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所以,我們認為我們找到了 Olivia Wilde 的沙拉醬食譜,聽起來很棒





So, We Think We Found Olivia Wilde's Salad Dressing Recipe and It Sounds Amazing
所以,我們認為我們找到了 Olivia Wilde 的沙拉醬食譜,聽起來很棒

The Internet became fixated on claims from Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikis' former nanny that the actress made Harry Styles her "special dressing," so we decided to track down the alleged recipe.
互聯(lián)網開始關注 Olivia Wilde 和 Jason Sudeikis 的前保姆聲稱這位女演員讓 Harry Styles 成為她的“特殊著裝”,因此我們決定追查所謂的食譜。
Exes Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikis are coming together to defend themselves against allegations made by their children's former nanny, who made headlines after giving a tell-all interview to the Daily Mail about the exes' tumultuous relationship. (Sudeikis and Wilde issued a joint statement denying "false and scurrilous accusations.") But all the Internet seems to care about is some salad dressing. Allow us to explain.
前任Olivia Wilde 和Jason Sudeikis 齊聚一堂,為自己孩子的前保姆提出的指控辯護,后者在接受《每日郵報》 關于前任動蕩關系的全面采訪后成為頭條新聞。(Sudeikis 和 Wilde 發(fā)表了一份聯(lián)合聲明,否認“虛假和卑鄙的指控”。)但互聯(lián)網似乎只關心一些沙拉醬。請允許我們解釋一下。
While the one-time caregiver to the former couple's two—Otis, 8, and daughter Daisy, 4—shared details about the dramatic end to Sudeikis and Wilde's 10-year partnership, including that the Ted Lasso star was heartbroken after allegedly finding text messages between Wilde and now-boyfriend Harry Styles on her Apple Watch, there was one key element to her story that people became fixated on: A salad dressing.
雖然這對前夫妻兩人(8 歲的Otis和 4 歲的女兒Daisy )的一次性照顧者分享了 Sudeikis 和 Wilde 10 年合作關系戲劇性結束的細節(jié),其中包括Ted Lasso明星在據(jù)稱發(fā)現(xiàn)短信后傷心欲絕在 Wilde 和現(xiàn)在的男友Harry Styles 在她的 Apple Watch 上,她的故事中有一個關鍵元素讓人們著迷:沙拉醬。
The former employee alleged that Sudeikis once laid under Wilde's car during an argument to prevent her from leaving to bring a homemade meal  to Styles. The nanny told Daily Mail, "Out of everything, he was like, 'She made her special salad dressing and took it to him.'"
這位前雇員聲稱,在一次爭吵中,Sudeikis 曾躺在王爾德的車底下,以防止她離開去給斯泰爾斯帶來自制的飯菜。保姆告訴《每日郵報》,“在所有事情中,他都說,‘她做了她特別的沙拉醬,然后拿給他。’”
While there's undoubtedly a lot to unpack about this entire situation, the biggest question of all, obviously, is: What makes this particular dressing so special?! In pursuit of a well-seasoned bowl of greens, we accepted the mission to discover Wilde's headline-making concoction.
Lettuce us share Wilde's salad recipe (at least one of them, anyway), along with nine other celebrities' favorite bowls of greens, including the go-to mixes for Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Aniston and Kate Middleton:
生菜我們分享了王爾德的沙拉食譜(至少其中一個,無論如何),以及其他九位名人最喜歡的蔬菜碗,包括 格溫妮絲帕特洛、詹妮弗安妮斯頓和凱特米德爾頓的首選混合物:
Olivia Wilde
After the Daily Mail published a tell-all interview with Jason Sudeikis and Olivia Wilde's former nanny, in which she claimed Wilde once left the Ted Lasso star in order to bring a salad with "her special dressing" to Harry Styles, the Internet, of course, became fixated on finding the recipe. Well, don't worry, darlings, because we think we found it.
在 《每日郵報》發(fā)表了對Jason Sudeikis和Olivia Wilde的前保姆的全面采訪 后,她聲稱 Wilde 曾經離開Ted Lasso明星,以便為Harry Styles帶來一份帶有“她的特殊調料”的沙拉,互聯(lián)網,當然,變得專注于尋找食譜。好吧,親愛的,別擔心,因為我們認為我們找到了。
In 2020, the Booksmart director participated in the Food Network special Questlove's Potluck, sharing her recipe for a roasted salmon salad with zucchini and potatoes. Yes, it included a homemade dressing that was made up of red wine vinegar, Dijon mustard, honey, garlic, salt and olive oil.
2020 年,Booksmart總監(jiān)參加了美食網特別節(jié)目Questlove 的 Potluck,分享了她的西葫蘆土豆烤三文魚沙拉食譜。是的,它包括由紅酒醋、第戎芥末、蜂蜜、大蒜、鹽和橄欖油制成的自制調料。
To create the creamy mixture, Wilde instructed adding the first five ingredients to a bowl and mixing to combine, then, "in a slow steady stream," adding 2 to 4 tablespoons of olive oil while stirring continuously "stirring as you go to emulsify."
為了制作奶油混合物,王爾德指示將前五種成分添加到碗中并混合混合,然后“以緩慢穩(wěn)定的方式”加入 2 到 4 湯匙橄欖油,同時不斷攪拌“邊攪拌邊乳化。 "
Jennifer Aniston
The hunt for the Friends' star's favorite salad began back in 2010, when her co-star and best friend Courteney Cox revealed to The Los Angeles Times that Aniston enjoyed the same "doctored up cobb" everyday for lunch during the NBC sitcom's run. (Insert joke about Rachel's last name being Green here.)
尋找《老友記》明星最喜歡的沙拉始于 2010 年,當時她的搭檔兼最好的朋友柯特妮·考克斯向《洛杉磯時報》透露,安妮斯頓在 NBC 情景喜劇播出期間每天都享用同樣的“加了藥的科布”作為午餐。(在這里插入關于瑞秋姓格林的笑話。)
Then, in 2015, Aniston finally offered up her "perfect" mix via an Instagram post for her beauty company Living Proof: "Bulgar, cucumbers, parsley, mint, red onion, garbanzo beans, feta cheese, & pistachios."
然后,在 2015 年,安妮斯頓終于通過 Instagram 為她的美容公司 Living Proof 發(fā)布了她的“完美”組合:“保加利亞、黃瓜、歐芹、薄荷、紅洋蔥、鷹嘴豆、羊乳酪和開心果。”
Still, a different variation on the Emmy winner's salad became TikTok-famous earlier this year and received so much hype that Aniston was forced to "debunk" it in an interview with Elle.
盡管如此,今年早些時候,艾美獎得主沙拉的另一種變體在 TikTok 上聲名大噪,受到了如此多的炒作,以至于安妮斯頓在接受Elle采訪時被迫“揭穿”了它。
"That's not the salad that I had every day on Friends," she stated. "I feel terrible because it's literally taken off like crazy."
While she acknowledged that the viral take on her supposed go-to salad looked "delicious," she clarified, "I would never have that much chickpea in a salad, to be honest. Not good for the digestive tract."
Drew Barrymore
Barrymore caused a meltdown on TikTok when she shared her "pizza salad" recipe this past September.
去年 9 月,當 Barrymore分享她的“披薩沙拉”食譜時,她在 TikTok 上引起了轟動。
Basically, you take all of the toppings off of your pie and add them to a salad along with additional vegetables and a dressing of your choosing. (R.I.P. that beautiful crust.) "And then I kind of just mix up, it's actually really crunchy and delicious," she said. "And then you get the satisfaction of eating a pizza, but maybe for gluten intolerant [people]."
When people refused to bite on her idea, the TV host explained her offering was simply an option "if you're having a day where you're trying to not eat the bread."
"I'm sure people are going to be like, 'How dare you do this to a pizza?' I get it," Barrymore continued. "I feel really guilty about it myself."
“我敢肯定人們會說,‘你怎么敢對披薩這樣做?’ 我明白了,”巴里摩爾繼續(xù)說道。“我自己對此感到非常內疚。”
Bella Hadid
In April, the model took to TikTok to share the easy recipe for her "number one salad," which contains just five ingredients: arugula, cucumbers, red peppers, parmesan cheese and avocado. To dress her combination of choice, Hadid offered up lemon, salt, pepper, olive oil and balsamic glaze, the latter of which she proclaimed is a "non-negotiable. It's a must I swear."
4 月,這位模特在 TikTok 上分享了她的“第一沙拉”的簡單食譜,其中僅包含五種成分:芝麻菜、黃瓜、紅辣椒、帕爾馬干酪和鱷梨。為了打扮她的選擇,哈迪德提供了檸檬、鹽、胡椒、橄欖油和香脂釉,她宣稱后者是“不可談判的。我發(fā)誓這是必須的。”
Kim Kardashian

As any loyal viewer of The Kardashians knows, Kim and the rest of her family love a big salad, usually from their favorite Calabasas spot Health Nut—which Kris Jenner became an investor in this past May—that is tossed in a bowl bigger than most people's sinks. The Skims founder's go-to order is "The Sesame," which is the chain's take on a Chinese chicken salad and is made up of chopped romaine lettuce, shredded chicken breast, shredded carrots, pickled ginger, chow mein noodles, and a creamy sesame dressing.
正如任何卡戴珊的忠實觀眾所知道的那樣,Kim 和她的家人都喜歡大沙拉,通常來自他們最喜歡的 Calabasas 點 Health Nut—— Kris Jenner在去年 5 月成為投資者——它被扔在一個比大多數(shù)人都大的碗里人們的水槽。Skims 創(chuàng)始人的首選訂單是“芝麻”,這是該連鎖店對中國雞肉沙拉的看法,由切碎的生菜、雞胸肉絲、胡蘿卜絲、腌姜、炒面和奶油芝麻組成敷料。

Kourtney Kardashian
While Kourtney is also a Health Nut fan, usually opting for "The Chef," she revealed her all-time favorite salad to make at home on her lifestyle website, Poosh, in 2020.
雖然 Kourtney 也是 Health Nut 的粉絲,通常選擇“The Chef”,但她于 2020 年在她的生活方式網站Poosh上透露了她一直以來最喜歡在家制作的沙拉。

Organic romaine lettuce, shredded carrots, Persian cucumbers, avocado and chicken breast make up the salad that is topped with a homemade dressing consisting of lemon juice, extra virgin olive oil, mustard, white wine vinegar or rice vinegar, salt and pepper. Kourtney added that she also likes to add a topping such as sunflower seeds, cheery tomatoes or shredded almonds.
有機長葉萵苣、胡蘿卜絲、波斯黃瓜、鱷梨和雞胸肉組成沙拉,上面撒上由檸檬汁、特級初榨橄欖油、芥末、白葡萄酒醋或米醋、鹽和胡椒組成的自制調料。Kourtney 補充說,她還喜歡添加配料,例如向日葵種子、美味的西紅柿或杏仁絲。
Jennifer Garner
In one of her beloved #PretendCookingShow Instagram videos, Garner shared her favorite lunch salad recipe, noting in her caption that the meal "used to mean limp carrot shavings and too cold tomatoes," but now are "a celebration of what is seasonal and handy."
在她心愛的#PretendCookingShow Instagram 視頻中,加納分享了她最喜歡的午餐沙拉食譜,并在她的標題中指出,這頓飯“過去意味著柔軟的胡蘿卜屑和太冷的西紅柿”,但現(xiàn)在是“慶祝季節(jié)性和便利。”
"I add lots of goodies to my salad, but first: veggies," Garner explained in the video. "They add lots of crunch. You don't need croutons if you have something crunchy in there." Her essential ingredients include broccoli, nuts and an avocado. For protein, the Alias star favors warm brown rice or chicken and her ideal dressing is "straight olive oil and red wine/balsamic vinegar."
“我在沙拉中添加了很多好吃的東西,但首先是:蔬菜,”加納在視頻中解釋道。“他們增加了很多松脆的東西。如果你有松脆的東西,你就不需要面包片了。” 她的基本成分包括西蘭花、堅果和鱷梨。對于蛋白質,Alias明星喜歡溫熱的糙米或雞肉,她理想的調料是“純橄欖油和紅酒/香醋”。
But Garner's biggest trick was to "CHOP" all of the elements very well "so that you aren't battling a dinner plate size honk of lettuce every other bite."


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