
2019-07-12 20:21:29  每日學英語
come back to bite sb.
If something comes back to bite you, it means a past situation causes problems later.
如果某件事come back to bite you,意思是你過去做過的某件事在以后對你造成了影響。
If a guy posts lots of pictures in which he is drunk with alcohol, maybe later when he's looking for a job, the potential employer will see those photos and get the impression that he is irresponsible (not responsible) and then choose not to hire him. So the drunk photos he posted in the past came back to bite him at a later time.
如果一個人發(fā)出來很多他喝醉酒的照片,也許以后他找工作的時候,潛在雇主會看到這些照片,覺得他不負責任,然后選擇不雇傭他。因此,他過去發(fā)布的醉酒照片在后來的某一時刻又come back to bite了這個人,也就是自食其果。

You never know who someone might be connected to and rude behavior may come back to bite you.
