The new rule was decided during the 67th annualmeeting of the Anhui provincial government held inJanuary. During the annual meeting, Anhuiauthorities passed a new law on the protection offemale employees in the province. Other measures including maternity leave and one hour aday breastfeeding leave for mothers with babies under the age of one.
According to the rule, all women taking the 'menstrual leave' would have to get a note fromtheir doctor to give to their employers, allowing the leave to take place.
Anhui isn't the first province in the country to introduce leave for severe menstrual pain.Hubei and Hainan provinces also offer this type of leave however the take up has been fairlylow. Hainan province haven't made the leave compulsory and so most employers have not madeit company policy.
According to China.org, an investigation carried out last year showed that around 20percent of women would not take up the opportunity for various reasons including exposingtheir private lives and causing delays in work.
Other countries and regions in Asia already offer days off. Indonesian women are entitledto take two days a month of menstrual leave.