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第15章 副 詞 15.1 副詞的類型





15.1 副詞的類型

15.1.1 副詞的類型


● 時間副詞(Adverbs of Time)

● 地點副詞(Adverbs of Place)

● 方式副詞(Adverbs of Manner)

● 程度副詞(Adverbs of Degree)

● 強調(diào)副詞(Emphasing Adverbs)

● 疑問副詞(Interrogative Adverbs)

● 連接副詞(Conjunctive Adverbs)

● 關(guān)系副詞(Relative Adverbs)

● 句子副詞(Sentence Adverbs)

15.1.2 時間副詞


1) 表示發(fā)生時間的副詞:

It's beginning to rain now! 現(xiàn)在開始下雨了!

I haven't seen her recently. 最近我沒見到她。

Will you be free tonight? 你今晚有空嗎?

See you later. 回頭見。


2) 表示頻繁程度的副詞,也稱頻度副詞(Adverbs of Frequency):

She is constantly changing her mind. 她老是改變主意。

We do m et now and then, but not regularly. 我們確實偶爾也見面,但不經(jīng)常見面。

Lester rarely (seldom) left his room. 萊斯特很少離開他的房間。

He goes to see her continually. 他頻繁地去看她。


3) 還有一些其他表示時間的副詞:

I'll be back presently (shortly). 我一會兒就回來。

What decision did you finally arrive at? 你們最后作出了什么決定?

Nancy was up early. 南希很早就起來了。

He has just had an operation. 他剛動過手術(shù)。


15.1.3 地點副詞

1) 有不少表示地點的副詞:

She is studying abroad. 她在國外留學(xué)。

If he is not here, he's about somewhere. 如果他不在這兒,那就在附近什么地方。

They moved downtown. 他們搬到城里去了。

Then I went upstairs to bed. 然后我就上樓睡覺了。


2) 還有一些部分與介詞同形的副詞,有人稱它們?yōu)楦痹~小品詞(Adverb Particles)。這些副詞與介詞同形,跟賓語的為介詞,否則是副詞:

* * *

* * *


3) 還有一些地點副詞表示地區(qū)范圍等:

We have no shops locally. 我們在本地區(qū)沒有商店。

Fortunately the news was not yet spread widely. 所幸這消息還沒有四處傳開。

Eight million people globally are infected with the virus. 全世界有八百萬人染上了這種病毒。

The theory has been universally accepted. 這個理論已被普遍接受。



Let's go anywhere where it's quiet. 咱們?nèi)ヒ粋€安靜的地方吧。

Where did you go? ——Nowhere. 你去哪兒了? ——哪兒也沒去。

If she doesn't like it here, she can go elsewhere. 如果她不喜歡這里,她可以去別的地方。

It's the same everywhere. 到處都一樣。

I seemed to have met you somewhere. 我似乎在哪兒見過你。

15.1.4 方式副詞


She gently refused to accept the gifts. 她委婉地拒絕接受那些禮物。

These countries were ruthlessly invaded. 這些國家受到殘暴的侵略。

They hoped to see the problem settled peacefully. 他們希望看到這問題和平解決。

How beautifully your wife dances. 你夫人舞跳得真優(yōu)美。


2) 還有相當(dāng)多的副詞,表示某些情緒:

This I gladly accepted. 這東西我高興地接受了。

He shook hands eagerly with Sherlock Holmes. 他熱切地與福爾摩斯握手。

She smiled gratefully. 她感激地笑了笑。

He looked at her sadly. 他凄然地看了看她。


3) 還有一些以-ly結(jié)尾的副詞,表示動作發(fā)生的情況:

The process was controlled automatically. 生產(chǎn)工序是自動控制的。

They trafficked in smuggled goods openly. 他們公開地販賣走私貨。

He left the town secretly. 他悄然離開了這座城市。

I only met her accidentally. 我只是偶然碰見她的。


4) 大部分方式副詞都由形容詞加-ly構(gòu)成,但有少數(shù)不帶-ly詞尾:

I had to work all alone. 我得獨自一人工作。

Do you buy wholesale or retail? 你是批發(fā)還是零售?

She was to fly solo the next day. 第二天她將作單人飛行。

He spoke impromptu. 他即席講了話。

15.1.5 程度副詞和強調(diào)副詞

1) 程度副詞可修飾動詞,表示“到某種程?”:

I'm extremely disappointed in him. 我對他極其失望。

He loved his mother dearly. 他深愛他的母親。

I strongly object to your saying that. 我強烈反對你這樣說話。

Is she badly hurt? 她傷得重嗎?



a.fairly simple 相當(dāng)簡單

rather difficult 相當(dāng)難

awfully sorry 非常抱歉

perfectly clear 十分清楚

highly confidential 高度機密的

quite correct 完全正確

utterly unreasonable 極不合理

truly grateful 確實很感激

b.fairly smoothly 相當(dāng)順利地

wonderfully well 好極了

know full(y) well 完全清楚

work quite hard 工作相當(dāng)努力

run pretty fast 跑得相當(dāng)快

speak exceedingly well 講得極好

act quite right 做得完全對

do it very quickly 干得很快

2) 強調(diào)副詞和程度副詞很相近,有些就是程度副詞。它們主要對所修飾的動詞(a)、形容詞(b)加以強調(diào):

a.I quite agree. 我完全同意。

He knew absolutely nothing. 他是毫無所知的。

Your attitude simply amazes me. 你的態(tài)度簡直使我吃驚。

b.You're entirely wrong. 你完全錯了。

She's perfectly correct. 她完全正確。

The food is just wonderful. 這飯菜簡直好極了。


3) much是一個特殊的程度副詞,它可以:

a. 修飾動詞(特別是用在否定句中):

She didn't talk much. 她不怎么說話。

I don't much like the idea. 我不太喜歡這個想法。

Thank you very much. 非常感謝你。

Do you go to the cinema much? 你常去看電影嗎?

b. 修飾形容詞等:

I'm much obliged to you for telling me. 非常感謝你告訴了我。

I'm not much good at singing. 我唱歌不太好。

I'm very much afraid that she won't come. 我很擔(dān)心她不來。

Much to my surprise she forgot our meeting. 令我很吃驚的是她把我們的約會忘了。

c. 和形容詞或副詞的比較級或最高級連用:

You sing much better than me. 你比我唱得好多了。

Their house is much nicer than ours. 他們的房子比我們的好多了。

That was much the best meal I've had for a long time. 這是好久以來我吃過的最最好的一頓飯了。

d. 和how, so, too等詞連用:

How much do you like him? 你喜歡他到什么程度?

He would so much like to go. 他會很想去的。

She is much too busy to see visitors. 她實在太忙,不能會客。

15.1.6 疑問副詞、連接副詞和關(guān)系副詞

1) 疑問副詞:



How is your grandmother's rheumatism? 你奶奶的風(fēng)濕病怎樣了?

How long ago was it? 這是多久以前的事?

How do we get to the town center from here? 我們從這里怎么到市中心?


Where did you study medicine? 你在哪兒學(xué)醫(yī)的?

Where does she come from? 她是哪兒人?

Where does this affect us? 這對我們有什么影響?


When can you come? 你什么時候能來?

When did you hear about it? 你什么時候聽說這事的?

When is the contract effective from? 合同什么時候開始生效?


Why was she so late? 她為什么來得這樣晚?

Why didn't you come by plane? 你為什么沒坐飛機來?

Why not go by taxi? 為什么不坐出租車去?

2) 連接副詞:



That's how I look at it. 這是我的看法。(引導(dǎo)表語從句)

Tell me how you're getting on. 告訴我你進展如何。(引導(dǎo)賓語從句)

How all this happened was a mystery. 這一切怎么發(fā)生的是個謎。(引導(dǎo)主語從句)

Do you know how to start this machine? 你知道這臺機器怎樣啟動嗎?(引導(dǎo)不定式短語)


I don't know where he lives. 我不知道他住在哪兒。(引導(dǎo)賓語從句)

It's none of your business where I stay. 我住哪兒不干你的事。(引導(dǎo)主語從句)

I can't decide where to go for my holidays. 我不能決定去哪里度假。(引導(dǎo)不定式短語)


Tell me when you'll be ready. 告訴我你什么時候準(zhǔn)備好。(引導(dǎo)賓語從句)

When she'll be back depends on the weather. 她什么時候回來得看天氣。(引導(dǎo)主語從句)

Tell me when to use this construction. 告訴我什么時候用這種結(jié)構(gòu)。(引導(dǎo)不定式短語)


That's why I came round. 這就是我來的原因。(引導(dǎo)表語從句)

Why he did it will remain a puzzle forever. 他為什么這樣做將永遠是個謎。(引導(dǎo)主語從句)

I'll tell you why you have to study grammar. 我將告訴你為什么要學(xué)語法。(引導(dǎo)賓語從句)

3) 關(guān)系副詞:



We then moved to Paris, where we lived for 6 years. 此后我們搬到巴黎,在那里住了六年。

This's the hotel where we stayed last summer. 這就是我們?nèi)ツ晗奶熳〉穆灭^。

There's one point where I'dlike your advice. 有一點我想征求你的意見。


There came a day when the rain fell in torrents. 有一天下起了傾盆大雨。

At the time when I saw him, he was well. 我見到他那時,他身體還不錯。

I'll never forget his surprise when we told him. 我永遠不會忘記我們告訴他時他的驚訝表情。


The reason why he came is not very convincing. 他來的理由不太有說服力。

That is the reason why I came so early. 這就是我來得這樣早的原因。

Can you tell me the reason why you are so unhappy? 你能告訴我你這樣不高興的原因嗎?


15.1.7 句子副詞

1) 有些副詞并不修飾動詞,而是修飾整個句子,表示說話人的看法:

Frankly I'm afraid your mother will be a little disappointed. 坦率地說,我擔(dān)心你媽會有點失望。

Evidently he was sensitive on this topic. 顯然他對這個話題很敏感。

Luckily, she was in when I called. 幸好我去時她在家。

I can't come, unfortunately. 真不巧,我來不了。

Hopefully we'll win. 但愿我們能贏。

Honestly, I don't know. 真的,我不知道。

Interestingly, consumer spending has increased. 說也有趣,消費額增加了。

Surprisingly, she has married again. 令人驚訝的是,她又結(jié)婚了。

Seriously now, you ought to take more care of your health. 說真的,你應(yīng)當(dāng)多注意身體。


2) 有少數(shù)副詞可以和enough連用,起同樣的作用:

I thought it would rain, and sure enough it did. 我想天會下雨,結(jié)果果然如此。

Oddly enough I had no doubt that he would be glad to see me. 說也奇怪,我毫不懷疑他會高興見我。

Curiously enough he had never seen the little girl. 說也奇怪,他從未見過這個小姑娘。

He's lived in France for years, but strangely enough he can't speak a word of French. 他在法國住了好多年,但說也奇怪他一句法語都不會講。

Interestingly enough, this proportion has not increased. 說也有趣,這個比例并未增加。

Funnily enough, I met her only yesterday. 說來真怪,我昨天還碰到她的。

Surprisingly enough, even petty larceny has seldom occurred. 說來也怪,連小偷小摸都很少發(fā)生。

15.1.8 一些其他類型的副詞


1) 表示方向的副詞:

Let's go inside. 咱們到里面去。

Take two steps forward. 向前兩步走。

He looked backwards. 他回頭看了看。

Walk three blocks and then turn left. 走三個路段后往左拐。

Leaving the city, we headed north. 出城后我們向北走。

He walked a little further on. 他又往前走了一點。

2) 使與上文連接更緊的副詞:

The rain was heavy—consequently the land was flooded. 雨下得很大,因此土地被淹了。

They therefore removed him from his position. 他們因此把他免職了。

She asked me to go, so I went. 她要我去,所以我就去了。

He was different, however, from the others. 不過他和別人不同。

Nevertheless, she decided to act. 盡管如此,她決定采取行動。

Jack ran for a doctor;meanwhile we stayed with the patient. 杰克忙跑去請醫(yī)生,在此期間我們守護著病人。

Besides, I want you to promise me one thing. 此外我還要你答應(yīng)我一件事。

3) 表示“方?”的副詞:

They suffered economically as a result of that policy. 由于那項政策,他們在經(jīng)濟上受了損失。

Financially we are doing quite well. 在經(jīng)濟方面我們情況良好。

It's politically short-sighted not to recognize this. 不認識這一點在政治上是短視的。

I feel morally obliged to help them. 我在道義上有責(zé)任幫助他們。

Theoretically you are right, but things may not work like that in fact. 在理論上你是對的,但事實上情況可能不會這樣。

She was far beneath him socially. 她的社會地位遠比他低。


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