
2016-03-04 09:04:21  每日學(xué)英語(yǔ)


Type A: Non-Committal Attitude


In my experience, the number one reason for failure is that you haven’t really committed to the change in the first place. The age old New Year’s Resolution: “This year I’m going to get fit” will be heard far and wide, but if you really commit to the goal you need to ask yourself how you are going to do it.

根據(jù)我的經(jīng)驗(yàn),目標(biāo)失敗的首要原因是,從一開(kāi)始你就并沒(méi)有真的下決心去改變。“今年我要減肥” 這條新年決心年年處處都能聽(tīng)到,但是如果你真的決定實(shí)現(xiàn)這個(gè)目標(biāo),你需要問(wèn)問(wèn)自己該如何去做。

Solution: Clarity is needed to encourage commitment. If you really want to get fit, think it through—decide on the type of exercise you plan to do, and decide what days of the week and at what time you will do it. Having this all decided in advance makes it more difficult to make excuses. Tell people who support you what you intend to do, and even consider finding yourself an accountability buddy who will check up on you and encourage you to keep going.


Type B: Aversion to Planning


Many people don’t like to be seen as planners. They see planners as being stifled and boring, and assume that routines and schedules are not for them. I know this because for many years I fought against routine: I was too young and too cool to plan anything; spontaneity was my best friend. What I found many years later was that by planning, I could achieve more—by planning, I could get things done and leave time to be more creative and spontaneous.


Solution: Set a goal and plan out how you are going to achieve it. Start small: if you want to write a book, plan and schedule the first chapter. When you achieve this first milestone, you will see how easy it was to do so and then plan the next chapter. Plan regular small steps in yourcalendar and you will be amazed at how much more you will achieve in life.


Type C: Non-Believer


Most of you will be familiar with the Henry Ford quote “If you think you can or think you can’t you are probably right.” This holds true with goals: if you set a goal and deep down don’t believe you can actually achieve it, don’t waste your time.

大部分人應(yīng)該都熟悉亨利-福特的這句名言:“如果你認(rèn)為你行,你就真的行;如果你認(rèn)為你不行,你就真的不行。” 在設(shè)定目標(biāo)上也是如此:如果你設(shè)定了一個(gè)目標(biāo),而打心底里你不相信你可以實(shí)現(xiàn)它,那就別浪費(fèi)時(shí)間了。

Solution: Only set goals you believe you can achieve. What can you do if you don’t believe in your own power to achieve any of your goals? Positive affirmations can help you to achieve your goals, so try to make all your thoughts positive and supportive. Monitor your thoughts, when they are negative try and replace them with a positive one.


Type D: Easily Led


Then there are those who look to others for affirmation, but instead they get discouragement. “Don’t go for a run—come for a beer instead, it’s way more fun.” Well, it’s more fun for your friend, who won’t feel guilty that they are not exercising when you are. So many peopleunwittingly try to sabotage your success, and they often do so because if you improve, they’ll be forced to focus on their own stagnation. They will try to drag you back to their level at everyopportunity.

還有一些人喜歡從別人那里尋求肯定,但卻總是被打擊。“別去跑步了,來(lái)喝杯啤酒吧,這更有趣。” 好吧,對(duì)于你的朋友來(lái)說(shuō)這更有趣,他們并不會(huì)因?yàn)槟阍阱憻挄r(shí)他們沒(méi)有而感到內(nèi)疚。所以許多人不經(jīng)意中試圖阻撓你的成功,他們這樣做是因?yàn)槿绻氵M(jìn)步了,他們就不得不面對(duì)自己的止步不前。所以他們要利用每一次機(jī)會(huì)試圖將你拉到和他們一樣的水平。

Solution: Hang out with people who support you. If that’s not possible, if you have a sibling orspouse who discourages your goals and dreams, start to recognize when it happens and remain committed to your goal. When you start to recognize that other people are preventing you from living your life, you will stop allowing it to happen.


Type E: All or Nothing


I’ve met many of the “all or nothing” type in my time—they want it all, and they want it now. If it won’t happen tomorrow there is no point in doing it !


Solution: Reality check—nothing happens immediately. Learn to set smaller goals that give you more instant gratification along with your larger goals, so you can have the best of both worlds.


Awareness is the key factor when it comes to making changes. By understanding yourself and your excuses you will be better able to make decisions which will serve you and get you a step closer to achieving your goals this year.

