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Western investors have long been beguiled by the sheer size of the Chinese market. But the reality has often failed to match their visions — just take the entertainment industry in China.


The quest to combine the best of Hollywood magic with Chinese audiences has been playing out for some time now, with mixed results. Over the next year, investors are likely to be pitched a new wave of young companies wanting to go public and promising to succeed where others have failed.


In a few months, STX, the second-tier Hollywood studio whose backers include Beijing-based Hony Capital, is expected to list its shares in Hong Kong. If all goes to plan, Open Road, another smaller Hollywood studio, will follow suit with an initial public offering in Hong Kong in 2019. Open Road was bought late last year by Tang Media Partners, which is based in Shanghai and Los Angeles, and counts, China Media Group; Tencent Holdings; and Neil Shen, founder of Sequoia Capital China, as investors.

好萊塢二線影業(yè)公司STX預(yù)計(jì)將會(huì)在幾個(gè)月內(nèi)在香港上市,其投資方包括北京弘毅投資(Hony Capital)。如果一切順利的話,另一家較小的好萊塢影業(yè)公司Open Road將于2019年在香港首次公開(kāi)發(fā)行(IPO)。Open Road去年底被Tang Media Partners收購(gòu),后者在上海和洛杉磯設(shè)有辦公室,其投資方包括華聞傳媒投資集團(tuán)股份有限公司(China Media Group)、騰訊控股(Tencent Holdings)以及紅杉中國(guó)(Sequoia China)創(chuàng)始人沈南鵬(Neil Shen)。

Over the past two years, the dominant story about China and the entertainment industry has been the serial acquisitions of western assets by former high-flying companies such as Dalian Wanda. Those transactions involved the conversion of massive amounts of Chinese renminbi to dollars to pay — or more likely overpay — for assets such as Wanda’s $3.5bn purchase of Legendary Entertainment, or its first signature deal, the $2.6bn purchase and subsequent listing of the AMC cinema chain.

在過(guò)去的兩年里,關(guān)于中國(guó)和娛樂(lè)業(yè)的主要故事是大連萬(wàn)達(dá)(Dalian Wanda)等曾經(jīng)飛得極高的公司連續(xù)收購(gòu)西方資產(chǎn)。這些交易涉及將大量人民幣兌換為美元來(lái)支付(很多時(shí)候過(guò)高的)收購(gòu)款,比如萬(wàn)達(dá)以35億美元收購(gòu)傳奇影業(yè)(Legendary Entertainment),或者其首筆標(biāo)志性交易——26億美元購(gòu)買(mǎi)AMC娛樂(lè)控股公司(AMC Entertainment Holdings)以及隨后推動(dòng)AMC上市。

That wave of deals is now over, having fallen victim to Beijing’s displeasure and concerns about capital flight. That should sharpen investors’ focus on trying to pick the companies that will profit from the mixing of Hollywood and China, where the entertainment industry is changing fast.


Investors, for example, say Amazon is in talks that will probably result in its earmarking $1bn to acquire the rights and to produce three seasons of episodes based on a science fiction trilogy known by the title of the first volume, The Three Body Problem by Liu Cixin, a work that is wildly popular in China. It will prove more of a blockbuster than Game of Thrones, some mainland industry insiders predict. The rights are held by Lin Qi, the chairman of Youzu Interactive, primarily a developer of online games that is listed in China

例如,投資者們說(shuō),亞馬遜(Amazon)正在進(jìn)行相關(guān)談判,談判結(jié)果很可能促使亞馬遜撥出10億美元,購(gòu)買(mǎi)《三體》(The Three Body Problem)相關(guān)版權(quán)并基于該書(shū)制作三季連續(xù)劇。這部劉慈欣創(chuàng)作的三部曲科幻小說(shuō)在中國(guó)廣受歡迎,書(shū)名取自三部曲的第一部。中國(guó)內(nèi)地一些業(yè)內(nèi)人士預(yù)測(cè),根據(jù)《三體》改編的連續(xù)劇將比《權(quán)力的游戲》(Game of Thrones)還要火。《三體》的影視版權(quán)握在游族網(wǎng)絡(luò)(Youzu Interactive)董事長(zhǎng)林奇手中。游族網(wǎng)絡(luò)主要是一家網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲開(kāi)發(fā)商,在中國(guó)上市。

Open Road is scouring the Chinese web for content (and is obtaining properties from online novel sites) to boost its fortunes ahead of that tentative listing. Many of the companies plotting IPOs over the next 12 months have attracted capital from some of the most respected venture capitalists.

Open Road正在中文網(wǎng)絡(luò)中搜羅內(nèi)容(以及從網(wǎng)絡(luò)小說(shuō)站點(diǎn)獲取版權(quán))以便在其上市計(jì)劃落實(shí)之前提升發(fā)展勢(shì)頭。許多計(jì)劃在未來(lái)12個(gè)月IPO的公司吸引了一些最受尊敬的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)投資家的資金。

That is no guarantee they will prove a savvy investment for later stage investors, but the optimism about future Chinese entertainment and media consumption is growing. Analysts at Credit Suisse recently published a report on the prospects for the media industry in China, noting that it has “transitioned from a supply side and quantity driven expansion to a new age of growth underpinned by content and quality…Meanwhile, the TV drama industry has been transformed with the rise of online video websites as the primary distribution channel.” (That market has tripled in value to $42bn in 2016 from five years earlier, the brokerage notes.)

這并不能保證后來(lái)投資這些公司的人一定大賺,但人們對(duì)中國(guó)娛樂(lè)和媒體消費(fèi)的前景日益感到樂(lè)觀。瑞士信貸(Credit Suisse)分析師最近發(fā)布了一份關(guān)于中國(guó)傳媒業(yè)前景的報(bào)告,指出“中國(guó)傳媒業(yè)已經(jīng)從供給和數(shù)量驅(qū)動(dòng)的擴(kuò)張過(guò)渡到以內(nèi)容和質(zhì)量為支撐的新時(shí)代……與此同時(shí),隨著在線視頻網(wǎng)站崛起為主要分銷(xiāo)渠道,電視劇行業(yè)發(fā)生了巨變”(瑞信指出,2016年該市場(chǎng)的價(jià)值增至2011年的3倍,達(dá)到420億美元)。

Part of the report’s optimism again rests on the size of the potential market — as it always does with China. “If the US is the dragon’s head, China is the dragon’s tail,” says one investor. “It is fat and growing. To really prosper, you need the Chinese tail; you need to pre-sell in China as well as the US.” Box office revenues [in China?] are expected to grow at a rate of 15 per cent in the next three years to$87, Credit Suisse says.


In addition, protectionism gives Chinese mainland players an unfair advantage in the domestic market. Despite Beijing’s problems with overpaying for foreign entertainment content, studios and sports teams, the government is still determined to see Chinese content go global.


Most importantly, China’s growing clout in the global entertainment industry reflects its edge when it comes to mobile technology. Entertainment companies are developing short video streaming services for their mobile customers. Sequoia and Tencent, for example, are backing Kuaishou and plan to take the company, which is valued at $18bn, public this year. Meanwhile, Bilibili, another Chinese short-form video company in which Tiger Global and Li Ruigang’s China Media have invested, will soon go public in the US with a valuation of $4bn-$5bn.

非常重要的是,中國(guó)在全球娛樂(lè)業(yè)日益擴(kuò)大的影響力反映出其在移動(dòng)技術(shù)上的優(yōu)勢(shì)。各娛樂(lè)公司都在開(kāi)發(fā)面向移動(dòng)客戶的短視頻流服務(wù)。例如,紅杉和騰訊投資了快手(Kuaishou),并計(jì)劃在今年讓這家估值180億美元的公司上市。與此同時(shí),老虎環(huán)球基金(Tiger Global)和黎瑞剛的華人文化產(chǎn)業(yè)投資基金(China Media Capital)投資的另一家中國(guó)短視頻公司嗶哩嗶哩(Bilibili)即將在美國(guó)上市,估值為40億至50億美元。

As tantalising as these prospects seem, it is worth noting that just one of the three companies covered in the Credit Suisse report — Beijing Enlight Media — has an outperform rating. The challenge for investors is that many of these companies are young with a track record that is too short to judge. Not all of the new generation of aspiring media titans will succeed. Hollywood has always been about marketing dreams to investors as well as to audiences.

雖然這些前景看起來(lái)很誘人,但值得注意的是,在瑞信報(bào)告中所涵蓋的三家公司中,只有北京光線傳媒(Beijing Enlight Media)獲得了跑贏大盤(pán)的評(píng)級(jí)。投資者面臨的挑戰(zhàn)是,許多此類(lèi)公司都很年輕,業(yè)績(jī)記錄太短而無(wú)法判斷好壞。并非所有新一代的有抱負(fù)的媒體巨頭都會(huì)取得成功。好萊塢總是致力于向投資者和觀眾推銷(xiāo)夢(mèng)想。

Investors should not be too starry-eyed.



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