Keep a weather eye out 注意觀察

2023-07-10 13:14:41  每日學(xué)英語
weather是天氣,天氣好壞固然關(guān)系到每個(gè)人,keep a weather eye out原來指的是在海上張帆遠(yuǎn)航時(shí)頭等重要的大事,也就是時(shí)時(shí)注意觀測風(fēng)云變幻,引申為注意觀察。

Let's keep a weather eye out for those guys across the street. If they cut their prices or offer more dishes than we do, we need to be ready to fight back as quick as we can before they grab any more of our customers.

I think your roommate is athief; so keep your weather eye out around him.
