
2020-05-25 11:08:37  每日學英語



Last year tourism earned the ­royals more than £70million from ticket and souvenir sales.去年,旅游業(yè)為王室成員帶來了超過7000萬英鎊(6億人民幣)的門票和紀念品收入。

The email from the Lord Chamberlain Earl Peel, head of the Royal Household, warned staff that income is expected to fall by a third this year, nearly £18million.一封來自英國王室宮務大臣厄爾·皮爾勛爵的郵件警告員工,今年的王室收入預計將下降三分之一,接近1800萬英鎊。

Earl Peel spelled out the dire ­situation to employees who now face a pay freeze and job cuts.


Royal palaces will be closed to tourists this summer with refunds for tickets already sold for Buckingham Palace State Rooms.今年夏天,英國王室宮殿將對游客關閉,白金漢宮國事廳的門票已售罄,游客可退票。

Many staff have been asked to work from home. They will not be furloughed but have been told they face recruitment and pay freezes.許多員工被要求在家工作。他們不會被批準休假,但已被告知將面臨裁員和薪資凍結。

He said: “The crisis has already tested our resilience, adaptability and preparedness in many ways and at all levels across the organisation. It has also had a significant impact on the activities of the whole Royal Household.厄爾·皮爾表示:“這場危機已經(jīng)用多種方式、在各個層面考驗了我們的韌性、適應性和準備工作。它還對整個王室的活動產(chǎn)生了重大影響。

“Although the UK appears to be over the peak of infections, it remains unclear when measures such as social distancing will come to an end.盡管英國的感染高峰似乎已經(jīng)過去,但目前還不清楚社交距離等措施何時會結束。

“We must therefore assume it could still be many weeks, if not months, before we are able to return to business as usual.因此,我們必須假定,我們可能還需要好幾個星期,如果不是幾個月的話,才能恢復正常的業(yè)務。

“There are undoubtedly very difficult times ahead and we realise many of you will be concerned.”毫無疑問,未來將是非常艱難的時期,我們意識到你們中的許多人會感到擔憂。”


The Queen’s diary has to be planned up to two years in advance — juggling tours by her and senior royals as well as visits to Britain from foreign heads of state.“女王的日程必須提前兩年計劃,包括她和王室高級成員的巡回訪問,以及外國元首對英國的訪問。

But because of the chaos and uncertainty caused by coronavirus all 26 investitures remaining this year have been cancelled. Medals for 120 recipients are expected to be sent by post instead.但是由于新冠病毒引起的混亂和不確定性,今年剩下的26項授勛儀式都被取消了。120塊獎牌將改為郵寄,而不是由女王親自授予。”

The annual Diplomatic Reception where the Queen mingles with 500 envoys based in London is also under review.女王與500名駐倫敦使節(jié)的年度外交招待會也在審查之中。

The royals earn millions from the Crown Estates, landlord of many expensive London addresses and major shopping centres王室成員每年從英國王室財產(chǎn)管理公司獲得數(shù)百萬英鎊的收入,該公司擁有許多昂貴的倫敦地址和主要購物中心。

But that income is expected to tumble as the economy takes a steep downturn. 但隨著經(jīng)濟急劇下滑,這一收入預計會大幅下降。

The Sovereign Grant, paid to the royals annually by the taxpayer to fund official duties, was £82.4million last year. That included £33million for Buckingham Palace repairs.去年,由納稅人支付給王室的君主撥款是8240萬英鎊(7.1億人民幣)。其中包括3300萬英鎊(2.9億)的白金漢宮維修費用。

In his email, the Lord Chamberlain said “property spend” would be reduced — a move that could affect those planned renovations.這位宮務大臣在他的電子郵件中說,“財產(chǎn)支出”將會減少,這一舉動可能會影響到那些計劃中的翻修。

He said: “The Royal Household, like most organisations, is not immune to the impact of the pandemic on our financial position.“與大多數(shù)組織一樣,王室也無法免受疫情對我們財務狀況的影響。

“Many projects have been halted and all but essential expenditure has been suspended.許多項目已經(jīng)停止,除了必要的支出外,其他所有項目都暫停了。

“A recruitment freeze has been implemented and no new posts will be appointed unless a very clear business case exists.招聘凍結已經(jīng)實施,除非有非常明確的商業(yè)理由,否則不會任命新職位。

“This year’s annual pay review has also been paused.”今年的年度薪酬審查也暫停了。”

The Royal Household employs around 500 people but is currently operating on a skeleton staff in many areas.英國王室約有500名雇員,但目前在許多地區(qū)只雇傭少數(shù)基干人員。

A source said: “Many staff are loyal and will do what they do for a pay cut. But the email went down like a lead balloon.”一位消息人士稱:“許多員工都很忠誠,即便減薪,他們還是會盡其所能。但這封電子郵件就像鉛球一樣沉重。”

Royal finances expert David McClure aid: “Coronavirus is now hitting the Crown were it hurts most — in its pocket.王室財政專家大衛(wèi)·麥克盧爾說:“現(xiàn)在新冠病毒正在打擊著王室,受影響最嚴重的地方就是它的錢袋。

“As it battens down the hatches the Royal Household is clearly expecting a major financial storm.”王室顯然會面臨一場重大的金融風暴。”

Buckingham Palace said: “The whole country is very likely to be impacted financially by coronavirus and the Royal Household is no exception.白金漢宮表示:“整個國家都很可能因新冠病毒受到經(jīng)濟方面的影響,王室也不例外。

“However, the time to address this will be when the full impact of the situation is clearer.”“然而,解決這個問題的時機將是當全球形勢變得更加清晰的時候。”

英文來源:The Sun
