
2019-08-24 21:48:06  每日學(xué)英語


Fans of the Spider-Man franchise were left stunned and disappointed Tuesday when news surfaced that Tom Holland, the latest actor to play Peter Parker on the big screen, may no longer be involved in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
周二,最新出演蜘蛛俠的湯姆·赫蘭德(Tom Holland)可能不再出現(xiàn)在漫威宇宙中(Marvel film Universe),這一消息令《蜘蛛俠》系列的粉絲們感到震驚和失望。赫蘭德是最新一位在大銀幕上飾演彼得·帕克(Peter Parker)的演員。
BuzzFeed News confirmed that Marvel Studios is parting ways with Holland's iteration of the character, which had been on loan from Sony Pictures since 2015, due to a dispute about money.
BuzzFeed News證實,由于金錢方面的糾紛,漫威影業(yè)將與自2015年就從索尼影業(yè)租借過來的蜘蛛俠分道揚鑣。
Disney, which owns Marvel, suggested an equal cofinancing agreement between it and Sony, according to Deadline, the first outlet to report the news. This would mean the studios would split profits 50/50 as well.
When Sony declined this offer, Disney acted by removing Kevin Feige — the president of Marvel Studios who has had tremendous success with the latest Spidey iteration — as a producer on future films featuring the famous webslinger.
但索尼拒絕這一提議。因此,漫威總裁Kevin Feige將不再擔(dān)任未來蜘蛛俠系列影片的制片人及顧問。
Sony said in a series of tweets on Tuesday evening that much of the discussion surrounding this profit-sharing dispute has been "mischaracterized," especially when it came to Feige's role in all of this.
"We are disappointed, but respect Disney’s decision not to have him continue as a lead producer of our next live action Spider-Man film," the studio said, adding that it hopes "this might change in the future."
Amid the shock, sadness, and uncertainty, fans did the only thing they could do: laugh to keep from crying.
面對這種震驚、悲傷和充滿不確定性的情況,粉絲們做了他們唯一能做的事——憋住不哭。 One fan described the news as being just the latest tragedy that comic fans have had to endure this summer, following the conclusion of Avengers: Endgame.
一名粉絲稱,這只是繼《復(fù)仇者聯(lián)盟:終局之戰(zhàn)》(Avengers: Endgame)完結(jié)后,漫畫迷們今年夏天不得不忍受的最新悲劇。 先是鋼鐵俠死了,美隊老了退休了,現(xiàn)在蜘蛛俠也要離開漫威宇宙了。索尼快破產(chǎn)吧!斯坦李都說荷蘭弟是最棒的蜘蛛俠!
People considered Spidey's ousting from the MCU as a slap in the face to the late Stan Lee, the superhero's co-creator, who once called Holland "a great Spider-Man."
人們將蜘蛛俠退出漫威宇宙視為對已故的超級英雄聯(lián)合創(chuàng)作者斯坦李的侮辱,因為老爺子曾表示荷蘭弟是最棒的蜘蛛俠。 推特上#拯救蜘蛛俠的話題引發(fā)共鳴。 索尼立刻給我解決這個問題!
...right after the latest Holland-led Spider-Man film, Far From Home, performed incredibly well at the box office.
就在荷蘭弟主演的《蜘蛛俠——英雄遠征》票房大賣之后發(fā)生這樣的事…… 迪士尼:我們的《英雄遠征》可給你賺了10多億美元啊!
The news comes at an interesting time, considering Holland's Spidey was being touted as someone who might fill Iron Man's shoes. But it seems that may have been all for naught.
這個消息來的時間可真巧,因為荷蘭弟飾演的蜘蛛俠被捧為最可能取代鋼鐵俠的人選。但這一切似乎都是徒勞的。 鋼鐵俠意識到他在蜘蛛俠身上浪費了那么多時間卻什么也沒得到。 國內(nèi)漫威粉絲也在嘆息,難道從此再無蜘蛛俠?
This development also opens the possibility Holland could participate in Sony Pictures' plans to exploit other characters within the Spider-Man comics canon, including the Venom franchise with Tom Hardy, and possibly even the Oscar-winning animated Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse franchise.
但這種進展也開啟了另一種可能性,即荷蘭弟可能參與索尼影業(yè)(Sony Pictures)開發(fā)蜘蛛俠漫畫經(jīng)典中的其他角色,包括與湯姆•哈迪(Tom Hardy)合作《毒液》(Venom)系列,甚至可能是奧斯卡獲獎動畫片《蜘蛛俠:平行宇宙》(Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse)系列。
Negotiations between Sony and Disney are still happening. So there is a bit of hope that the studios could reach an agreement that satisfies everyone.
索尼和迪士尼雙方還在協(xié)商,所以兩家達成一個讓所有人都滿意的協(xié)議應(yīng)該還有一線希望。 We'll just have to wait and see.
英文來源:Buzzfeed News
