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As a statement of intent, it could hardly have been more dramatic. Last week, scientists in China announced they had cloned monkeys. It is the first time that the technique used to create Dolly the sheep has been applied successfully to primates.


While the milestone has spurred discussion about whether it could herald the onset of human cloning, the real story is the meteoric rise of China on the scientific stage. The country is pouring billions into efforts to become a research superpower. It is setting records, year on year, for the number of papers published in prestigious international journals. It files more patents each year than any other country (a record 1.1m in 2015), and more than the US, Japan and Korea combined. But China is also raising eyebrows for its use of cash incentives: many institutions pay scientists for papers published. The country’s most prolific scholars are pocketing amounts akin to City of London bonuses.

雖然這一里程碑式的突破引發(fā)了關(guān)于這是否預(yù)示著科學(xué)家也將開(kāi)始克隆人的討論,但其真正意義是中國(guó)在科學(xué)舞臺(tái)上的迅速崛起。中國(guó)正在投入巨資,朝著成為科研大國(guó)的方向努力。中國(guó)在國(guó)際著名期刊上發(fā)表的論文數(shù)量年年都在刷新紀(jì)錄。中國(guó)的專利申請(qǐng)數(shù)量每年都領(lǐng)先全球——2015年創(chuàng)下110萬(wàn)項(xiàng)申請(qǐng)的紀(jì)錄——而且比美國(guó)、日本和韓國(guó)的總和還要多。同樣令人驚奇的還有中國(guó)的現(xiàn)金激勵(lì)機(jī)制,許多機(jī)構(gòu)都向發(fā)表論文的科學(xué)家頒發(fā)獎(jiǎng)金。這個(gè)國(guó)家最多產(chǎn)的學(xué)者拿到的獎(jiǎng)金可媲美倫敦金融城(City of London)的員工。

The birth of two identical macaque monkeys in Shanghai refreshes the technical possibility of human cloning. Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua were produced using somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). To create a clone, a monkey embryo was emptied of its DNA and the vacancy filled with DNA taken from a tissue cell of a macaque foetus. Two embryos altered in this way resulted in successful live births, producing two clones of the same macaque foetus. (Nature is also capable of creating two genetic clones in the form of identical twins, which result from a single embryo dividing in the womb). The research, published in the journal Cell, was carried out by scientists at the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Neuroscience.

誕生在上海的兩只基因完全相同的克隆獼猴,再度表明了克隆人在科學(xué)上是可能的。中中和華華是用“體細(xì)胞核移植”(SCNT)方法克隆的。要制造克隆猴胚胎,需從一個(gè)獼猴胎兒的體細(xì)胞中提取細(xì)胞核,然后植入摘取了細(xì)胞核的獼猴卵母細(xì)胞中。用這種方法改造過(guò)的兩個(gè)胚胎最終成功存活,產(chǎn)生了同一個(gè)獼猴胎兒的兩只克隆猴。(自然情況下,同卵雙胞胎也能形成兩個(gè)基因相同的胎兒,他們是在子宮內(nèi)從一個(gè)受精卵分裂成的兩個(gè)胚胎。)這項(xiàng)研究是由中國(guó)科學(xué)院神經(jīng)科學(xué)研究所(Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Neuroscience)的科學(xué)家們進(jìn)行的,成果發(fā)表在《細(xì)胞》(Cell)期刊上。

The arithmetic behind their success bears testimony to the technical difficulty of cloning primates, similar to hurdles facing those cloning sheep or mice. Of 109 cloned embryos, three-quarters were implanted into 21 surrogate monkeys. This led to a handful of pregnancies and two successful births (although more clones are due to be born). As with the experiments that produced Dolly in 1996, the majority of cloned embryos that survive to implantation tend to abort spontaneously, or produce animals with birth defects. These dangers, as well as more obvious moral considerations regarding human individuality, render human cloning unethical to most scientists.


The Shanghai team state that, while their breakthrough smashes a barrier to human cloning, their sole intention is to produce genetically identical monkeys for medical research, an approach that could revolutionise the messy process of drug discovery.


The adorable face of a baby monkey is perhaps the most eye-catching symbol of a nation intent on academic dominance. China is pursuing a policy called World Class 2.0, an attempt to catapult six universities into the league of top global institutions by 2020. The Thousand Talents programme, meanwhile, is luring international professors with generous packages and a $160,000 golden hello. That the country is raising its research game is clear from another measure. China has overtaken the US when it comes to the total number of scientific publications: 426,000 to 409,000, in 2016. The US, though, still triumphs when it comes to highly cited papers (a measure of influence).


Some wonder whether China’s extraordinary ascent in the scientific firmament is due to cash payments for publication in top journals. One trawl through university websites revealed that, in 2016, a researcher could earn an average personal payment of about $44,000 for landing a paper in Nature or Science, the two most globally recognised journals. The highest payment on offer was a staggering $165,000 per paper — and this in a country where a professor typically earns less than $9,000.


China is also comparatively unhindered by regulatory oversight, allowing it to notch up a string of controversial biotechnology breakthroughs. It achieved a canine double-whammy last year, by cloning a gene-edited puppy. It is now pioneering gene-editing in humans.


It is also reaching for the moon — literally — with plans to build a lunar outpost. Mastering artificial intelligence is high on the government’s agenda, prompting concern at the number of Chinese firms investing in American tech start-ups. While the US still spends more than any other nation on basic science — $86bn in 2015 — the OECD estimates China will outspend its rival on R&D by 2019. When it comes to science and technology, the sun is most assuredly rising in the east.


The writer is a science commentator



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