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57 PLAY: 玩,玩耍;玩弄;比賽;演奏,演出;





57 PLAY: 玩,玩耍;玩弄;比賽;演奏,演出;做,行動(dòng);假裝;(紙牌游戲中)出牌;打賭,下注;對(duì)待


1. play around with sb. or sth. *** 玩耍

解 短語動(dòng)詞;詞義溯源:與某人或某物一起在[周圍、附近(around)]玩

例 Tommy, I told you not to play around with my computer, didn't I?

2. play ball with sb. / play ball ** 一起進(jìn)行球類比賽;合作,協(xié)助

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:與某人玩[球(ball)];play ball也有“開始打棒球”的意思

例 Whenever we play ball with the Seattle Mariners, we lose.

We refuse to play ball with such a disreputable company.

3. play both ends against the middle / play both ends ** 使對(duì)立的雙方爭斗而從中獲利,為漁利而使…相斗

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:讓雙方在[中間(the middle)]比賽(對(duì)抗);參照play sb. off against sb. else

例 I failed in playing both ends against the middle. Instead of getting angry at each other, both parties got angry at me!

4. play cat and mouse with sb. ** 與某人玩貓鼠游戲,對(duì)某人欲擒故縱

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:與某人玩[貓捉老鼠的游戲(cat and mouse)]

例 The killer played cat and mouse with the woman, letting her go and then catching her again and again.

5. play fair ** 公正比賽;正當(dāng)行事

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:[公正(fair)]比賽

例 If we can't win by playing fair, then I don't even want to play.

6. play fast and loose with sb. or sth. ** 對(duì)某人反復(fù)無常,拿某事當(dāng)兒戲

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:對(duì)待某人或某物[時(shí)快時(shí)慢(fast and loose)]

例 He wasted the $3 million inheritance by playing fast and loose with it.

7. play first chair ** 成為(管弦樂團(tuán)或者樂隊(duì)中)某一種樂器的首席演奏者;成為領(lǐng)導(dǎo)、負(fù)責(zé)人

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:作為[首席演奏者(first chair)]來演奏

例 You'll have to practice harder than this if you want to play first chair.

Find out who plays first chair and go directly to him or her with the problem.

8. play footsie with sb. / play footsie ** 與某人碰腳調(diào)情;與某人勾勾搭搭;與某人進(jìn)行秘密交易

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:與某人玩[(在桌子底下)碰腳(footsie)]調(diào)情

例 Don't you think playing footsie is a little childish, Ronald?

Now it's up to the prosecutors to determine who played footsie with whom.

9. play for keeps * 認(rèn)真地做事

解 俚語;詞義溯源:[(不是開玩笑而是)認(rèn)真地(for keeps)]做

例 When we play cards, Wu Jin always insists we play for keeps.

These land developers play for keeps, so you have to fight them hard.

10. play hard to get ** 故意裝出難以接近的樣子(以鼓勵(lì)對(duì)方進(jìn)一步追求)

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:假裝[很難得到(hard to get)];大多用于異性之間

例 She played hard to get for too long. She got old and nobody ever married her.

11. play hooky * 逃學(xué),曠課

解 俚語;詞義溯源:做出[逃學(xué)(hooky)]的舉動(dòng)

例 You never played hooky while you were a student? That's hard to believe.

12. play into one's hands ** 使某人(常指對(duì)手)獲利而自己吃虧

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:在某人的[手掌(hands)]中玩耍

例 This is what they want you to do, John. They want you to complain, so they'll have a reason to fire you. You're playing right into their hands.

13. play it cool * 冷靜處理,泰然自若

解 俚語;詞義溯源:[冷靜地、泰然地(cool)]做某事

例 His lawyer advised him to play it cool and keep to his daily routine.

14. play it safe ** 謹(jǐn)慎行事

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:[安全地(safe)]行動(dòng)

例 We decided to play it safe and avoid walking on dark streets.

15. play on 〔upon〕 sth. *** 對(duì)某事造成影響;利用(別人的感情)

解 短語動(dòng)詞;詞義溯源:做出[對(duì)(on)]某事有影響的行動(dòng)

例 You should never play on a child's fears to make them obey you.

16. play one's cards close to one's 〔the〕 chest 〔vest〕 ** 保守秘密

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:從接近[胸口(chest)]或[背心(vest)]的地方出牌

例 Until your invention has been patented, I suggest you play your cards close to your chest.

17. play one's cards right 〔well〕 ** 事情處理得當(dāng);做事有心計(jì)

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:[準(zhǔn)確地(right)]出自己的[牌(cards)]

例 Play your cards right and the director's job can be yours, Paul.

18. play one's trump card ** 使出絕招,打出王牌

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:出[王牌(trump card)]

例 The chairman owes me a personal favor. If we can't get the permission we need for this project, I might play my trump card and get him to approve it.

19. play politics ** 玩弄權(quán)術(shù),玩弄政治手段

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:玩弄[權(quán)術(shù)(politics)]

例 Nobody likes a guy who gets his promotions not on merit but by playing politics.

20. play possum 〔opossum〕 ** 裝病,裝死,裝睡;裝傻

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:假裝成[負(fù)鼠(possum,opossum)]

例 When an enemy soldier passed by, I would play possum.

21. play second fiddle to sb. ** 居次要地位;當(dāng)副手

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:作為[(管弦樂團(tuán)的)第二小提琴手(second fiddle)]演奏;這里的second fiddle有“第二小提琴手;二把手,次要地位”的意思

例 After playing second fiddle to Reagan for eight years, Bush was elected President.

22. play sb. for sth. *** 把某人像…一樣對(duì)待

解 短語動(dòng)詞;詞義溯源:把某人[當(dāng)做(for)]…對(duì)待;參照take sb. for sb. or sth.

例 You play me for an amateur, but I have over 12 years' experience im marketing.

23. play sb. off against sb. else *** 使雙方反目成仇收漁利

解 短語動(dòng)詞;詞義溯源:耍手段讓某人與某人[對(duì)抗(against)][切斷(off)]聯(lián)系

例 One military strategy we employed was to play one enemy off against another, allowing them to weaken each other in battle.

24. play sb. or sth. down *** 對(duì)…不重視,貶低

解 短語動(dòng)詞;詞義溯源:對(duì)某人或某事(放在)[低處(down)]對(duì)待

例 Dreyer's Restaurant played down the report of unsanitary conditions.

25. play sb. or sth. up *** 對(duì)…重視,強(qiáng)調(diào)

解 短語動(dòng)詞;詞義溯源:對(duì)某人或某事(放在)[高處(up)]對(duì)待

例 Bill plays up his role in the Snyder Election Campaign, but he was only a district chief.

26. play sth. by ear ** (不看樂譜)聽了就會(huì)演奏;沒有正規(guī)地學(xué)習(xí)但演奏得很好

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:不看樂譜[通過聽覺(by ear)]來演奏

例 We used to play old rock songs by ear in the garage at Joe's house.

He started his career in music playing various instruments by ear.

27. play the field ** 廣泛結(jié)交異性;不專一;從事多種活動(dòng)

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:在賽馬比賽中對(duì)[最熱門的馬和其他所有出場(chǎng)的賽馬(field)]打賭

例 Bob thinks that young people should delay getting married and play the field for a few years.

28. play the market ** 做股票生意

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:像比賽或者賭博一樣在股市下注

例 InvestWare 5.1 software helps amateur investors play the market.

29. play to the gallery ** 迎合大眾的口味;嘩眾取寵

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:演出[迎合(to)][趣味低俗或通俗的一般觀眾(gallery)]的口味

例 Politicians' remarks are often nothing more than words intended to play to the gallery.

30. play tricks on sb. / play tricks ** 開玩笑,捉弄

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:對(duì)某人玩[騙術(shù)、惡作劇(tricks)]

例 Is somebody playing tricks on me? I know I put my car keys on my desk, now they are gone.

31. play up to sb. *** 迎合,討好

解 短語動(dòng)詞;詞義溯源:對(duì)某人[有所企圖(up to)]而采取行動(dòng)

例 Larry is playing up to the boss again. He brought the boss a gift for his birthday.

32. play with fire ** 玩火;做危險(xiǎn)的事

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:玩[火(fire)]

例 If you want to challenge his power, go ahead. But you'll be playing with fire.


1. 湯米,我跟你說過不要亂動(dòng)我的電腦,是不是?

2. 每次與西雅圖水手隊(duì)打球我們都會(huì)輸。


3. 我試圖挑撥離間而從中獲利,但是失敗了。雙方?jīng)]有惹惱對(duì)方,倒是對(duì)我非常生氣!

4. 殺手和那個(gè)女人玩貓鼠游戲,放她走后又一次次抓住她。

5. 如果我們不能通過公正比賽獲得勝利,那我寧愿不參賽。

6. 他非常輕率地處理了300萬美元的遺產(chǎn),浪費(fèi)了這筆錢。

7. 如果你想做首席演奏者,就要更加努力練習(xí)。


8. 你不覺得調(diào)情有點(diǎn)幼稚嗎,羅納德?


9. 我們打牌的時(shí)候,武晉總是認(rèn)為我們應(yīng)該認(rèn)真點(diǎn)。


10. 她一直故意裝出難以接近的樣子。后來她老了,沒有人娶她。

11. 你在學(xué)生時(shí)代從來沒逃過學(xué)?真是讓人難以置信。

12. 這就是他們想要讓你做的,約翰。他們想讓你抱怨,這樣他們就有理由解雇你了。你這樣正好讓他們占了便宜。

13. 他的律師建議他冷靜點(diǎn),不要影響日常生活。

14. 我們決定不冒險(xiǎn),不在漆黑的街道上行走。

15. 你不應(yīng)該利用孩子的恐懼讓他們服從你。

16. 在你的發(fā)明獲得專利權(quán)之前,我建議你保守秘密。

17. 只要你把事情做好,主任的位置就是你的,保羅。

18. 總裁欠我一個(gè)人情。如果這個(gè)項(xiàng)目得不到許可,我可能會(huì)打出我們的王牌,讓他批準(zhǔn)。

19. 沒有人會(huì)喜歡一個(gè)不靠功績而靠不正當(dāng)手段獲得晉升的人。

20. 當(dāng)敵方士兵經(jīng)過的時(shí)候,我就裝死。

21. 為里根擔(dān)任八年副手后,布什被選舉為總統(tǒng)。

22. 你拿我當(dāng)業(yè)余的耍,我可是有12年的市場(chǎng)營銷經(jīng)驗(yàn)。

23. 我們采用的一項(xiàng)軍事戰(zhàn)略是讓敵人相互爭斗,讓他們?cè)跔幎分邢魅醣舜恕?

24. 德雷爾餐廳不重視衛(wèi)生狀況不良的報(bào)告。

25. 比爾太突出他在斯奈德選舉活動(dòng)中的重要地位了,但其實(shí)他只不過是一個(gè)區(qū)長。

26. 我們以前常在喬家的車庫里不看樂譜演奏聽過的搖滾老歌。


27. 鮑勃認(rèn)為年輕人應(yīng)該晚點(diǎn)結(jié)婚,花幾年時(shí)間多談幾個(gè)朋友。

28. InvestWare 5.1軟件可以幫助業(yè)余投資者炒股。

29. 政客們的言辭往往除了嘩眾取寵外沒有任何意義。

30. 是不是有人在跟我開玩笑?。课掖_定把車鑰匙放在桌子上了,但現(xiàn)在找不到了。

31. 拉里又在討好老板了。老板過生日的時(shí)候他送了一份禮物。

32. 如果你想挑戰(zhàn)他的能力,那就去吧。不過你這是在玩火。


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