What a stupid thing to say.I bet I could take her if I had enought time. 說(shuō)的什么蠢話 我一定能拿下他 給我點(diǎn)時(shí)間
A man posted a YouTube video of himself taping Mentose to his entire body, 一名男子發(fā)布了一段視頻 他往自己身上粘滿了曼妥思
and then jumping into a bath of coke zero. 然后跳進(jìn)一池子零度可樂里
So it's been another productive week for Joe Biden. 所以喬·拜登這周還挺充實(shí)
Leonard Nimoy passed away which is very sad,that's a very sad news. 萊納德·尼莫去世了 真是令人難過(guò)
To honor Leonard Nimoy,Canadians have been Spock's hair and ears on their 5 dollar bill. 為了向萊納德·尼莫表示敬仰 加拿大人都把斯波克的眉毛 發(fā)型和耳朵 畫在他們的5塊錢上
All across canada,They were doing that,yeah. 全加拿大都在這么做 他們這么做
As a result Canadians now will be called Canerdians. 結(jié)果 加拿大人現(xiàn)在被稱為家宅人了
Ikea announced they're going to come out with furniture that will charge your electronic devices. 宜家宣布他們將準(zhǔn)備推出能為電子設(shè)備充電的家具
Next up for IKea furniture that will last more than two years.One thing at a time. 接下來(lái) 宜家將推出能用兩年的家具 一步步來(lái)嘛
Starbucks announced that it will start producing documentaries. 星巴克宣布 他們很快會(huì)開始制作紀(jì)錄片
Starbucks is going make documentaries. 星巴克要拍紀(jì)錄片了
In response a furious Netfix says,fine.We're going to start streaming coffee into your living room. 憤怒的網(wǎng)飛回應(yīng)稱 好啊 我們要開始往你的起居室里直播咖啡了