
2015-08-07 09:05:05  每日學(xué)英語


The 1,600-pupil Bohunt school in Liphook — one of our top comprehensives, in a prosperous commuter village — has embarked on a bold and radical experiment. It has invited five teachers from leading schools in China to teach 50 of its year nine pupils, aged 13 and 14, for four weeks。


Why? Simple. British students lag three years behind their Asian counterparts in academic achievement. In maths, they trail behind most of Europe, too。


Keenly aware of this, and conscious that its pupils will be competing with the Chinese for jobs in a global market, the school set out to test how its students would fare under the rigour, long hours and rigid discipline of the Chinese education system。


The answer, it seems, is abysmally。

