
2020-03-04 19:38:00  每日學英語


Mr Johnson, 55, and Ms Symonds, 31, became the first unmarried couple to occupy Downing Street when they moved in last year.55歲的約翰遜和31歲的西蒙茲在去年成為入主唐寧街的第一對未婚情侶。

Ms Symonds is also the youngest partner of a prime minister in 174 years.西蒙茲也成英國174年來歷任首相配偶中最年輕的一位。

In a post on her private Instagram account, she wrote: "Many of you already know but for my friends that still don t, we got engaged at the end of last year... and we ve got a baby hatching early summer. Feel incredibly blessed."西蒙茲在私人社交賬號上發(fā)文稱:“你們中的許多人已經(jīng)知曉,但在此請那些還不了解的朋友知曉,我們是去年年底訂婚的……我們有一個寶寶將在初夏誕生。此刻感到無比幸福。”


It will be a third marriage for Mr Johnson - who divorced his first wife and is now estranged from second wife Marina Wheeler.這將是約翰遜的第三次婚姻。他與第一任妻子離婚,又與第二任妻子瑪麗娜·惠勒分居。

Earlier this month, a court heard that the prime minister and Ms Wheeler were preparing to end their marriage after reaching an agreement over money.本月初,法院得知首相與惠勒女士在財產(chǎn)問題上達成一致,準備結(jié)束婚姻關(guān)系。


Ms Wheeler and Mr Johnson, who have four children, separated in 2018 after marrying in 1993.惠勒與約翰遜1993年結(jié)婚,2018年分居,兩人育有四子。

Ms Symonds, the former Conservative Party communications chief, was first romantically linked to Mr Johnson by the media in early 2019.西蒙茲是前任保守黨通信主席,2019年初首次被媒體爆出與約翰遜的戀人關(guān)系。

But her association with Mr Johnson goes back to when she worked on his successful re-election bid as London mayor in 2012.但兩人之間的關(guān)系可追溯到2012年,當時,西蒙茲幫助約翰遜成功連任倫敦市長。


She is now a senior adviser for US environmental campaign group Oceana, after quitting her role with the Tories in 2018.她在2018年辭去了保守黨的工作,現(xiàn)在是美國環(huán)保運動組織Oceana的高級顧問。

On Sunday MPs from all parties continued to congratulate the happy couple.Labour’s health chief Jonathan Ashworth sent his best wishes.周日,來自各黨派的議員們連連祝賀這對幸福的情侶。工黨衛(wèi)生部長喬納森·阿什沃思也表達了他的美好祝愿。

But the couple were also trolled on social media, with some saying the timing of the announcement was simply to bury bad news concerning Home Office resignations and coronavirus.但這對情侶也在社交媒體上被吐槽,有人說,在這時宣布這一消息只是為了掩蓋內(nèi)政部辭職事件和冠狀病毒的壞消息。

Columnist Sarah Vine, wife of Tory Minister Michael Gove, hit back: “Would like to remind everyone this is Carrie’s first baby, regardless of anything else. Let’s be kind to the pregnant lady.”專欄作家Sarah Vine是保守黨大臣Michael Gove的妻子,她反擊稱:“我想提醒大家,這是凱莉的第一個孩子,不管其他,請善待這位孕婦。”

Boris could be the first PM to take shared parental leave after a 2015 law change gave dads rights to stay at home with a newborn.2015年英國的一項法律修訂賦予了爸爸們待在家里照顧新生兒的權(quán)利,鮑里斯或?qū)⒊蔀橛鴼v史上首位共享產(chǎn)假的首相。


Winston — in honour of Boris’s hero Sir Winston Churchill — is the 7/1 favourite name if the new No10 baby is a boy.如果這位即將出生在唐寧街的寶寶是個男孩,“溫斯頓”是7個備選中最受歡迎名字,用意是紀念鮑里斯心目中的英雄溫斯頓·丘吉爾爵士。

Charlotte heads the girls names at 8/1.如果是女孩,“夏洛特”則是8個備選中呼聲最高的一個。

英文來源:BBC News,The Sun
