports for American families?
   F:  Running, biking, playing  volleyball  and  swimming   are  some of  the  popular  summer sports for American families.
   M: What kinds of work do many American families do over the weekends?
   F:  They plant flowers, have vegetable gardens, work  in   their  yards,  paint  or  repair their houses.


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