每日學英語:A run for the money 盡力而為

2023-11-18 13:30:46  每日學英語
a run for the money這個習慣用語廣泛應用在競選,體育比賽和商貿事務上,用來說在競爭中自己盡力而為,使得對方也拼命以取得盡可能好的,令人滿意的結果。

That other team is tough - after all they were the champions last year. But our guys are ready, and I tell you,win or lose we’ll give those guys a real run for their money.
對方是個強隊 - 他們畢竟是去年的冠軍隊。但是我們的隊員們作好了準備。告訴你們吧,不論勝敗,我們都會全力以赴,非讓對方盡力而為才行。

I'm determined to give him a run for his money next time. He's going to be surprised by how competitive I am.
