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英語早間課堂:What do you say?




Morning!I am Juliet. Nice to meet you through network. Hope we could spend a wonderful morning together. An hour in the morning is worth two hours in the evening. 一天之計在于晨,若您有個美好晨間生活,相信您一天的生活都是美好的。A hard beginning makes a good ending. 常言道:善始善終。


Last time we finished learning the lesson—— Look me in the eye and tell me something which is a way to ask somebody not to tell lies. And at the end of the programme, I left some translation exercises for all of you and now I'll let the answers out in the open.

Dialogue one —— 猜猜我今早在超市遇到誰了?

—— 是你的前夫吧。

—— 不是,是當(dāng)年和他鬼混在一起的那個女人。

—— 那真是個賤人,拆撒了你美好的家庭,致使Rose在不完整的家庭中長大。—— 不提了,過去的就過了吧。

—— Guess who I ran into this morning? —— It might have been your first husband happened to. —— Nope, it was the woman running around with him, stumbled across. —— Oh, terrible! Gag me! It was the cheap woman who had broken up your warm family so that Rose grew up in a single-parent family , hurted in mental health. —— Forget it. Let bygones bygones.


(1)這段對話使用了run into, happen to , stumble across三個不同的短語表達(dá)了meet somebody by chance(偶遇),這樣使讀者閱讀時不覺得枯燥乏味。

(2)根據(jù)語境,正確地使用了虛擬語氣,對過去事情不是很肯定的推測用情態(tài)動詞might + have done(3)短語豐富:a cheap women 賤女人(cheap不但有便宜的意思,還有卑賤的意思。) break up one's family 拆散某人的家庭 run around with 與......(在性事上)鬼混, in a single-parent family不完整的家庭(這里對不完整的家庭進(jìn)行了意譯,本對話中,不完整的家庭就是指“單親家庭”) so that 以致于.......(引導(dǎo)結(jié)果狀語從句)mental health 心理健康。

(4)由于這個是對話,對話中正確的使用俚語可以使得談話幽默詼諧。該對話中的俚語是gag,it means "to make somebody discuting".

(5)使用了一個現(xiàn)在分詞短語和三個過去分詞短語: happened to 是過去分詞短語作后置定語,修飾 husband; stumbled across是過去分詞短語作后置定語修飾woman, hurted in mental health 是過去分詞短語做伴隨狀況狀語,running around with him是現(xiàn)在分詞短語做后置定語修飾woman.

(6)“It was she who has broken up your warm family”是強(qiáng)調(diào)句式,其結(jié)構(gòu)為:it+系動詞+被強(qiáng)調(diào)部分(該句強(qiáng)調(diào)的是主語she) ,強(qiáng)調(diào)遇到的是那個女人。

(7) 對話的結(jié)尾使用了一句諺語:Let bygones be bygones. 讓過去的就過去了吧。

Dialogue 2—— 出什么事兒啦?你怎么哭了?

—— 我今天在桂林飯店遇到我失散多年的現(xiàn)在身居臺灣的親姐姐,我以為她已經(jīng)在戰(zhàn)亂中喪生了。

—— What the deal with you? You are crying. —— I am too excited to control my emotions because I stumbled my sister living in Taiwan who must have lost his life in the war in Guilin Hotel.


(1)這里使用很好的口語化的句子(也就是俚語):What's the deal with somebody? 來代替了書面語言what's the matter ( problem) with somebody? 跟它同意的俚語還有What's with... What's new with...

(2)短語:too ... to stumble across(3)失散多年的翻譯為long-lost,這是一個復(fù)合詞,其結(jié)構(gòu)為形容詞加上過去分詞性質(zhì)的形容詞。

(4)使用了不同的方式來作定語修飾同一個名詞,使句子結(jié)構(gòu)靈活多變,具有跳躍性:living in Taiwan 是現(xiàn)在分詞短語作后置定語修飾名詞sister,who must have lost his life in the war 是定語從句作后置定語修飾名詞sister。

(5)根據(jù)語境,正確的使用了虛擬語氣,表示對過去事情很肯定的推測,用情態(tài)動詞must have done的結(jié)構(gòu)。

3 我喊:“加油,中國隊。”幾乎把嗓子都喊啞了。

I've nearly lost my voice with shouting.'Come on, China Team.' 【點評】loose one's voice 聲音嘶啞 with shouting 介詞+動名詞做伴隨狀況狀語。

4 我要你在十一點以前干完。還等什么?趕緊動手!

You need to have the job done before eleven. Come on,jump to it! 【點評】 (1)使用了一個很好的短語結(jié)構(gòu)表達(dá)“叫某人做某事”:have something done(2) jump to something 該短語很形象的表達(dá)出趕緊做某事的意思,jump是“跳”的意思,我們看到跳水健兒跳到水中的速度是很快的。

(3)理解了come on的意思,對“還等什么?”而不是直譯為:What are you waiting for?這里進(jìn)行意譯,5 快點吧, 你們這些小伙子, 咱們動手干吧Come on, (you) guys, let's get going! 【點評】 Let's get going. 這是個很經(jīng)典的口語句子。It means "to start doing something". 還有一個是 Let's get started. 值得注意的是get后面跟go和start的話,go使用的是現(xiàn)在分詞,start使用的是過去分詞。

6 得了吧, 你這樣做不公平. Come on, you're not playing fair. 【點評】play fair 習(xí)語,意為“公平公正”“光明磊落”。

7 算了罷,你把它 當(dāng)做兒戲了!

Come on! You've getting it into kid games.

【點評】短語get something into kid games 把......當(dāng)做兒戲8 得啦! 看一晚上戲不會傾家蕩產(chǎn)的. Come on! One evening at the theatre won't break the bank. 【點評】 break the bank 這個短語很形象的表示了“傾家蕩產(chǎn)”的意思。

9 來吧, 振作起來; 你喝得太多了! Come on, snap out of it; you drank too much! 【點評】snap out of 迅速從......中恢復(fù)過來。 不知道大家走進(jìn)了可可地盤有聲桌面口語壁紙節(jié)目沒有,我們剛剛學(xué)玩這些表示振作起來的俚語: get a grip on oneself/ take a grip on oneself/ pull oneself together/ get a hold of oneself.

11 來,把它用明白的語言說出來。

Come on, and have it out in plain words. 【點評】have it out 說出來。前些日我們學(xué)過了Let's have it. 是叫別人把他不知道的事情全盤說出。

12 好啦, 快點兒吧, 我們看電影已經(jīng)晚啦. Come on, shake a leg, we've been late for the film already. 【點評】shake a leg 用動動你的腿來很形象地表示催促人抓緊時間。

13 振作些!不要坐在那里做白日夢。

Come on! Don't just sit there daydreaming. 【點評】 daydreaming 現(xiàn)在分詞做伴隨狀況狀語。


Okay , in future we are going to learn ways to ask about somebody what someone is thinking of something. This morning let's come to the first one that is similar to saying "Give me your answer." It indicates that the speaker is expecting a person to say yes or no. What's it? Let's get the answer from the following the dialogue.

A : Come with me to the party tomorrow. What do you say?

B : That sounds a lot of fun to me.


It is "What do you say?" It's used to ask for an agreement. It's similar to saying in Chinese: 怎么樣? 你覺得呢?and so on. Attention please, here "What do you say?" isn't used to ask for comments of people's talking. Let's look at it's uses. 1 What do you say to going out for a drink? 出去喝一杯怎么樣?Here's a sentence pattern: What do you say to+ ving? 做某事如何?

2 What do you say that we call it a day? 我們今天的工作就到此,怎么樣?Here's a sentence pattern: What do you say + an object clause. 3 What do you say to that? 這事兒怎樣?Here's a sentence pattern:What do you say to + 名詞,代詞等. 某樣?xùn)|西,某事如何?


Well , let's call it a day, what do you say? My dear friends from Keke net? 哈,juliet在這里是即學(xué)即用了。I think you'll go to work, so do I. Still , at the end of the programme, as usual, I would like to leave some translation exercises for you to do so as to absorb today's lesson. Please translate the following sentences.

1 今晚出去看戲,你說好嗎?

2 去散會兒步怎么樣?

3 要是你能干你就前途無量!你覺得呢?

4 我們就此算了吧,你說呢?

5 我們在周末開個派對,你覺得怎么樣?

6 那就不一樣了,你說呢?

7 我們?nèi)コ渣c東西,你看怎么樣?

8 你暫不贊成我們一起去經(jīng)商呀?

9 我主張這一項展緩,你看怎么樣?

9 你說對不對:我們犯不著去打這些小算盤?

10 老程尋思了半天:“我去告訴王先生一聲兒好不好?”《駱駝祥子》


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