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李陽瘋狂英語 脫口而出MP3;
第四部 瘋狂實戰(zhàn)篇;
第一節(jié) 我們來當播音員 --一口字正腔圓的英文!;
After 20 Years of Nagging;二十年的嘮叨之后
[1]Miami, Florida (UPI)-Stone Lee killed his wife;[1]佛羅里達州,邁阿 密市(UPI)-李石頭殺死 了他的太太,
because she nagged him nonstop for 20 years.;因為她不停地嘮叨了 20年。
He walked out of court yesterday a free man.;昨天他以自由之身走出 法庭。
[2]"I don't think I have ever before come across a case;[2]"像這樣積怨如此之 久的案子,
where provocation has gone on so long."said Judge Bill Clinton.;我以前從未遇到過。"法 官比爾·克林頓說。
"In the end you got into a position where you couldn't put up with it anymore.";到最后你已經(jīng)到了忍無可 忍的地步了。
[3]He put Lee, 45, on probation for two years.;[3]他判45歲的李緩刑 二年。
[4]Lee pleaded guilty to manslaughter.;[4]李承認殺人罪。
His attorneys told the court;他的律師告訴法庭說
his wife Kim was "a miserable woman who found pleasure in nothing.";他的妻子金姆是個"可悲 的,對任何事都沒有興 趣的人。"
[5]She nagged him about unfaithfulness, nagged him about his messiness,;[5]她不斷的苛責(zé)他不 忠實,不愛收拾
about his bad habits, about their neighbors, about his job, his weight;抱怨他的壞習(xí)慣,他們的 鄰居,他的工作,他的體 重,
and his watching television-;以及他看電視的習(xí)慣
she once hid the remote control to keep him from watching.;有一次為了不讓他看電視 她竟把遙控藏了起來。
[6]During the 20 years Lee put up with her he moved 15 times,;[6]在這二十年當中, 李處處容忍她。他搬了 十五次家,
changing jobs each time, to find a place which satisfied Kim.;每次都得換一份工作,只 為了找到一個讓金姆滿 意的地方。
[7]Nothing worked.At the end of his rope,;[7]可這完全不奏效。 在智窮力竭之余,
Lee went to the police and asked to be locked up because he feared what he would do.;李跑去要求警察把他關(guān) 起來.因為他害怕自己會 作出什么事來.
They refused. A week later he strangled his nagging wife.;警方拒絕了他的要求。一 周以后,他把嘮叨不休的 太太勒死了。
第二節(jié) 廣告配音員的 夢想--一字千金的職業(yè);
Singapore Millennium Celebrations;新加坡千禧年慶祝活動
[1]Singapore has been celebrating the advent of the new millennium since June,;[1]從1999年6月新加坡 開始
but there are still plenty of festivities to enjoy.;豐富多采的慶典:
With food, music and dancing festivals,;美食節(jié)、藝術(shù)節(jié)、電影 節(jié)、大熱賣、主題舞會、
sports and entertainment extravaganzas,;岸邊喜年華……各類 節(jié)目紛紛登場,
Singapore will continue to explode with color,;令人眼花繚亂,
energy and excitement until August 2000.;嘆為觀止,直到2000年。
[2]One of the highlights of this Millennia Mania is a massive New Year's Eve;[2]新年前夜的鳥詳路
countdown street party on Orchard Road which will culminate in a live,;倒計時慶典更將把轉(zhuǎn)播
global satellite broadcast of a starstudded concert to;到全世界的系列晚會
at least one billion people worldwide.;推向高潮。
[3]The final celebrations will feature a"One In A Millennium"grand prize;[3]活動期間,天天送 出新加坡歡樂游,更有 "千禧大獎"
drawing for a free return vacation for you and 20 guests.;等著您和20位友人暢游 新加坡。
第三節(jié) 一個成功的 翻譯 WTO Means Jobs;加入世貿(mào)意味著就業(yè)機會
[1]An estimated 12 million jobs are expected to be created;[1]據(jù)一項估計表明,將 會產(chǎn)生1200萬個前所未 有的工作機會。
after China joins the World Trade Organization (WTO).;中國加入世界貿(mào)易組織后
[2]With the overall number of jobs increasing,;[2]在就業(yè)機會總體增 長的同時,
experts caution that the Chinese people must be prepared to change jobs;專家們提醒說,中國人 應(yīng)做好跳槽的心理準備,
instead of expecting to hold life-long tenure as they are accustomed to.;而不是像以前那樣守著 鐵飯碗不放。
[3]Some industries will continue to whittle their labor forces;[3]有些行業(yè)將繼續(xù)削 減員工,
and some will find they have to employ more workers.;而另外一些行業(yè)則需要增 加雇員,
But the net effect is that the Chinese on a whole will have more job opportunities.;中國人整體上還是會擁 有更多的就業(yè)機會。
[4]Middle and small-sized firms are job creators.;[4]中小型企業(yè)是制 造就業(yè)機會的源泉。
Faced with the larger international market, export sectors, such as textiles,;面對日益擴大的國際市 場,出口行業(yè),諸如紡 織業(yè)、
toys and hoes will expand business and thereby use more laborers.;玩具和皮鞋制造業(yè),都 將需要擴大規(guī)模,從而 需要更多的勞動力。
第四節(jié) 一個掌握全局的 主持人;
The hardest part of a speech is the beginning.;演講最難的部分是開頭。
If you can start a speech with a confident introduction,;如果你可以用一個自信 的介紹來開始你的發(fā)言,
the rest of the speech is a piece of cake!;剩下的部分對你來說就 只是小菜一碟了。
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen: I welcome you to the American/World/;女士們、先生們,晚上 好。歡迎各位來參加 美國/國際
Asian Consumer Goods Symposium. I am Mark Wayman from New York.;亞洲消費品研討會。我 是來自紐約的馬克·維曼,
Let me introduce my cochairman.;讓我來介紹一下和我共 同主持會議的主席。
On my immediate left, Dr. Robert Smith from Dow Chemical Company.;我最左邊的這一位是 Dow 化工公司的 羅伯特·史密斯博士。
This Symposium is on consumer and environmental protection.;本次研討會的主題是消 費者和環(huán)境保護。
First of all, please let Dr. Stone Lee from Crazy English University speak.;首先,請來自瘋狂英語 大學(xué)的李石頭博士講話。
Well, I think we should begin.;好,我們該開始了。
Now this trade delegation is arriving from China next month.;情況是這樣的,下個月 將有一個貿(mào)易代表團從 中國來。
We must attach importance to it and try to make all the visitors satisfied,;我們必須重視這件事, 盡量讓所有的來賓滿意,
because our company is about to push our products;因為我們公司要把我們 的產(chǎn)品
into the Asian market in a big way.;大規(guī)模地推向亞洲市場。
So the main objective of this meeting is to draw up an agenda for their two-week visit,;今天會議的主要目的就 是為他們兩周的訪問擬 定一個行程安排,
and to decide on a program of social events.;確定一個社交活動計劃。
Stone, I'd like you to say something about your arrangements.;石頭,能不能請你談?wù)?你們的打算。
Right. Let's begin. The agenda this morning consists of only one item.;好,讓我們開始吧。今天 上午的日程只有一個內(nèi)容
That is to discuss where to base our headquarters for the new group.;就是討論我們新集團的 總部設(shè)在何處?
Of course you have all read the original report about the new organization.;當然你們已經(jīng)看到了關(guān)于 這個新機構(gòu)的初步報告。
As you know we've merged several smaller enterprises in Los Angeles.;正如你們所知道的,我 們在洛杉磯兼并了幾個 小公司。
So we are faced with two possibilities /alternatives.;所以我們現(xiàn)在面臨著兩 種可能
One possibility is to move all headquarters' functions to Los Angeles,;一個可能是把整個總部 遷到洛杉磯,
which is basically what the report recommends.;這是報告中的主要建議。
Alternatively, we could continue to run the companies separately in;除次之外,我們還可以讓 這些公司分開運作
their present locations.;在他們現(xiàn)在的位置上
Meanwhile we're about to set up a big holding company to;同時,我們在紐約建立 一個大的控股公司
control them in New York. I'm not sure how feasible the second choice would be.;來控制這些公司。我不能 確定第二個方案是否 可行,
Do any of you have any suggestions?;各位對此與何建議。
第五節(jié) 一個成功的 演講家必備;
第一標準步驟 Introducing Yourself/ Starting the Meeting/ Opening Remarks;
自我介紹·會議開始· 開會致辭;
*Good morning/ afternoon/evening, ladies and gentlemen.;(女士們、先生們:早上 好/下午好/晚上好!)
*Good morning, everyone.;(各位,早上好!)
*We haven't all met before, so I'd better /like to/want to introduce myself,;我們以前從未會過面, 還是讓我先來做一下 自我介紹。
I'm Li Yang from LYCE Co./First let me introduce myself. I'm...;(我是李陽,來自李陽· 克立茲文化傳播有限公 司。/首先讓我來做個 自我介紹,我是……)
*I hope you'll excuse my English. I'm a little out of practice /nervous.;我好久不說英語/我有 些緊張,
/Please excuse my poor English.;(英語講的不好之處請大 家多多包涵。)
第二標準步驟 Preparing the Audience 鼓動聽眾;
*I'm going to be talking about/I'd like to talk about;(我今天要講的是關(guān) 于……)
*I'll start with...and then move on to... Finally, I'm going to.;(我將以……開始,然 后轉(zhuǎn)向……,最后, 以……作為結(jié)束)
.I'll begin by describing...then go on to...and I'll end with...;(我將以……開始,然后 轉(zhuǎn)向……,最后, 以……作為結(jié)束)
*I think, if you don't mind, we'll leave questions to the end.;我想如果你們不介意的 話,我們將把問題留到 最后來解決。
If you have any questions I'll be glad to answer them.;(如果你們有問題,我 很高興為大家解答。)
*Please hold/save any questions until the end.;請把所有的問題留到最后。
第三標準步驟 Delivering the Message (提供信息);
*Firstly...Secondly... /First of all... Next...;(首先……,其次……)
*This Brings me to my next point/Feel free to interrupt if you have any questions.;(這正引出了我下面要講 的一個……/如果你們有 問題請盡管打斷我。)
*I must emphasize/ stress/make clear/I'd like to turn to/I'd like to stress;(我必須強調(diào)/重點指明 /我要轉(zhuǎn)向/強調(diào))
*At this point we must consider.../At this point we have to bear in mind.;(在這一點上我們必 須考慮……)
*Now, to digress for a moment.../Now to change the subject for a moment;(現(xiàn)在,我們暫時撇開這 個話題……/現(xiàn)在我們臨 時換一個話題。)
*To go back to my earlier point.../To return to the point I made earlier.;還回到我先前的話題……
*Finally.../In conclusion;(最后……)
第四標準步驟 Winding-Up (結(jié)束演講);
*Before finishing/ closing I'd like to summarize the main points again/;在結(jié)束之前
Before I finish, I'd like to run through the main points again.;(在結(jié)束之前我要將我的 要點再總結(jié)一下。)
*That's all I have to say for the moment...;這些就是我今天
/now/today/That brings me to the end of my presentation.;(剛才要講的一切。)
*Thank you for listening/coming/being here/Thank you for your attention.;(謝謝大家前來聽我的 演講。)
*Now if there are any questions.;如果有任何問題
I'll be happy to answer them/I'll be glad to take any questions.;我將非常樂意為大家解答
If you have any questions I'd be glad to answer them.;假如你有問題,我很高 興為大家解答問題。
[1]Good morning ladies and gentlemen;;[1]女士們,先生們, 早上好!
we haven't all met before so I'd better introduce myself.;我們都未見過面,因此 我最好自我介紹一下。
I'm Li Yang from the Development Department of LYCE Co.;我是來自瘋狂英語公司 開發(fā)部的李陽。
I should say before we start that I hope you'll excuse my English,;在開始之前,我應(yīng)該 說一下,好久不練了
I'm a little out of practice. Anyway, I'm going to be talking this morning about;我對英語有點生疏,講 得不好之處,請大家多 多包涵……不管怎樣, 今天上午我打算講一講
a new product which we are planning to launch in two months' time;;我公司將在兩個月后投 放市場的一種新產(chǎn)品。
its called Crazy-Cola, and it's a cola flavored drink.;它的名字叫"瘋狂可樂", 是一種可樂型的飲料。
[2]Well, I'll start with the background to the product launch;;[2]好,我們將從投放 該產(chǎn)品的背景開始,
and then move on to a description of the product itself;;然后描述一下新產(chǎn)品的 本身
finally, I'm going to list some of the main selling points that we should emphasize in;最后,我會列出我們將 強調(diào)的銷售點。
the advertising and sales campaign. I think if you don't mind,;在廣告和銷售活動中.我 想,如果你們不反對,
we'll leave questions to the end.;我們將把提問放在最后。
[3]Now firstly, as you all know, we have had a gap in our soft-drink product;[3]現(xiàn)在說第一點,就 像你們所有人了解的一 樣,過去兩年在軟飲料 產(chǎn)品
range for the last two years; we have been manufacturing mixedfruit drinks;系列方面,我們有一個空 缺我們過去10年一直生產(chǎn) 混合水果飲料
and orange drinks for the last ten years,;
but we stopped producing cola two years ago;;和橙汁飲料,但我們于兩 年前停止了對可樂的 生產(chǎn)。
I think we all agreed that;我想我們都同意
there was room on the market for a completely new cola flavored drink...;市場上有生產(chǎn)全新可樂飲 料的余地……。
Secondly, the market research indicated that more;第二點,市場調(diào)研表明,
and more consumers are using soft drinks as mixers with alcohol so, in other words,;越來越多的消費者正將軟 飲料作為與烈性酒的混合 物因此,換言之,
the market itself has expanded.;市場本身已經(jīng)擴大。
[4]This brings me to my next point which is that we have a rather;[4]這使我要說另一點。 這就是:我們腦海中有一 個相當
new customer-profile in mind; I must emphasize that this product is aimed at;新的消費者形象。我必須 強調(diào)一下,這種產(chǎn)品瞄準 的是
the young-professional, high-income market and not the traditional;年輕的高薪職員,而不是 傳統(tǒng)的
consumer of old-fashioned soft drinks.;老式的軟飲料消費者。
At this point we must consider the importance of packaging and design,;在這一點上,我們必須考 慮包裝和設(shè)計的重要性。
and if you look at the video in a moment, you'll see that we have completely;如果你們一會兒看錄相, 將發(fā)現(xiàn)我們的
re-vamped『翻新』the container itself as well as the label and slogan...;容器和商標以及口號已經(jīng) 完全翻新……。
Now to digress for just a moment, the more sophisticated packaging;現(xiàn)在我說點題外話,更加 高級的包裝
means a high unit cost, and this may be a problem in the selling area,;意味著單位成本的提高, 這可能成為銷售領(lǐng)域的 一個問題。
but we'll have a chance to discuss that aspect later...;以后我們將有機會對這方 面的問題進行討論……
so...to go back to my earlier point, this is a totally new concept as far as LYCE Co.;因此讓我再一次回到我在 此之前講的,就李陽公司 來說,
is concerned; as you see we are using both the new-size glass bottle;這是一個全新的概念。正 如你們會發(fā)現(xiàn)的一樣,我 們正在使用新尺寸的玻 璃瓶
and the miniature metal cans.;和微型的金屬罐。
[5]Finally, let's look at the major attractions of the product.;[5]最后要說的一點是, 讓我們看一下該產(chǎn)品主要 能吸引人的地方.
In spite of the higher price it will compete well with existing brands;;盡管價格較高,它將與其 他現(xiàn)有的牌子進行有力的 競爭
the design is more modern than any of the current rival products,;其設(shè)計比現(xiàn)在任何競爭對 手更加現(xiàn)代化。
and incidentally the flavor is more refreshing and natural It's low calorie, too.;順便說一下,該產(chǎn)品的味 道更加新鮮醇正。卡路 里含量也低……
[6]O.K., so just before closing, I'd like to summarize my main points again...;[6]好吧,在結(jié)束前, 讓我重申一下重點……
We have Crazy Cola, a new design concept,;我們有瘋狂可樂,一種全 新的設(shè)計概念,
aimed at a relatively new age and income group;;瞄準一個新的年齡和收入 群體。
it's designed to be consumed on its own, as a soft drink,;設(shè)計它的目的是對它本身 作為軟飲料進行消費,
or to be used as a mixer in alcohol-based drinks and cocktails.;或用來和烈性酒、雞尾酒 進行混合。
It comes in both bottle and can and this will mean;瓶裝和罐裝,這意味著
a slightly higher selling price than we are used to;;價格要比過去高一些。
but the improved flavor and the package design should give us;但口味和包裝設(shè)計應(yīng)該給 我們提供
a real advantage in today's market...Well that's all I have today for the moment,;市場優(yōu)勢……好吧!這就 是今天我要說的一切,
thank you for listening, now if there are any questions,;謝謝你們聽我的介紹。 現(xiàn)在如果有任何問題,
I'll be happy to answer them...;我將高興地為大家解答。
第六節(jié) 談判高手之路 Negotiations 談判;
A: I was wondering if there is anything I could do to change your mind;我在想,我可以做什么 事來讓你改變主意/
gain your spport/make you reconsider.;獲得你的支持/讓你重 新考慮。
B: Yes. If you provide documentation of your investors,;是的。如果你能夠提供 你目前投資者的資料 的話,
I might consider investing/supporting your proposal.;(我也許會考慮投資/ 支持你的計劃/提案。)
A: So, how many investors would you need to see?;那么,你需要看幾個投 資者呢?
B: If you could find one-half of your funding,;如果你可以找到另外一 半資金的話,
I will provide the rest/make up the difference.;我會提供其余的一半。
A: Excellent/ Outstanding! That's a generous offer. I'll see what I can do.;很好!那太慷慨了。我 來看看,我可以做什么.
I'll go right ahead with that. Thank you for your offer/ support/cooperation.;我馬上著手辦理。謝謝 你所提的條件/你的支 持/你的合作。
B: You have done a good job./We can definitely work together.;你干的好。/我們一定 可以合作。
We make a good team. Let me know. I'll be in touch. I'll be in contact.;我們可以可做良好。/讓 我知道進展。/隨時聯(lián)系 我。

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