False alarm 虛驚一場

2023-01-12 16:53:10  每日學英語
false alarm noun [ C ]假警報;虛驚。
= an occasion when people wrongly believe that something dangerous or unpleasant is happening or will happen
擴展false friend noun [ C ](另一語言中的某個詞的)形近異義詞,同形異義詞,同音異義字。
= a word that is often confused with a word in another language with a different meaning because the two words look or sound similar

She thought she was pregnant, but it turned out to be a false alarm (= she was not).

The French word "actuellement" and the English word "actually" are false friends.
法語單詞 actuellement 和英語單詞 actually 是一對形近異義詞。
