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第5章 代 詞 5.4 指示代詞





5.4 指示代詞

5.4.1 指示代詞的基本用法



1) 主語(yǔ):

Charles, this is my wife, Claudia. 查爾斯,這是我妻子克羅狄亞。

These are our children, David and Vicky. 這是我們的孩子大衛(wèi)和維琪。

This can all wait. 這一切都可以等一等。

Is this your first visit to Paris? 這是你第一次到巴黎嗎?

Are these what you want? 這些是你要的嗎?

That isn't what I meant at all. 這完全不是我的意思。

Who's that in the garden?——That's my younger brother. 花園里那人是誰(shuí)?——是我弟弟。

What are those? 那些是什么?

That was twenty years ago. 那是二十年前的事了。


That's where the shoe pinches. 這正是癥結(jié)所在。

That's why I object to the idea. 這就是我反對(duì)這個(gè)想法的原因。

That's how the matter stands at present. 這就是目前的情況。

Thank you. That will do. 謝謝你,這樣就行了。


Who is this? 你是哪位?

Was that Nancy on the phone? 是南希打電話來(lái)嗎?

This is Mary. 我是瑪麗呀。

2) 賓語(yǔ)或介詞賓語(yǔ):

Dad gave me this. 這是我爸給我的。

What do you think of this? 你覺(jué)得這個(gè)怎樣?

Take these to your mother. 把這些帶給你母親。

I want you to promise that. 我希望你答應(yīng)這一點(diǎn)。

I have no doubt about that. 我對(duì)此沒(méi)有懷疑。

What? Have you finished all those I gave you? 什么?你把我給你的全吃完了?

3) 偶爾用作表語(yǔ):

What I want to stress is this. 我想強(qiáng)調(diào)的是這一點(diǎn)。

The winning numbers are these. 獲獎(jiǎng)號(hào)碼是這些。

5.4.2 指示形容詞的基本用法

1) 當(dāng)this,that等詞用作定語(yǔ)時(shí),有人稱為指示形容詞(Demonstrative Adjectives),也有人稱為限定詞,它們主要用作定語(yǔ):

This house is (These rooms are) for rent. 這所(些)房子(房間)供出租。

This time last year we were in Japan. 去年這時(shí)我們?cè)谌毡尽?

These two problems are hard. 這兩個(gè)問(wèn)題很難。

He went to college that autumn. 那年秋天他上了大學(xué)。

I put my odds and ends into that drawer. 我把雜七雜八的東西都放進(jìn)了那個(gè)抽屜里。

If those clouds drift away, we'll have a fine afternoon. 如果那些云彩飄走,下午天就會(huì)好了。

2) 還可和of短語(yǔ)連用,表示一定的感情色彩(厭煩、不滿、贊嘆等):

I hate that old bike of yours. 我討厭你的那輛破自行車。

I really like those paintings of your sister's. 我的確很喜歡你姐姐的那些畫。

This daughter of yours is doing fine work at school. 你的這個(gè)女兒在學(xué)校功課很好。

I like these poems of Jane's. 我喜歡簡(jiǎn)的這些詩(shī)。

3) this可以和某些名詞連用,表示“今天”、“今年”等:

Are you going out this evening? 你今天晚上要出去嗎?

She gave me a long distance call this morning. 今天早上她給我打了一個(gè)長(zhǎng)途電話。

How many classes did you go to this afternoon? 今天下午你上了幾節(jié)課?

They are going to college this autumn. 他們今年秋天上大學(xué)。

He won't go home this year. 他今年不回家。

還可用在this day week這類短語(yǔ)中:

She will be back this day week. 她將在一星期后回來(lái)。

We've arranged to meet this day week. 我們安排好一周后見(jiàn)面。

I saw her this day week. 我是一星期前見(jiàn)到她的。

these days表示“近來(lái)”、“現(xiàn)今”:

He was feeling optimistic these days. 近來(lái)他感到很樂(lè)觀。

She seldom comes to see me these days. 現(xiàn)今她很少來(lái)看我。

5.4.3 that和those的特別用法

1) that可代表前面提到的名詞以避免重復(fù):

The wheat crop in 1999 was inferior to that of 1995. 1999年的小麥?zhǔn)粘杀?995年差。

The oil output last year was much higher than that of 1990. 去年的石油產(chǎn)量比1990年高得多。

Life today is much better than that in the old days. 現(xiàn)在的生活比過(guò)去好多了。

His description did not answer to that of the thief. 小偷的模樣和他所描述的不相符。

2) those可代表前面提到的復(fù)數(shù)名詞:

His stories are more interesting than those I told. 他的故事比我講的有趣。

My questions are similar to those you raised. 我的問(wèn)題和你提的差不多。

Our performances, of course, can't compare with those of professionals.我們的演出當(dāng)然不能和職業(yè)演員的相比。

3) that還可用在某些成語(yǔ)中,如:

a. like that 這樣:

Don't hold it like that—you'll break it. 不要這樣拿,你會(huì)把它弄破的。

Do they always dance like that in France? 他們?cè)诜▏?guó)都這樣跳舞嗎?

b. that is (to say) 這就是說(shuō):

He's a local administrator, that is to say, a civil servant. 他是本地一名行政人員,也就是說(shuō),一名公務(wù)員。

I'm on holiday next week. That is to say, from Tuesday. 我下星期休假,確切地說(shuō),從星期二開(kāi)始。

The household was as happy as could be. All, that is, except Fiorella. 全家都非常高興,只有菲奧列拉除外。

c. that's all 只是,就這些:

How are you feeling? "Fine, a bit tired, that's all." “你感覺(jué)怎樣?”“挺好,只是稍有點(diǎn)累?!?

Just don't do it again, that's all. 只是以后別再這樣做了,就這些。

d. that's (about) it 說(shuō)對(duì)了:

That's it. You've described exactly what I felt about the film. 說(shuō)對(duì)了,你正好說(shuō)出了我對(duì)這部電影的感受。

You have no confidence? "That's about it. I'm no good." “你沒(méi)有信心?”“你說(shuō)對(duì)了,我不行。”

e. that's that 情況就是這樣:

He's gone and that's that. 他走了,情況就是這樣。

Well, that's that. No more work until Monday. 情況就是這樣,到星期一才有工作。

f. What's that? 你說(shuō)什么?

What's that? He refuses to come? 你說(shuō)什么?他不肯來(lái)?

What? What's that you say? 什么?你說(shuō)什么?


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