Justin Bieber just made tens of thousands of more dollars -- from his hair. The 'Baby' singer's locks sold on eBay yesterday with a final bid of $40,688. 賈斯汀比伯又賺錢了!這回是賣頭發(fā)。昨日在ebay上他剪掉的頭發(fā)賣 [查看全文]
Lady Gaga had sex for the first time when she was a teenager, but it wasn't until much later that she started to enjoy her sex life. She said: I didnt lose my virginity until I was 17. But I have to say even then I wasnt ready and it was an [查看全文]
近日夢工廠《功夫熊貓2》中即將登場的幾位新角色的造型都在網(wǎng)上曝光了。其中包括:大反派孔雀王、山羊占卜者、雷犀牛功夫大師、鱷魚功夫大師、暴風牛和狼老大。楊紫瓊和好萊塢 [查看全文]
最佳影片(Best Picture):《國王的演講》 獲獎感言:真是太了不起了,湯姆-霍柏,你給這部電影帶來了活力,感謝你的執(zhí)導,感謝科林,杰弗里和海倫娜。感謝我們的英國劇組。感謝我的 [查看全文]
姜文專訪:戲如其人 A truth that's stranger than fiction 導讀: 影片《讓子彈飛》使演而優(yōu)則導的姜文再次迎來事業(yè)巔峰!讓我們通過下面這篇《中國日報》的深度專訪(an in-depth interview),共 [查看全文]
A cross-eyed opossum called Heidi, who has filled the void left by psychic Paul the Octopus, has predicted that Natalie Portman will walk away with this year's Best Actress Oscar. Heidi appeared via videolink from her zoo in Leipzig, German [查看全文]
縱觀2011開年大戲,湖南衛(wèi)視的開年穿越劇(time-traveling story)《宮》無疑是收視贏家。網(wǎng)絡搶播和盜版DVD隨即出現(xiàn),《宮》近期一直是人們熱議的話題。 Pretty faces, imperial conspiracies, a lov [查看全文]
伊朗電影《內(nèi)達和西敏:一次別離》成為第61屆柏林電影節(jié)頒獎禮上最大贏家,不僅奪得最佳影片金熊獎,它的5名主演還共同拿下最佳男演員和最佳女演員兩個銀熊獎。 伊朗電影《內(nèi)達 [查看全文]
德國斗雞眼負鼠將現(xiàn)身奧斯卡 Cross-eyed opossum to join the Academy Awards Ceremony 德國萊比錫動物園證實,美國全國廣播公司已經(jīng)向該動物園的明星斗雞眼負鼠海迪發(fā)出邀請,讓海迪參加2月27日 [查看全文]
奧斯卡時間表 2010年11月13日(周六):奧斯卡榮譽獎頒獎晚宴 2010年12月1日(周三):提交演職人員正式名單 2010年12月27日(周一):提名選票寄出 2011年1月14日(周五):提名選票截至 [查看全文]