
2015-04-27 08:42:39  每日學(xué)英語


  Vaccum kiss 真空之吻,英文譯作:sucking the air out of one's partner's mouth and lungs

  French kiss 法式之吻,英文譯作:kiss with your mouth open and your tongues touching

  Platonic kiss 柏拉圖之吻,英文譯作:short kiss on the cheek for greeting

  blow/throw a kiss 飛吻

  例句:He blew a kiss at that pretty girl.他給了那個(gè)漂亮的女孩一個(gè)飛吻。

  kiss of life 生命之吻 (口對(duì)口的人工呼吸)

  kiss of peace 宗教上的接禮吻

  smooch 摟抱親吻

  例句:He planted a big smooch on her. 他深深地吻了她。

  peck 匆匆一吻

  例句:She gave him a peck on the cheek.她在他臉頰上匆匆一吻。


  kiss one's ass 拍某人的馬屁 kiss-ass指“馬屁精”

  例句:John never kisses his boss's ass.約翰從不拍他老板的馬屁。

  kiss good-bye 吻別

  例句:She kisses her husband good-bye when she goes to work every morning. 她每天早上上班時(shí)都與老公吻別。

  kiss something good-bye 被迫放棄

  例句:If you leave your camera on a park bench, you can kiss it good-bye. 如果你把相機(jī)忘在公園里的凳子上了,那就找不到了。

  kiss of death 導(dǎo)致失敗的行為或東西

  例句:The mayor's veto was the kiss of death for the new law. 市長的否決使得新法律不能生效。

  kiss the rod 指甘心受罰(rod 原意是“懲罰”)

  例句:We can't evade this issue, all we can do is to kiss the rod. 這個(gè)問題我們規(guī)避不了,只好甘心受罰。

  Kiss and make up 原諒某人并與之重歸于好

  例句:They were very angry, but in the end they kissed and made up. 他們都很生氣,但最后他們還是原諒了對(duì)方又和好如初。
