Book X. Of Laws in the Relation They Bear to Offensive Force1. Of offensive Force. Offensive force is regulated... [查看全文]
Book IX. Of Laws in the Relation They Bear to a Defensive Force1. In what Manner Republics provide for their S... [查看全文]
12. The same Subject continued. In Rome the judges were chosen at first from the order of senators. This privil... [查看全文]
Book VIII. Of the Corruption of the Principles of the Three Governments1. General Idea of this Book. The corrupt... [查看全文]
9. Of the Condition or State of Women in different Governments. In monarchies women are subject to very little ... [查看全文]
Book VII. Consequences of the Different Principles of the Three Governments with Respect to Sumptuary Laws, Luxury... [查看全文]
12. Of the Power of Punishments. Experience shows that in countries remarkable for the lenity of their laws the... [查看全文]
Book VI. Consequences of the Principles of Different Governments with Respect to the Simplicity of Civil and Crim... [查看全文]
13. An Idea of Despotic Power. When the savages of Louisiana are desirous of fruit, they cut the tree to the ... [查看全文]
Book V. That the Laws Given by the Legislator Ought to Be in Relation to the Principle of Government1. Idea of... [查看全文]