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澳廣旅游英語At the Festival(a)





English for Tourism

第十九課: 在元宵節(jié)燈會上

Lesson 19: At the Festival


在這一課中,利奧帶杰克和蒙納一起去了元宵節(jié)燈會的現(xiàn)場,您可以通過他們之間的對話學(xué)習(xí)如何定約會,如何向客人介紹文化景點(diǎn),以及如何講述歷史典故。另外,我們還要學(xué)習(xí)EXECUSE ME 這個短語的諸多用法?,F(xiàn)在,先讓我們一起來聽這段對話的第一部份。在這段對話中,利奧、杰克和蒙納來到了元宵節(jié)燈會的現(xiàn)場。

Mona: Thank you for saving my hat today, Leo.

Leo: My pleasure.

Mona: You were very brave.

Leo: It was nothing, really. Now, if we get separated we’ll meet back here.

Jack: At the gate?

Leo: Yes. Now these are for you.

Mona: Lanterns!

Leo: Yes. Yours is a butterfly.

Mona: Oh, it’s pretty.

Leo: It represents longevity. And yours is a crab, Jack. It’s said to be the symbol of the emperor.

Mona: And what’s yours, Leo?

Leo: Mine’s a lobster. A symbol of fun.


蒙納: 利奧,謝謝你今天撈回了我的帽子。
Mona: Thank you for saving my hat today, Leo.

利奧: 我很高興為您效勞。
Leo: My pleasure.

蒙納: 你當(dāng)時真的很勇敢。
Mona: You were very brave.

利奧: 那真的沒什么。請注意,如果我們大家走散了的話,我們就回到這里來匯合。
Leo: It was nothing, really. Now, if we get separated we’ll meet back here.

杰克: 在大門那里嗎?
Jack: At the gate?

利奧: 對的。哦,這是給你們的。
Leo: Yes. Now these are for you.

蒙納: 燈籠啊!
Mona: Lanterns!

利奧: 是呀,你的是蝴蝶燈籠。
Leo: Yes. Yours is a butterfly.

蒙納: 哦,真漂亮啊。
Mona: Oh, it’s pretty.

利奧: 它代表長壽的意思,杰克,你的燈籠是一只螃蟹,據(jù)說它是皇帝的象征呢。
Leo: It represents longevity. And yours is a crab, Jack. It’s said to be the symbol of the emperor.

蒙納: 哪你的燈籠是什么形狀的呢,利奧?
Mona: And what’s yours, Leo?

利奧: 我的是一只龍蝦,它意味著快樂。
Leo: Mine’s a lobster. A symbol of fun.


利奧: 那真的沒什么。請注意,如果我們大家走散了的話,
Leo: Now, if we get separated…

利奧: 我們就回到這里來匯合。
Leo: … we’ll meet back here.


If we get separated.

If we get separated.

We’ll meet at the gate.

We’ll meet at the gate.

If we get separated, we’ll meet at the gate.

If we get separated, we’ll meet at the gate.


利奧: 它代表長壽的意思。
Leo: It represents longevity.

利奧: 杰克,你的燈籠是一只螃蟹。
Leo: And yours is a crab, Jack.

利奧: 據(jù)說它是皇帝的象征呢。
Leo: It’s said to be the symbol of the emperor.

蒙納: 哪你的燈籠是什么形狀的呢,利奧?
Mona: And what’s yours, Leo?

利奧: 我的是一只龍蝦,它意味著快樂。
Leo: Mine’s a lobster. A symbol of fun.

在介紹文化和景點(diǎn)的時候,有兩個句型非常有用,那就是 It represents…..和 It’s a symbol of ……,它們的中文意思是:它 表示。。。它意味著。。及它象征著。。。讓我們一起來聽錄音并和老師一起練習(xí)句型。

It’s a symbol.

It’s a symbol of the emperor.

It represents.

It represents the emperor.


Mona: Thank you for saving my hat today, Leo.

Leo: My pleasure.

Mona: You were very brave.

Leo: It was nothing, really.

Leo: Now, if we get separated…

Leo: … we’ll meet back here.

Jack: At the gate?

Leo: Yes. Now these are for you.

Mona: Lanterns!
Leo: Yes. Yours is a butterfly.
Mona: Oh, it’s pretty.
Leo: It represents longevity.
Leo: And yours is a crab, Jack.
Leo: It’s said to be the symbol of the emperor.
Mona: And what’s yours, Leo?
Leo: Mine’s a lobster. A symbol of fun.


第十九課: 在元宵節(jié)燈會上

Lesson 19: At the Festival


Jack: So the festival happens on the full moon?

Leo: Yes. It’s a time for families to get together.

Mona: And what about your family, Leo?

Leo: My parents live in a village a long way from here.

Mona: I mean your wife and kids…

Leo: Oh, I’m not married.

Mona: Oh really?

Jack: Excuse me, Mona, Leo?
Mona: That’s interesting…

Jack: Mona, I think I might walk down to the beach.

Mona: Tell me about the moon, Leo.
Leo: Well, the legend goes…
Leo: …that there’s an old man on the moon…


杰克: 那就是說元宵節(jié)是滿月的那一天了?
Jack: So the festival happens on the full moon?

利奧: 是的,這個節(jié)日也是合家團(tuán)圓的時刻。
Leo: Yes. It’s a time for families to get together.

蒙納: 那你的家人呢,利奧?
Mona: And what about your family, Leo?

利奧: 我父母居住在離這里很遠(yuǎn)的鄉(xiāng)下。
Leo: My parents live in a village a long way from here.

蒙納: 我是說你的太太和孩子。。。。
Mona: I mean your wife and kids…

利奧: 噢,我還沒有結(jié)婚呢。
Leo: Oh, I’m not married.

蒙納: 真的嗎?
Mona: Oh really?

杰克: 對不起蒙納,請你聽我說, 利奧?
Jack: Excuse me, Mona, Leo?

蒙納: 這可真有意思。。。。
Mona: That’s interesting…

杰克: 蒙納,我想我要去海灘走走。
Jack: Mona, I think I might walk down to the beach.

蒙納: 利奧,給我講講月亮的傳說吧。
Mona: Tell me about the moon, Leo.

利奧: 哦,那個傳說是這樣的,月亮上曾經(jīng)有一位老人。。。
Leo: Well, the legend goes,that there’s an old man on the moon…

好,在接下來的課程中,讓我們一起來學(xué)習(xí)一個非常有用的短語Excuse me。對不起。 這個短語可以在很多情況下使用。例如當(dāng)你要打斷某些人正在進(jìn)行的對話時,或者你想引起他人對你的注意時,你都可以使用這個短語。請聽示范。

Jack: Excuse me, Mona, Leo? I think I might walk down to the beach.

當(dāng)你要從比較近的距離內(nèi)從他人面前走過時,你可以說 excuse me.以此表示歉意。另外,如果你想讓他人重復(fù)他剛剛講過的話時,也可以使用 excuse me 這個短語,意思就是:可否請你重復(fù)一遍剛才說的話。

I’m leaving on the tenth.

Excuse me?

I said, I’m leaving on the tenth.

在出現(xiàn)一些意外狀況的時候,比如把水灑在了桌上,或者碰掉了別人的皮包時,我們都可以說 excuse me ,以此表示歉意。Excuse me這個短語的另外一個用法就是當(dāng)你需要離開他人時,你可以用這個短語來表達(dá)你不得不離去的意思。請聽英文老師的示范。

Excuse me for a minute.

Excuse me, I must go.

您現(xiàn)在了解了嗎?excuse me 是英語中非常重要和常用的一個短語。同時我也注意到,有很多學(xué)英語的朋友們在這個短語的發(fā)音上還有一些問題,那現(xiàn)在就讓我們跟著英文老師一起來練習(xí)一下吧。

Excuse me .

Excuse me .

Excuse me, are you Mr Le?

Excuse me, I don’t understand.

Excuse me for a minute.

Excuse me, I must go.


Jack: So the festival happens on the full moon?

Leo: Yes. It’s a time for families to get together.

Mona: And what about your family, Leo?

Leo: My parents live in a village a long way from here.

Mona: I mean your wife and kids…

Leo: Oh, I’m not married.

Mona: Oh really?
Jack: Excuse me, Mona, Leo?
Mona: That’s interesting…

Jack: Mona, I think I might walk down to the beach.

Mona: Tell me about the moon, Leo.

Leo: Well, the legend goes…

Leo: …that there’s an old man on the moon…


If we get

If we get

If we get separated

We will meet,

We will meet,

We will meet at the gate

If we get

If we get

If we get separated

We will meet,

We will meet,

We will meet at the gate




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