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第5章 代 詞 5.5 疑問代詞和連接代詞





5.5 疑問代詞和連接代詞

5.5.1 疑問代詞



Who did this? 這是誰干的?

Who would like to go with us? 誰想和我們一塊兒去?

Who are those girls?——They're Tom's daughters. 那些女孩是誰?——她們是湯姆的女兒。


Who did you meet at the party? 你在晚會(huì)上碰到誰了?

Who did you go with? 你和誰一道去的?

I'm writing a letter. "Who to?" “我在寫信?!薄皩懡o誰?”


2) whom在句中用作賓語或介詞的賓語:

Whom did you see? 你見到誰了?

Whom are you writing to? 你在給誰寫信?

You saw whom? 你見到誰了?


To whom should I write? 我應(yīng)當(dāng)給誰寫信?

To whom did you give the parcel? 你把包裹給誰了?

With whom did she come? 她和誰一道來的?

3) whose表示“誰的”,可用作:

a. 定語:

Whose umbrella is this? 這是誰的雨傘?

Whose fault is it? 這得怪誰?

b. 主語:

Whose won the first prize? 誰的獲了頭獎(jiǎng)?

Whose is better, yours or hers? 誰的好一些,你的還是她的?

c. 表語:

Whose are these? 這些是誰的?

d. 賓語:

Whose are you going to borrow? 你準(zhǔn)備借誰的?

4) what和which都可在句中用作:

a. 主語:

What's your plan, then? 那么你有什么計(jì)劃?

What's up? 出了什么事?

Which is your seat? 哪是你的座位?

Which of them came late? 他們誰遲到了?

b. 賓語或介詞賓語:

What can we do about it? 這事我們有什么辦法?

What's all this about? 這一切都是怎么回事?

Which do you prefer, coffee or tea? 你愿喝咖啡還是茶?

Which of them should I speak to? 我該和他們中的誰談?

c. 定語:

What color are the curtains? 窗簾是什么顏色的?

What day is today? 今天星期幾?

Which way should we go? 我們應(yīng)往那邊走?

At which station should I change trains? 我應(yīng)在哪一站換車?


What's your sister? 你姐姐是干什么的?

5) whoever和whatever是who和what的強(qiáng)調(diào)形式:

Whoever heard of such a thing? 誰聽說過這樣的事?

Whoever could be phoning so late at night? 這么晚了會(huì)是誰來電話?

Whatever do you mean? 你到底是什么意思?

Whatever happened to her? 她到底出了什么事?

5.5.2 連接代詞


1) 主語:

I asked him who came into the room. 我問他誰到屋里來了。

No one can tell what will happen next. 誰也說不出下一步將發(fā)生什么情況。

The twins are so much alike that I never know which is which. 那對(duì)孿生兄弟長得那么相像,我老弄不清誰是誰。

I can't tell whose is better. 我說不上誰的好一些。

2) 賓語(在口語中可用主格):

I asked him whom he saw. 我問他看見誰了。

I don't care what he thinks. 我不管他怎么想。

Ask him which he wants. 問問他要哪一個(gè)。

I don't know who(m) you mean. 我不知道你指誰。

3) 介詞賓語(在口語中有時(shí)可用who,但緊接介詞之后時(shí)只能用whom):

I wonder who he's talking to. 我不知道他在和誰講話。

I wonder to whom he had addressed the letter. 我不知道他把信寫給誰。

Remember what we're here for. 記住我們來這里要干什么。

She couldn't decide which she should listen to. 她不能確定她該聽哪一個(gè)。

4) 表語:

Do you know what that girl's father is? 你知道那女孩的父親是干什么的嗎?

She demanded to know whose the child was. 她要求知道這孩子是誰的。

I can't recall what his name was. 我記不起他叫什么名字了。

It was so dark that I couldn't tell who was who. 天那樣黑,我分不清誰是誰。

5) 定語:

I wonder whose house that is. 我不知道那是誰的房子。

I asked him what clothes I should wear. 我問他我應(yīng)穿什么衣服。

Let me know which train you'll be arriving on. 告訴我你將坐哪趟火車。


We can't decide whom to invite. 我們不能決定該邀請(qǐng)誰。

I don't know who to ask advice from . 我不知道應(yīng)當(dāng)向誰請(qǐng)教。

They exchanged views on the question of whom to elect. 他們就選誰的問題交換了意見。

We must decide what to do with her. 我們必須決定怎么處置她。

He didn't say anything about what to do. 他只字未說該怎么辦。

She couldn't decide which to buy. 她不能決定該買哪一個(gè)。

5.5.3 關(guān)系代詞型的what

what可引導(dǎo)從句,表示“the thing which...”,例如:

That's what I want to know. 這正是我想知道的事。

What you said was quite right. 你說的話完全正確。

Show me what you have in your hand. 把你手上的東西給我看看。


what you need 你需要的東西

what I want to say 我想說的話

what I don't understand 我所不能理解的

what we have to consider 我們必須考慮的(事)

因此,這種what稱為“關(guān)系代詞型的what”(Relative what),它引導(dǎo)的從句在句中可用作:

1) 主語:

What she saw gave her a little fright. 她看到的情況使她有點(diǎn)驚恐。

What you need is a warm sweater. 你需要的是一件暖和的毛衣。

What I'm afraid of is their taking him to Boston. 我擔(dān)心的是他們把他帶往波士頓。

2) 賓語:

I cannot do what you asked me to do. 我不能做你要求我做的事。

She began to criticize what he had done. 她開始批評(píng)他的所做所為。

I'll do what I can. 我將盡力而為。

3) 介詞賓語:

He was depressed by what he had gone through. 他經(jīng)歷的事使他感到抑郁。

Don't poke your nose into what doesn't concern you. 別多管閑事。

The city isn't much different from what it was ten years ago. 這座城市和十年前相比沒有多大變化。

4) 表語:

I should like to be a teacher. That's what I want to be. 我想當(dāng)老師,這是我的愿望。

Times aren't what they were. 時(shí)代不同了。

Your mother's health is not what it ought to be. 你母親的健康狀況不理想。

5) 插入語:

Then I discovered, what was news to me, that his wife was your cousin. 這時(shí)我發(fā)現(xiàn)了一件新鮮事,他的妻子是你的表妹。

He is an interesting speaker, and, what's more important, he knows hissubject thoroughly. 他講話很風(fēng)趣,更重要的是,他對(duì)所講的話題了解得很透徹。

He went to the meeting and, what was worse, insisted on speaking. 他去參加了會(huì)議,更糟糕的是,他還堅(jiān)持要發(fā)言。


What little he said on the subject was full of wisdom. 對(duì)這問題他的寥寥數(shù)語中充滿了智慧。

What few friends I have here have been very kind to me. 我這里的少數(shù)幾個(gè)朋友都對(duì)我很好。

What education I have is fragmentary, sketchy. 我受的那點(diǎn)教育都是支離破碎的,很膚淺。

I will give you what help I can. 我將盡量給你幫忙。

5.5.4 由ever構(gòu)成的連接代詞

1) who(m), what, which都可以和ever構(gòu)成連接代詞,也有人稱作連詞,可在句中引導(dǎo)狀語從句,表示“不管…”:

I'll find the person who did this, whoever he is. 我將找出干這事的人,不管他是誰。

Whoever else may object, I mean to do it. 不管還有誰反對(duì),我都將這樣做。

Whoever rings, tell him I'm out. 不管誰來電話,都告訴他我不在家。

I'll post that letter whatever Wilson says. 不管威爾遜怎么說,我都要把那封信發(fā)出去。

Whatever happens, I'm going. 不管發(fā)生什么事,我都要走。

Whatever weather it is, we shall start at 9 o'clock. 不管天氣怎樣,我們都九點(diǎn)出發(fā)。

Whichever you choose, the others will be offended. 不管你選誰,其他人總會(huì)不高興。

British foreign policy remains the same, whichever party is in power. 不管哪個(gè)黨執(zhí)政,英國的外交政策都保持不變。

Whichever road you take, the drive won't be more than an hour.不管你走哪條路,開車去都不到一小時(shí)。

2) 這類代詞還可引導(dǎo)名詞性從句,表示“任何…的人(或東西)”,在句中用作:

a. 主語:

Whoever is responsible will have to pay for the damage. 凡是責(zé)任者都得賠償損失。

Whoever you invite will be welcome. 凡你邀請(qǐng)的人都在歡迎之列。

Whatever I have is at your service. 我所有的東西任憑你使用。

Whichever you want is yours. 任何東西你想要就歸你。

b. 賓語:

They may marry who(m)ever they desire. 他們可以娶任何他們想娶的人。

I'll just say whatever comes into my head. 我想到什么就說什么。

I said he might have whichever he liked. 我說他喜歡哪個(gè)就拿哪個(gè)。

Take whichever seat you like. 你愿坐哪兒就坐哪兒。

c. 介詞賓語:

I want to speak to whoever is in charge. 我想和隨便哪個(gè)負(fù)責(zé)人談?wù)劇?

Talk to me about whatever is troubling you. 跟我談?wù)勅魏问鼓銦┬牡氖隆?

She might live in whichever room she liked. 她愿住哪個(gè)房間都可以。


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