
2015-11-20 09:45:24  每日學(xué)英語(yǔ)
Don’t leave home without breakfast


Our first day meal should be nutritious. Of course, everybody has already heard that breakfast should be full and more or less substantial. But how many of us are practicing this knowledge? But according to the specialists’ point of view morning is time, necessary for good meal, we should not be hungry until lunch. Otherwise, soon you will really get fat, having snacks like nuts, chips, chocolate and things like that.


So, if you don't want to have borborygmus during the day, eat something substantial in the very morning. Of course, overeating is not the better variant as well, everybody should find her or his norm.


Don’t text messages


Your morning must be abstracted from any work and job responsibilities.


This is your own time, and you should spend it on something more pleasant than checking emails and replying to everyone who has written to you on a certain occasion. The best variant is to dedicate time to yourself, for example, to drink coffee after breakfast or to read the newspaper. And mail will be waiting for you at work, you can check it there.


Don’t watch television


Many people say that the TV is able to turn you into a real zombie. Unfortunately in most cases it is really true. Remember that in the morning television is contraindicated in general. Now we often hear and see the news reporting about wars, famine, earthquakes, and other negative things.


On the planet there are many good events, but according the specialists'point of view the viewers want(or even like)to hear something shocking, and journalists corrspond to their tastes.


Don’t hurry


Having started the morning with a rush, you’ll be rushing for the whole day.


Try to compile your personal schedule and perform it like your own ritual every day. It should include a slow awakening, drinking some coffee or tea, morning exercise, having a shower and other pleasant things. You don’t need to be in a hurry, throwing things all around the flat. Preparation for the working day has to be gradual.


Don’t think negatively


There are some strange people, who are devoting their morning to sad memories, as a result they usually have bad mood for the whole day ahead.


Think positively! Throw away all unpleasant thoughts and memories, and your day will be perfect.

