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第15章 副 詞 15.2 副詞在句中的作用





15.2 副詞在句中的作用

15.2.1 副詞作狀語

1) 副詞最主要的作用是作狀語,可修飾動(dòng)詞(a),也可修飾動(dòng)詞的非謂語形式(b):

a. She welcomed us warmly. 她熱情地歡迎我們。

He'll be here directly. 他一會(huì)就到這里來。

He behaved very coolly in this dangerous situation. 在這險(xiǎn)境中他表現(xiàn)得很冷靜。

They spoke very highly of him. 他們對(duì)他評(píng)價(jià)很高。

Have you seen her lately? 你最近見到她了嗎?

He was justly punished. 他受到了應(yīng)得的懲處。

b. Her little girls are always prettily dressed. 她的小女孩們總是打扮得漂漂亮亮的。

She promised to see me home. 她答應(yīng)送我回家。

Excuse me for coming back. 原諒我又回來了。

Having failed twice, he didn't want to try again. 失敗兩次后他不想再試了。

He seemed much agitated. 他似乎很不安。

Greatly disappointed, she went home. 大失所望之下,她回家去了。

2) 也可修飾形容詞(a)或副詞(b):

a. We were terribly lucky to find you here. 我們很幸運(yùn)在這里找到了你。

He is slightly lame. 他腿稍稍有點(diǎn)瘸。

I'm quite happy here. 我在這里很高興。

It was a pretty poor imitation. 這是一件很粗劣的復(fù)制品。

b. Pretty soon the lilacs would be in bloom. 丁香花很快就要開了。

The summer passed too quickly. 夏天過得太快了。

He didn't work hard enough. 他不夠用功。

Can you explain it more simply? 你能解釋得更簡(jiǎn)單些嗎?

3) 還可修飾整個(gè)句子:

Naturally, she's attached to the place. 當(dāng)然她很喜歡這個(gè)地方。

Sure I will come. 肯定我會(huì)來。

Normally we go to bed at ten. 通常我們十點(diǎn)上床睡覺。

Ironically, he became ill on the day of his marriage. 具有諷刺意味的是,他結(jié)婚那天病倒了。

Miraculously, no one was killed. 真是奇跡,竟沒有人喪生。

Hopefully, we'll meet again on Thursday. 希望咱們星期四再見面。

15.2.2 副詞作表語

1) 大部分副詞小品詞(即與介詞同形的副詞)都可用作表語:

Mary was down with a slight fever. 瑪麗有點(diǎn)發(fā)燒。

The light is still on. 電燈還亮著。

I'll be along in a minute. 我一會(huì)兒就來。

Are the children back yet? 孩子們回來了嗎?

He'll be round this afternoon. 他今天下午就來。

Are you through (with your work)? 你干完了嗎?

Is Staley about? 斯坦利在附近嗎?

He hid the jewels when nobody was by. 他趁沒人時(shí)把首飾藏了起來。

The storm was over before the morning. 天亮前暴風(fēng)雨停了。

He isn't up yet? 他還沒起床?

Her office is just above. 她的辦公室就在上面。

His leave is up tomorrow. 他的假期明天結(jié)束。

We're behind in our plan. 我們落在計(jì)劃后面了。

I must be off now. 我得走了。

2) 另外一些副詞也有這樣用的:

Communications were back to normal at noon. 午時(shí)通訊恢復(fù)正常。

I shall be home around five o'clock. 我將在五點(diǎn)左右到家。

I haven't been away from home before. 我以前從未離開過家。

The holidays will soon be here. 假期很快就要來臨。

The bedrooms are upstairs. 臥室在樓上。

Have you been abroad before? 你以前出過國嗎?

It's just there—under your book. 它就在那兒,在你的書下面。

15.2.3 副詞的其他用法


1) 作定語:

Please forward my letters to the above address. 請(qǐng)把我的信轉(zhuǎn)到上面的地址。

Write your name in the place below. 把你的名字寫在下面空格中。

We had to get off and take the bus behind. 我們只得下車,換乘后面的巴士。

The buildings around were badly damaged. 周圍的建筑物都受到了嚴(yán)重的損壞。

There is a good show on at the Calladium. 在卡來登劇院有一場(chǎng)精彩的演出。

Take the up escalator. 坐往上去的電梯。

Tickets are cheaper during the off season. 淡季機(jī)票便宜一些。

I hope you'll enjoy your stay here. 希望你在這兒住得愉快。

2) 作賓語的補(bǔ)語(一起構(gòu)成復(fù)合賓語):

I'm pleased to see you back. 看到你回來我很高興。

I asked her in (over to my house). 我請(qǐng)她進(jìn)來(到我家來)。

Keep your coat on if you feel cold. 如果你覺得冷可以穿著大衣。

I'm having a tooth out tomorrow. 我明天要拔一顆牙。

He'll never let you down;he's reliable. 他很可靠,決不會(huì)拆你的臺(tái)。

I want it back right now, plus the interest. 我要你現(xiàn)在就還,外加利息。

Could you put me through to the manager? 能幫我接通經(jīng)理的電話嗎?

She doesn't know how to put her ideas across. 她不知道該怎樣講清楚自己的意思。

3) 還可構(gòu)成成語動(dòng)詞:

We leave off work at five o'clock. 我們五點(diǎn)鐘下班。

Some flowers give off their richest fragrance at night. 有些花夜間散發(fā)出最濃郁的香味。

The roses will come out next week. 玫瑰下星期就要開花了。

The actors were making up when we arrived. 我們到達(dá)時(shí)演員正在上裝。

Some try to get on by making up to the boss. 一些人設(shè)法拍老板馬屁來往上爬。

He will carry these aims through to the end. 他將把這些目標(biāo)貫徹到底。



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