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李陽瘋狂英語 脫口而出MP3;
第三部 瘋狂賣弄篇;
第一節(jié) 大段自我介紹;
[1]Good morning/ Good evening/Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I am Stone Lee.;[1]先生們,女士們, 早上好/晚上好。我是 李石頭。
I come from Beijing, and I am currently a student at Beijing University.;我來自北京,現(xiàn)在是北京 大學(xué)的學(xué)生。
My favorite pastimes are reading, listening to music, and spending time with my friends.;我最喜歡的消遣是閱讀, 聽音樂,和朋友呆在 一塊。
I am majoring in international business and psychology,;我主修國際商務(wù)和 心理學(xué),
because psychology is useful in every field.;因?yàn)樾睦韺W(xué)在每個(gè)行業(yè) 里都很有用。
I hope to use my unique education to start my own company in the future.;我希望將來用我獨(dú)特的 知識(shí)來開辦我自己的 公司.
I will probably open a global consulting firm.;我可能會(huì)開一間國際性咨 詢公司。
[2]I am really glad I could be with you today.;
I hope everyone has a wonderful time. Thank you.;我今天非常高興和你在 一起。我希望大家都玩 的愉快。謝謝。
第二節(jié) 賣弄你的 英語和幽默感;
My name is Stone Breaker;我的名字是石頭·粉碎者
[1]A very strict officer was talking to some new soldiers whom he had to train.;1]一個(gè)非常嚴(yán)格的官員 正在與他要培訓(xùn)的士兵 們談話。
He had never seen them before, so he began, "My name is Stone,;[他從來沒有見過他們, 所以他開始介紹自己: "我的名字是石頭,
and I'm even harder than stone, so do what I tell you or there'll be trouble.;而且我比石頭還要堅(jiān)硬。 所以照我說的做,否則 呢就是自找麻煩。
Don't try any tricks with me, and then we'll get on well with each other.;別跟我?;ㄕ?,這樣我 們就會(huì)彼此相處融洽。
"Then he went to the soldiers one after another and asked them their names.;"然后他走到每個(gè)士兵 面前問他們的名字。
"Speak loudly so that everyone can hear you clearly,"he said,;"要大聲說話,讓每個(gè) 人都能聽清楚,"他說,
"and don't forget to call me'sir'.";"還有,別忘了 叫我'長官'。"
[2]Each soldier told him his name until he came to the last one.;直到他走到最后一個(gè)士 兵時(shí),之前的每個(gè)人都 已經(jīng)向他報(bào)告了他們的 名字。
This man remaine silent, so Captain Stone shouted at him.;那個(gè)人仍然保持沉默, 所以石頭將軍對(duì)他大 聲叫到:
"What's your name, soldier?";"士兵,你叫什么名字?"
[3]The soldier was very uncomfortable, but at last he replied;那個(gè)士兵感到非常別扭, 但他最后還是緊張地 答道:
"My name is Stone Breaker, sir.";"長官,我的名字叫 石頭·粉碎者。"
第三節(jié) 神奇的中文成語;
Chinese idioms are rich in history and deep in meaning.;
Foreigners are extremely interested in Chinese idioms;
because they reflect the culture and wisdom of China.;
The bilingual ability to explain Chinese idioms will not only prove;
your command of English, it will also impress, shock and stun, visitors!;
Your wisdom and knowledge will gain you respect and leave others speechless.;
Idioms are the biggest challenge in any language.;
A good command of Chinese idioms will help you a great deal in achieving;
a professional level of translation.;
Besides, if you can actually teach a foreigner to speak a few Chinese idioms;
she will be very grateful because you will make her stay more enjoyable.;
You can be sure your new foreign friend will try to impress others with;
her newly acquired Chinese idioms.;
But since Chinese is so difficult for foreigners to pronounce;
it will probably just be yi ta hu tu!(一塌糊涂);
亂七八糟 亂七八糟 形容事物雜亂;
At sixes and sevens/in disorder/in a mess/in confusion;
這幾天亂七八糟的雜事 特別多。;
(A lot of crazy things have happened in the last couple of days.);
昨天晚會(huì)之后,家里亂 七八糟/一片狼藉。;
(Everything is at sixes and sevens in our house after last night's party.);
一塌糊涂 一塌糊涂 What a disaster!;
書架多日沒有整理了, 亂得一塌糊涂。;
(The bookshelf hasn't been taken care of for several days and is a terrible mess.);
*我的生活一塌糊涂。 (My life is a disaster!);
A:晚會(huì)怎么樣? (How was the party?) B:一塌糊涂。 (A complete mess.);
*三個(gè)秘書突然辭職后, 辦公室一塌糊涂。;
(The office was in a complete mess after the three secretaries suddenly quit.);
畫蛇添足 畫蛇添足;
Draw a snake and add feet to it/overdo something, thereby spoiling it/;
ruin the effect by adding something superfluous/to over/;
reach the mark is just as bad as not reaching it/gild the lily/ fan the breezes;
These few words are sufficient to express what you want to say.;
Anything further would be overdoing it.;
畫龍點(diǎn)睛 畫龍點(diǎn)睛;
Bring a picture of a dragon to life by putting in the pupils of its eyes/;
put the finishing touches on sth./bring to life/put life into something/;
add the crucial touch to something/add a word or two to clinch the point;
*他給這幅畫作了幾筆最 后的潤色。;
He gave the picture a few finishing touches.;
(I'm almost done with the painting. I just need to put on the finishing touches.);
第四節(jié) 形容詞大戰(zhàn)!;
Kiss-ass: to flatter someone to gain advantage and approval.;阿諛奉承;拍馬屁; 溜須拍馬
*That guy will kiss-ass his way to the top. 那個(gè)家伙將靠拍馬屁往 上爬。;
*He is a little kiss-ass bastard who'll do anything to get ahead.;
他那個(gè)小混蛋是個(gè)馬 屁精,只要能往上爬, 他啥事都干。;
1 Cool: great; excellent; unusual;棒極了;泰然自若的; 沉著的;輕松的。
*What a cool guy!;(多酷的家伙啊!)
*This chick is so cool-no matter what happens.;(不管發(fā)生什么事,這 姑娘都十分老練沉著。)
*She is totally cool and easy-going.;(她十分輕松自在。)
2 Accommodating: eager to help or please; obliging;樂于助人的;親切的。
*The tour guide was very accommodating when we asked to see a Beijing Hutong.;(當(dāng)我們要求游覽北京胡 同時(shí),那個(gè)導(dǎo)游欣然 答應(yīng)。)
3 Active: engaged in action or activity;活躍的;活潑的
*He is not as active as he was.;(他不像以往那樣活躍。)
4 Admirable: praiseworthy; excellent;令人欽佩的;極好的
*She's an admirable administrator.;(她是一個(gè)優(yōu)秀的管理 人員。)
5 Adorable: very attractive; charming;迷人的;討人喜歡的; 可愛的
*What an adorable child!;(多可愛的孩子。)
6 Amazing: overwhelming; surprising; astonishing;使人十分驚奇的; 令人驚訝的
*My mother is an amazing woman.;(我媽媽是一個(gè)了不起 的女人。)
7 Amusing: entertaining; attention-getting;有趣的
*He tried to be amusing, but I didn't respond.;(他試圖逗樂,可我一點(diǎn) 都沒反應(yīng)。)
8 Artistic: showing skill in how something is done;有美感的;有藝術(shù)才能的
*My brother is very artistic.;(我弟弟很有藝術(shù)天分。)
9 Attractive: providing pleasure or delight, especially in appearance;有魅力的;吸引人的
*Her dark eyes are very attractive.;(她的黑眼睛很迷人。)
10 Beautiful: excellent in appear ance; good-looking; attractive;美麗的;漂亮的;完美 的;出色的;很棒的
*She is beautiful and has beautiful personality.;(她長得漂亮,人也 很好。)
11 Big-hearted: generous; kind;胸懷寬大的;親切的
*Our boss is very big-hearted.;(我們老板胸懷寬廣。)
12 Brave: showing courage; unafraid of danger;勇敢的;無畏的
*Try to be a brave man!;(做一個(gè)勇敢的人。)
13 Bright: quick to learn; intelligent; smart;伶俐的;聰明的;機(jī)靈的
*He has a lot of bright ideas.;(他有很多好主意。)
14 Brilliant: having or showing great intelligence or talent;優(yōu)秀的;才華橫溢的
*I have taught a lot of brilliant students in my life.;(我一生教過很多出色 的學(xué)生。
15 Capable: having power and ability; competent;有能力的;能干的; 有才華的
*She is my most capable student/ employee.;她是我最出色的學(xué)生 /員工
16 Calm: free from worry; composed; collected;沉著的;冷靜的
*He remained calm throughout the crisis.;(在整個(gè)危機(jī)過程中, 他一直保持冷靜。)
17 Careful;小心的;謹(jǐn)慎的;仔細(xì)的
*He is a very careful typist.;(他是一個(gè)細(xì)心的打字 員。)
18 Caring: showing concern for others; compassionate;關(guān)心別人的;有同情 心的
*Kim is an extremely caring teacher.;(KIM是一個(gè)極其關(guān)心學(xué) 生的好老師。)
19 Charming: delightful; pleasing;有魅力的;迷人的; 快樂的
*She is a charming young lady.;(她是一個(gè)迷人的年輕 女士。
20 Cheerful: good spirited; happy;開朗的;快活的
*Li Yang is a cheerful teacher.;李陽是個(gè)開朗活潑的 老師。

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