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第15章 副 詞 15.3 副詞的比較級和最高級





15.3 副詞的比較級和最高級

15.3.1 副詞的比較級和最高級形式

1) 副詞和形容詞一樣,也有比較級和最高級形式。但單音節(jié)詞和少數(shù)雙音節(jié)詞可以加詞尾的方法構(gòu)成比較級和最高級(a),雙音節(jié)詞和多音節(jié)詞大多以加more和most的方法構(gòu)成比較級和最高級(b):

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15.3.2 副詞比較級的用法

1) 單獨(dú)使用:

Try to do better next time. 下次爭取干好一點(diǎn)。

I had seen the film only a few days earlier. 我是幾天前才看的這部電影。

He'll come back sooner or later. 他遲早會回來的。

Please speak more slowly. 請講慢一點(diǎn)。

I determined not to travel farther that night. 我決定那天晚上不再往前走了。

Let's talk more another time. 改天我們再多聊聊。

Can't you stay longer? 你不能再多呆一會嗎?

She did not argue further about it. 她沒進(jìn)一步爭論此事。

He should speak less and listen more. 他應(yīng)當(dāng)少說多聽。

She was determined to work harder in future. 她決心以后更用功一些。

2) 和than一起使用:

He swims better than I do. 他游泳游得比我好。

He works less than he used to. 他工作的時(shí)間比過去少了。

Can you do (any) better than that? 你能不能干得好一些?

We went farther than we meant to. 我們比原來打算的走得更遠(yuǎn)了些。

He behaved even worse than he did before. 他的表現(xiàn)比過去還差。

Gray loathed him more than ever. 格雷比過去更討厭他了。

He arrived earlier than usual. 他到得比平時(shí)早。

I go there more frequently than she does. 我去那里比她勤。

Perhaps they like you better than me. 或許他們喜歡你勝過喜歡我。

He studied the subject further than I do. 這問題他研究得比我深入。

3) 比較級前有時(shí)可有狀語修飾:

You must work much faster. 你必須大大加快干活的速度。

He walked no further. 他沒再往前走。

She could dance even more gracefully than a dancer. 她能比舞蹈演員跳得還美。

Helen came late, but her sister came still later. 海倫來晚了,而她妹妹來得更晚。

They walked three miles farther (on). 他們往前又走了三英里。

China is a little further south than the U.S. 中國比美國稍微靠南一點(diǎn)。

We reached the destination two days earlier than the others. 我們比別人早兩天到達(dá)目的地。

She works a lot harder than before. 她工作比過去努力多了。

You speak English far more fluently than the others. 你講英語比其他人流利得多。

Can you come over a bit more quickly? 你能稍稍快一點(diǎn)來嗎?

15.3.3 as...as和not so...as結(jié)構(gòu)


1) as...as可用在肯定句中,表示“像…一?”,后面的副詞要用原級:

She can run as fast as a deer. 她能跑得像鹿一樣快。

They work as hard as you do. 他們工作像你一樣努力。

You can stay there as long as you want. 在那兒你愛待多久都行。

I hate him as much as you do. 我像你一樣恨他。

You know all this as well as I do. 這一切你和我一樣了解。

I'll be round as quick as I can. 我將盡快過來。

She sings as sweetly as a nightingale. 她唱歌像夜鶯一樣甜美。

She loved me as much as her own child. 她待我像親生孩子。

2) 在否定句中,as...as和so...as都可以用:

I don't go there as much as I used. 我現(xiàn)在到那里不像過去那么多了。

I didn't do as (so) well as I should. 我做得不如我應(yīng)做的那么好。

I don't think he can speak English as well as an Englishman. 我認(rèn)為他英文講得沒有英國人好。

I can't jump so (as) high as Bill. 我跳高不如比爾。

I don't like it so (as) well as your other works. 我喜歡它不及你的其他作品。

He doesn't snore so (as) loudly as you do. 他打呼嚕沒你厲害。

3) 這種句子中也可以有一個(gè)表示程度的狀語:

I don't speak half as (so) well as you. 我講得不及你一半好。

She can read twice as fast as he does. 她的閱讀速度比他快一倍。

The substance reacts three times as fast as the other one. 這種物質(zhì)的反應(yīng)速度是另一種物質(zhì)的三倍。

15.3.4 副詞最高級的用法


I shall give a prize to the pupil who reads best. 我將給朗讀最好的學(xué)生發(fā)一份獎品。

He laughs best who laughs last. (諺)誰笑在最后誰笑得最好。

Of the four of us, I sang (the) worst. 我們四人中我唱得最差。

Of these sports, I like rowing most. 這些運(yùn)動中我最喜歡劃船。

Of all your CDs, I like that one least. 你所有的激光唱盤中,我最不喜歡那一張。

He went (the) farthest of the explorers. 這些探險(xiǎn)家中他走得最遠(yuǎn)。

He likes painting best of all. 他最喜歡繪畫。

Who arrived (the) earliest of all? 誰到得最早?

During the famine, the poor people suffered (the) worst. 在饑荒期間,窮人受苦最深。

The burden fell most heavily on these people. 這些人的負(fù)擔(dān)最沉重。

She behaved most generously. 她表現(xiàn)得最大方。

15.3.5 副詞比較級和最高級的一些特殊用法


1) more and more 越來越…:

It rained more and more heavily. 雨下得越來越大了。

Indeed, she liked him more and more. 的確她越來越喜歡他了。

Now we see it more and more clearly. 現(xiàn)在我們對這看得越來越清楚了。

He played the piano better and better. 他鋼琴彈得越來越好了。

She went farther and farther away. 她越走越遠(yuǎn)了。

Easter is drawing nearer and nearer. 復(fù)活節(jié)越來越近了。

2) the more...the more 越…,越…:

The more I work, the more I accomplish. 我干得越多,完成得就越多。

The more I thought, the more extraordinary did it appear. 我越想,這事就越顯得離奇。

The better I knew him, the more I liked him. 我對他了解越深就越喜歡他。

The more we are together, the merrier we will be. 我們越多在一起就越高興。

3) had better最好:

We'd better not disturb him. 我們最好不要打擾他。

What had we better do? 我們最好怎么辦?

I think I'd better be going. 我想我最好還是走。

(Had) better not wait for them. 最好別等他們了。

4) know better than (to) do something懂得不宜做某事:

You ought to know better than to go out without an overcoat on such a cold day. 你應(yīng)當(dāng)懂得這樣冷的天不穿大衣出去可不行。

You ought to know better than stay away from school. 你該知道不應(yīng)當(dāng)逃學(xué)。

He knew better than to mention this to her. 他知道不宜向她提及此事。

5) think better (of)改變主意,決定不這樣做:

He was going to leave school, but later he thought better of it. 他打算退學(xué),但后來改變了主意。

He used to be a radical and has thought better of it. 他以前是個(gè)激進(jìn)分子,后來改變了看法。

He was going to answer me back, but he thought better of it. 他本想和我頂嘴的,但沒有這樣做。

6) had best最好:

I had best fax them our plans. 我最好把我們的計(jì)劃傳真給他們。

I had best have your opinions first. 我最好先聽聽你的意見。

We had best get home before midnight. 我們最好午夜以前到家。


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