
2020-02-24 19:50:00  每日學(xué)英語


The World Health Organization (WHO) said Tuesday that measures to restrict people s movement in China amid the COVID-19 outbreak are a correct strategic and tactical approach, and WHO would like to see progressive implementation of public health measures.


"This is a very good public health practice," said Dr. Michael Ryan, executive director of the WHO Health Emergencies Program, who referred to the fact that the government in China had spent a number of weeks pressuring the virus and now actively engaged in door-to-door surveillance, which has led to the number of cases dropping away lately.世界衛(wèi)生組織衛(wèi)生緊急項(xiàng)目負(fù)責(zé)人邁克爾瑞安稱“這是一次非常好的公眾衛(wèi)生實(shí)踐”,他提到中國政府花費(fèi)數(shù)周時(shí)間對(duì)抗病毒,并積極挨家挨戶進(jìn)行排查,感染人數(shù)正在逐漸減少。


"We d like to see progressive implementation of public health measures," he underlined.他強(qiáng)調(diào)稱,“我們很樂于見到這樣的公共衛(wèi)生措施得到逐步實(shí)施”。

He explained that the first objective in Wuhan is to contain the virus at the epicenter, which has allowed space for much more active surveillance, and by doing so "they don t want virus to return to other places."


Referring to the latest restrictive measures on people s movement in Beijing, the WHO expert said that the city is a central point in China for so many workers to return to, "so what China is trying to do is while they re getting success and pulling out one fire, they don t want the fire to start somewhere else. So they re taking very directed measures to ensure the people returning to the city are observed and monitored."談及北京的返程復(fù)工防疫工作,瑞安表示,北京是中國的中心城市,非常多的務(wù)工人員將返回北京,“中國想做的是,在成功撲滅一場‘大火’的同時(shí),避免其他地方也‘起火’,所以他們采取了非常直接的方式確保所有外地返京人員受到嚴(yán)密的觀察和檢測。”

"You can argue whether those measures are excessive or whether they re restricted on people, but there s a lot at stake here. There s an awful lot at stake here, in terms of public health, and in terms of not only the public health of China but of all people in the world," he said.他說,“你們可以爭論這些措施是否太過了,或者是否對(duì)人太過限制,但這非常重要,這對(duì)于公眾衛(wèi)生,不僅對(duì)中國的公眾衛(wèi)生,對(duì)世界人民來說,這樣的舉措都非常重要。”

Starting from Monday, a joint expert team consisting of experts from China and WHO began field inspections on the prevention and control of the COVID-19 outbreak.從周一開始,一個(gè)由中國專家和世衛(wèi)組織專家組成的聯(lián)合小組開始對(duì)新型冠狀病毒的預(yù)防和控制進(jìn)行實(shí)地考察。

The team members are scheduled to go to Beijing, Guangdong Province in the south and Sichuan Province in southwest China to conduct inspections.小組成員計(jì)劃前往北京、廣東省和四川省進(jìn)行現(xiàn)場考察。


According to WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the team may travel to Wuhan, based on their risk assessment and needs, as "all options are open."世衛(wèi)組織總干事譚德賽稱,該小組將根據(jù)其風(fēng)險(xiǎn)評(píng)估和需要決定是否前往武漢,并且“所有選擇都是公開的”。

