
2019-12-18 16:40:14  每日學(xué)英語

No. 1 Whisking eggs with chopsticks . 用筷子打蛋,那打蛋器是做什么用的?




Chopsticks are not your ordinary cooking utensils, they re Chinese people s favorite tool in the kitchen. They are extremely versatile – apart from being used to shovel food into your mouth, they re great for stirring boiling food, deep-frying something, flipping stakes when grilling... and beating eggs as well! And the reason being? One explanation is, chopsticks offer more precision and allow more flexibility. Plus, they come in handy! Why dirty more utensils then? Now you know why there s no place for egg beaters in a Chinese kitchen.


No. 2 Use oven as a storage cupboard.鍋碗瓢盆都塞進(jìn)烤箱里,把它當(dāng)儲(chǔ)物柜嗎?




Here s the problem: you may have to take out all other utensils to get the one you need when you cook. Isn t that annoying? So why are we doing that? Well, it s an innovative way to save room in the kitchen. Since an oven takes up a lot of space, why not fill its spacious interior with cooking tools, most of which stand idle anyway, as you only use one or two at a time?


No. 3 Use finger to work out water-to-rice ratio when cooking rice.煮飯要加多少水,把手指伸進(jìn)去量一下咯!


This is also called the first knuckle method : place your index finger on the levelled surface of the rice which has been poured into a pot or a rice cooker before adding water until it reaches your first knuckle. This may seem puzzling to Westerners who prefer using measuring cups. How inaccurate! , you may suspect. But believe it or not, it works! Chinese People have been cooking rice for several thousand years, long before cup measurements and electric rice cookers were invented. If you want to find out how reliable this method is, test it out yourself!

這個(gè)方法也被稱為“第一關(guān)節(jié)法”: 在加水前,把你的食指放在已經(jīng)裝在鍋或者飯煲的米飯面上,直到水滿上碰到你的第一個(gè)關(guān)節(jié)。這對(duì)更喜歡用測(cè)量杯的西方人來說會(huì)比較迷惑。你可能會(huì)想“這多不準(zhǔn)確啊!”。但是信不信由你,這方法是有效的!中國人煮飯歷史已有幾千年,在測(cè)量杯和電飯煲發(fā)明前就一直存在著。如果你想知道這種方法究竟有多可靠,自己來試試吧!

No. 4 No shortage of old plastic bags in the drawer.家里從來不缺垃圾袋!




Almost in every Chinese household, there s a drawer or cupboard where stashes of used plastic grocery bags are kept. This may be a unique way of recycling plastic bags for the Chinese. They can be either turned into trash bin liners or used for other household needs.


No.5 Biscuit container used as sewing box.肚子餓了,打開裝餅干的鐵盒,發(fā)現(xiàn)里面都是針線。


If you see a biscuit container in a Chinese home, don t try to open it in glee, because most likely it s a sewing box in disguise! Many Chinese people, especially the older generations, have the habit of keeping old biscuit boxes as storage boxes, which are used to store stuff like sewing kits, jewelries and other odd items. This is also a great way to recycle used package boxes!


No. 6 Cartoon style pajamas with unreadable English words on them.睡衣的圖案基本上走可愛卡通風(fēng),有些上面還寫著看不懂的英文。


I bet many Chinese have at least one of those pajamas with cartoon patterns, some along with suspicious English words like dnly and iphoe printed on them. Don t ask me why this has become popular – we re also wondering!

我敢打賭大部分中國人至少有一套像那些有卡通圖案在上面的睡衣,有一些睡衣還會(huì)帶有一些讓人迷惑的英文單詞,像“dnly” 和“iphoe”。不要問我為什么這些睡衣會(huì)如此受歡迎,我們也好奇!

No.7 No ice-cream in an ice-cream box.發(fā)現(xiàn)一盒冰淇淋,結(jié)果打開竟然裝著之后要煮的生雞腿!


Have cravings for ice-cream? Fine. Just don t open the ice-cream box in the fridge because it s used to keep raw chicken legs! Like the transformed sewing box, the same principle applies. So don t be surprised to find ice-cream boxes in different sizes in the fridge of a Chinese s home. Each is used to keep different foodstuff!


No. 8 Best pose for parents to take photos of their child.爸媽這樣幫孩子拍照!


You may have come across this strange pose at some tourist attractions in China. Why this posture is universal among parents while taking photos of their child remains a myth to us, too.


No. 9 Don t leave the chopsticks sticking up in the rice!如果哪個(gè)小孩把筷子插在飯碗上,就等著父母開啟迷信教育模式吧!


This is big no-no. Children in China who dare do this will be scolded by adults, for it s associated with funeral, where a bowl of rice is left with two chopsticks standing vertically in the center. Bear this in mind if you visit a Chinese family.


