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李陽瘋狂英語 脫口而出MP3;
第五部分 瘋狂挑戰(zhàn)篇;
第一節(jié) 超級地道美國話;
1.How about lending me a hundred dollars?;(借我一百美元,好嗎?)
2.I'm low on cash too!;(我也很缺錢。)
3.Do I look rich?;(我看起來很有錢嗎?)
4.Excuse me, can I borrow a thousand dollars?;(對不起!你能借我一 千塊嗎?)
5.I would if I could.;如果我能,我一定會的。
6.Uh, sorry dude no money.;(很抱歉!沒錢。)
7.Sorry man, I'm short these days!;對不起,我現(xiàn)在手頭 很緊!
8.I'm running low myself.;(我已經(jīng)口袋空空了!)
9.I'm broke until payday.;(我一個(gè)子兒也沒有, 只有等發(fā)工資了。)
10.Hey, I'm broke myself, man!;(我也破產(chǎn)啦!)
11.What am I? A bank?;(你當(dāng)我銀行呀?)
12.Hey, really wish I could help.;(我真的希望我可以幫得 上忙!)
13.I'm in the red too, dude.;我現(xiàn)在也欠了一屁股債!
14.I was in the red last month.;(我上個(gè)月已出現(xiàn)赤字。)
15.Sorry, no budget.;(抱歉,沒錢。)
Who am I, Bill Gates?;(你當(dāng)我是誰? 比爾·蓋茨嗎?)
第二篇 真是一堆破爛;
1.Man, this is a piece of trash/junk!;(老兄,這是一堆垃圾/ 廢物/破爛。)
2.What a piece of garbage!;(一堆垃圾。)
3.What a piece of shit.;(一堆垃圾。)
4.This stuff is shit. Show me something better.;(這玩意是垃圾/破爛。 拿些好的讓我瞧瞧。)
5.That's a garbage movie.;那是一部糟糕的電影。
6.He's just talking garbage.;他只不過是在胡說八道。
7.I've heard too much garbage here today.;(今天我在這里已經(jīng)聽夠 了廢話。)
8.The guy is trash! Stay away from him.;(這家伙是個(gè)小人/垃圾/ 人渣子,離他遠(yuǎn)點(diǎn)。)
9.His latest book is junk.;他最近出的那本書 糟透了。
10.There's nothing but junk in that magazine.;那本雜志里盡是些垃圾。
11.Don't read that trash.;(別讀那垃圾作品。)
12.Man, toss it away!;(扔掉!丟掉!)
13.Man, chuck it away!;(丟掉!)
14.Chuck this thing. It's no good.;這東西沒用。把它扔掉。
15.Junk it.;(扔掉它!)
16.Junk this thing. It's broken.;(這東西破了,把它 扔掉算了。)
17.Get rid of it.;(扔掉!)
18.Forget about it!;(算了吧!)
19.Man, this is lousy;(這真是爛貨一個(gè)/ 垃圾一堆。)
20.His health has been lousy.;他的健康狀況近來很糟。
21.He tried to sell me his lousy radio.;(他想把他那架破收音機(jī) 賣給我。)
22.Man, who made it?;(伙計(jì),這是誰弄的?)
23.What do you keep all this shit around here for?;你留這些破爛玩意干 什么?
24.I'd like to get rid of that old sofa. It's a piece of junk.;(我想處理掉那個(gè)舊沙發(fā), 它已經(jīng)是很破爛了。)
25.The average American eats some form of junk food everyday.;(一般的美國人每天都要 吃垃圾食品/熱量高而營 養(yǎng)價(jià)值低的食品。)
26.Most people don't like getting junk mail.;(多數(shù)人不喜歡收到垃圾 郵件/未經(jīng)索取就胡亂 寄來的廣告郵件。)
第二節(jié) 高級口譯自測;
Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen,;校長先生,女士們, 先生們:
[1]I wish to thank President Rudenstine, for inviting me;[1]我感謝陸登庭校 長的邀請,
to this old yet modernized institution of the United States in this golden fall.;使我有機(jī)會在這美好的 金秋時(shí)節(jié),來到你們這 座美國古老而又現(xiàn)代 化的學(xué)府。
[2]Since its founding some 360 years ago,;建校360年來,
Harvard has nurtured great peipnumber of outstanding statesmen, scientists, writers;[2]哈佛培養(yǎng)出了許 多杰出的政治家、科 學(xué)家、文學(xué)家
and businessmen, including six of the American Presidents;和企業(yè)家,曾出過六位 美國總統(tǒng),
and over thirty Nobel Prize winners.;三十多位諾貝爾獎(jiǎng)獲 得者。
The face that Harvard was founded before the United States of America;先有哈佛,后有美利 堅(jiān)合眾國,
testifies to its position in American history.;這說明了哈佛在美國 歷史上的地位。
[3]Harvard is among the first American universities to accept Chinese students.;[3]哈佛是最早接受 中國留學(xué)生的美國大學(xué) 之一。
The Chinese educational, scientific and cultural communities;中國教育界、科學(xué)界、 文化界
have all along maintained academic exchanges with this university.;
Harvard has thus made useful contribution to the enhanced mutual understanding;一直同哈佛大學(xué)保持著 學(xué)術(shù)交流。哈佛為增進(jìn)
between the Chinese and American peoples.;中美兩國人民的相互了 解作出了有益的貢獻(xiàn)。
[4]Mutual understanding is the basis for state-to -state relations.;[4]相互了解,是發(fā) 展國與國之間關(guān)系的 前提。
Without it, it would be impossible for countries;惟有相互了解,
to build trust and promote cooperation with each other.;才能增進(jìn)信任,加強(qiáng) 合作。
Since the establishment of diplomatic ties;中美建交以來,
between China and the United States, the exchanges and mutual understanding;我們兩國人民之間的 相互交流與了解
between our two peoples have broadened and deepened steadily.;在逐漸擴(kuò)大和加深.
However, this is not enough. To promote the development of China-US relations,;但還不夠。為了推動中 美關(guān)系的發(fā)展,
China needs to know the United States better and vice versa.;中國需要進(jìn)一步了解美 國,美國也需要進(jìn)一步 了解中國。
[5]To know China better, one may approach it from different angles.;[5]要更好地了解中 國,可以從多種視角來 進(jìn)行。
China today has evolved from its past.;現(xiàn)實(shí)中國是歷史中國 的發(fā)展。
China is a country with 5,000 years of civilization.;中國是一個(gè)有五千年 文明歷史的國家,
it is important to approach China from a his torical and cultural perspective.;從歷史文化來了解和認(rèn) 識中國,是一個(gè)重要的 視角。

瘋狂英語 英語語法 新概念英語 走遍美國 四級聽力 英語音標(biāo) 英語入門 發(fā)音 美語 四級 新東方 七年級 賴世雄 zero是什么意思長春市中環(huán)十一區(qū)英語學(xué)習(xí)交流群



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