每日學(xué)英語:Money in the bank 穩(wěn)賺

2023-11-19 11:12:30  每日學(xué)英語
“money in the bank”可不只是“銀行里的錢”,還有“ 穩(wěn)操勝券、穩(wěn)賺”的意思。

Dave,it's a sure chance to make some money. The location is perfect,my brother has found a great chef and a real bargain on equipment,believe me,it's money in the bank.
Dave,這是個(gè)準(zhǔn)保賺錢的好機(jī)會(huì)。飯店的地段特別棒,我哥哥又請(qǐng)到了一位了不起的廚師,他還買到了廉價(jià)合算的設(shè)備,相信我, 你穩(wěn)賺!

I have a little money in the bank to fall back on.
