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2014-01-27CNN News:日內(nèi)瓦國(guó)際會(huì)議商討和平解決敘利亞問(wèn)題

Welcome to Friday.The week's last edition of CNN STUDENT NEWS.My name is Carl Azuz.Our ten minutes of commerc... [查看全文]

2014-01-26CNN News:烏克蘭首都基輔爆發(fā)大規(guī)模抗議沖突

Welcome to Friday.The week's last edition of CNN STUDENT NEWS.My name is Carl Azuz.Our ten minutes of commerc... [查看全文]

2014-01-24CNN News:科學(xué)家們喚醒羅塞塔號(hào)飛船繼續(xù)探索宇宙之旅

Hi. I'm Carl Azuz.大家好。我是卡爾·阿祖茲。Happy to bring you ten minutes of commercial-free current events.很榮... [查看全文]

2014-01-23CNN News:被扣留裴俊浩承認(rèn)對(duì)朝鮮犯下嚴(yán)重罪行

Welcome to CNN STUDENT NEWS.歡迎收看CNN學(xué)生新聞。Your commercial-free source for news for the classroom.這里是你的免費(fèi)... [查看全文]

2014-01-22CNN News:跨界概念車亮相底特律車展

Next up, an event for Car Buffs, the Detroit auto show.接下來(lái)是專門為汽車愛(ài)好者們準(zhǔn)備,那就是底特律車展。It started bac... [查看全文]

2014-01-21CNN News:憶當(dāng)年全美航空公司1549航班上演哈德遜河奇跡事件

Fridays are awesome.星期五真是太棒了。Welcome to CNN STUDENT NEWS.歡迎收看CNN學(xué)生新聞。I'm Carl Azuz.我是卡爾·阿祖茲... [查看全文]

2014-01-18CNN News:埃及新憲法草案公投 權(quán)力游戲是否重演尚未可知

This is CNN STUDENT NEWS.歡迎收看CNN學(xué)生新聞。I'm Carl Azuz.我是卡爾·阿祖茲。The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee... [查看全文]

2014-01-16CNN News:美國(guó)記者違反移民法被驅(qū)逐出俄羅斯

Welcome to ten minutes of commercial-free news for the classroom.歡迎收看十分鐘不含商業(yè)因素的CNN學(xué)生新聞。I'm Carl ... [查看全文]

2014-01-15CNN News:奧巴馬休會(huì)任命遭質(zhì)疑

Hi, I'm Carl Azuz.First up today on CNN STUDENT NEWS, a rare intersection of the three branches of the U.S.... [查看全文]

2014-01-14CNN News:以色列為前總理沙龍舉行國(guó)家悼念儀式

I hope you had a good weekend.We are glad to have you watching CNN STUDENTNEWS on this Monday, January 13.First... [查看全文]