對老外說“ Can you speak Chinese ”是不禮貌的?

2019-12-16 16:07:17  每日學英語

?You already know to say “Please”, “Thank you,” and “Excuse me” – but here are more ways to make your English sound more polite!我們都已經(jīng)知道說話帶“Please”,“Thank you”和“Excuse me”是一種禮貌方式,今天我們再來一起學習一些讓你說話更禮貌的表達!


Don’t Say : Can you speak Chinese

Say:Do you speak Chinese?

Or (當你已知某人是會中文的): Would/Could you speak Chinese,please?






Don’t Say: I Want A Hamburger.

Say: I’d Like A Hamburger.

Or: I’ll Have A Hamburger, Please.

“I want” sounds like a demand, as if you are commanding the other person to fulfill your desires. “I’d like” is a more polite and diplomatic phrase. When ordering food and drinks, we often use “I’ll have…”

“I want”聽起來就像是命令,好像你在要求別人滿足你的需求一樣。“I’d like”則是一種更禮貌的交往用語。當點餐時,我們經(jīng)常用“I’ll have…”。





Don’t Say: Send Me The Report.

Say: Could You Send Me The Report?

To maintain good relationships with coworkers, it’s best not to use imperatives (starting a sentence directly with a verb like “Reply to my e-mail,” “Go to the bank,” “Finish this project.”)


Instead, make requests with the phrases, Could you…? and Could you please…?

而是應該用Could you…?或者Could you please…?來提出請求。





Don’t Say: Go Away. / Leave Me Alone.

Say: Could You Give Me A Minute?

Or: Sorry – I’m A Bit Busy Right Now.

If a colleague approaches you at a bad time and you want the person to leave, use the phrases in green. “Could you give me a minute?” is for when you just need a few moments to finish up what you’re working on, and then you’ll talk with the colleague.

如果你的同事在一個非常不好的時機來找你,你想讓他離開,用一些平和的短語。“Could you give me a minute?”用在當你需要一些時間去完成你手頭的活兒,之后你會去找你的同事談話時。

You can use the other phrase, “Sorry – I’m a bit busy right now” when you’re in the middle of work that can’t be interrupted. You can follow up with “Can we talk a little later?” and agree on a time when you’re both available.

你也可以用“Sorry – I’m a bit busy right now”,當你正處于工作中不能被打擾時。接著說一句“Can we talk a little later?”,然后約一個你們倆都有空的時間。





Don’t Say: Tell Me When You’re Available.

Say: Let Me Know When You’re Available.

“Let me know” is a nicer and more indirect way to say “tell me.” It’s a casual way to ask for some information. Alternatively, you could simply ask the question, “When are you available?”

“Let me know”是一個說“tell me”的更友善不那么直接的方式。這是一種隨意舒適的詢問信息的方式?;蛘撸憧梢愿唵蔚膯枺?ldquo;When are you available?”。





Don’t Say: I Don’t Like The Colors In This Design.

Say: I’m Not Too Fond Of The Colors In This Design.

Or: I’d Prefer To Use Different Colors In This Design.

When reviewing work, avoid statements like “I don’t like…” Instead, you can use a more indirect form like “I’m not too fond of…” or “I’m not a fan of…” Another option is to state what you want to see instead: “I’d prefer…” or “I’d rather…”

當查看工作時,避免使用“I don’t like…”。而是應該用一些不那么直接的方式,像是“I’m not too fond of…”或者“I’m not a fan of…”或者,你直接說明你的設想:“I’d prefer…” 或“I’d rather…”






