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58 PULL: 拉,拖;拔,抽;實施,犯(罪);移動





58 PULL: 拉,拖;拔,抽;實施,犯(罪);移動


1. pull a boner * 犯大錯,捅大婁子

解 俚語;詞義溯源:犯[大錯(boner)]

例 Tom lost the file and Mr. Edwards warned him not to pull a boner like that again.

2. pull a fast one * 欺騙,作弄

解 俚語;詞義溯源:實施[欺騙(fast one)]

例 He's trying to pull a fast one, but he doesn't fool me.

3. pull a trick 〔stunt〕 on sb. / pull a trick 〔stunt〕 ** ?;ㄕ?,使詭計

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:實施[詭計、花招、把戲(trick, stunt)]

例 Our team pulled a trick and won the game.

4. pull ahead of sb. or sth. *** 超過,領(lǐng)先

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:移動到某人或某物的[前面、前方(ahead)]

例 China's economy may pull ahead that of the United States in the next century.

5. pull in *** 拉進,拉入;(汽車)靠邊停車

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:將某物拉[進(in)]某處

例 Vince opened the garage door so I could pull in.

6. pull one's leg ** 跟某人開玩笑,戲弄

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:拽或者拉某人的[腿(leg)]

例 The boss didn't die! They were pulling your leg when they told you that.

7. pull one's punches * 故意不用力擊打;手下留情

解 俚語;詞義溯源:拉住某人的[擊打、出拳(punches)]

例 If Mancini hadn't pulled his punches, he could have easily knocked Jones out.

8. pull one's teeth ** 使某人變得無害,使某人無所施其技

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:拔某人的[牙(teeth)]

例 The Americans want to pull Iraq's teeth by denying its military equipment.

9. pull oneself together ** 冷靜下來;振奮精神

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:將自己[一同(together)]拉住

例 It took months for David to pull himself together after the death of his mother.

10. pull oneself up / pull oneself up by one's own bootstraps ** 靠自己的努力獲得成功

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:用自己的[力量(bootstraps)]將自己拉[上去(up)]

例 Failure after failure, Groll pulled himself up and continued to strive.

11. pull over *** 將車停在路邊

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:拉動某物使其[依靠(over)]在某物上

例 Could you pull over near that theater? That's where I want to get out.

12. pull rank on sb. / pull rank ** 以權(quán)欺人

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:[針對(on)]某人向上拉[等級(rank)]

例 If I have to pull rank on you to get you to comply, I warn you I will.

13. pull sb. or sth. down *** 拉下,拉倒;拆掉;使(價值、地位等)下降;得到,賺到;使(政府等)倒臺

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:將某人或某物[向下(down)]拉

例 I need you to pull those blankets down from the top shelf.

The national debt is pulling this nation down!

How much do you pull down working at Denny's Restaurant?

The earthquake left the old church unstable, so it had to be pulled down.

An oversupply has pulled down the prices of wheat and barley.

14. pull sb. or sth. through sth. *** (使)渡過危機(或難關(guān));(使)恢復(fù)健康

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:拉著某人或某物從某物中[穿過、通過(through)]

例 A special tool was used to pull the wire through the conduit.

The plan will help pull the company through its financial difficulties.

15. pull sth. off / pull off sth. *** 拿掉,脫下;(成功地)完成

解 〈俚〉短語動詞;詞義溯源:將某物從某處拉[下來(off)]

例 It's attached by Velcro, so it's easy to pull off and put on again.

It's going to be difficult, but I think they'll pull it off in the end.

16. pull sth. on sb. *** 拔出刀、槍等對付某人

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:將某物拔出來對著某人

例 Once inside the building, the man pulled a gun on the security guard.

17. pull sth. out of a hat ** 像變魔術(shù)一樣拿出

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:[從帽子中(out of a hat)]變魔術(shù)般地拉出某物

例 Down by 3 goals, Japan is going to have to pull a miracle out of a hat to defeat the South Korean team.

18. pull sth. together ** 將某物拉到一起;齊心協(xié)力,團結(jié)起來

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:將某物拉到一起;參照scrape sth. together

例 Please pull together the commands and run that on each system.

If you pull together, success is certain.

19. pull strings ** 利用私人關(guān)系,走后門;在幕后操縱

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:拉著(木偶的)[操縱線(strings)]

例 Bob knows the manager of that hotel, so maybe he can pull some strings and get us a room for New Year's Eve.

20. pull the plug on sb. or sth. ** 放手;撤回支持

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:拔掉[塞子、插頭(plug)]

例 Budget cuts have forced the Pentagon to pull the plug on the project.

21. pull the rug out from under sb. ** 打亂某人的計劃,拆某人的臺

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:從某人的腳下抽出[墊子、毯子(rug)]

例 The government cancelled its support, which pulled the rug out from under us.

22. pull the wool over one's eyes ** 蒙騙某人

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:拔下[羊毛(wool)][蓋在(over)]某人的眼上

例 Retailers are pulling the wool over their customers' eyes with false bargain sales.

23. pull through *** (使)渡過危機(或難關(guān));(使)康復(fù)

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:拉動使其順利地[通過(through)]

例 Very few people survive liver cancer, but somehow grandpa pulled through.

24. pull up stakes ** 搬家,離開

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:將[木樁(stakes)][向上(up)]拔

例 Tyson Electronic pulled up stakes and moved their operations overseas.


1. 湯姆把文件丟了,愛德華茲先生警告他再也不準(zhǔn)犯這種大錯了。

2. 他想騙我,但沒成功。

3. 我們隊耍了個花招,贏得了比賽。

4. 下個世紀(jì),中國的經(jīng)濟可能超過美國。

5. 文斯打開車庫的門,讓我把車開進去。

6. 老板沒有死!他們這么說只是在跟你開玩笑。

7. 如果曼西尼不手下留情,很容易就能把瓊斯擊倒。

8. 美國人想通過不承認(rèn)伊拉克的軍事裝備來消除其威脅。

9. 戴維在母親去世后,花了幾個月時間才讓自己重新振作起來。

10. 格羅爾經(jīng)歷過一次又一次失敗,但他總能自力更生,轉(zhuǎn)敗為勝,奮發(fā)圖強。

11. 你能在那個劇院附近的路邊停車嗎?我要在那里下車。

12. 如果我得利用職權(quán)強迫你才能讓你服從的話,那我警告你我會的。

13. 我需要你把那些毛毯從最上面的架子上拉下來。





14. 用特殊工具將線穿過了導(dǎo)管。


15. 這是用維可牢尼龍搭扣系上的,所以很容易脫下和穿上。


16. 那個人一進入大樓就掏出一把槍對著保安。

17. 日本隊落后3分,他們只有像變魔術(shù)那樣變出奇跡才能打敗韓國隊。

18. 請將命令組合起來,并在每個系統(tǒng)中運行。


19. 鮑勃認(rèn)識那家酒店的經(jīng)理,所以,或許他能走走后門,為我們在新年前夜訂一個房間。

20. 預(yù)算縮減迫使五角大樓不再支持該項目。

21. 政府撤銷了支持,打亂了我們的計劃。

22. 零售商用虛假大減價蒙騙他們的客戶。

23. 很少有肝癌患者能存活,但是爺爺卻康復(fù)了。

24. 泰森電子公司撤離了,把業(yè)務(wù)轉(zhuǎn)移到了海外。


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