Shortlists for job interviews, election ballot papers, lists of conference
speakers and attendees: all tend to be drawn up alphabetically, and their
recipients lose interest as they plough through them.
?、賂he humiliation continues.
?、贏t university graduation ceremonies, the ABCs proudly get their awards first; by the time they reach the Zysmans most people are literally having a ZZZ.
?、跾hortlists for job interviews, election ballot papers, lists of conference speakers and attendees: all tend to be drawn up alphabetically, and their recipients lose interest as they plough through them.
?、?并列)求職面試的候選人名單、選舉選票、會議發(fā)言人和與會者名單: 所有這些都傾向于按字母順序排列,當它們的收件人在費勁瀏覽這些名單時,他們已漸漸失去興趣。