
2015-03-09 08:42:35  每日學(xué)英語

The newlyweds entered the elevator of their Miami Beach hotel. The operator, a magnificent blonde, looked at them in surprise and said, "Why, hello, Teddy, how are you?" When the couple reached their room, the piqued bride demanded: "Who was that woman?!" "Take it easy, honey," said the groom, "I'm going to have trouble enough explaining you to her."

一對新婚夫婦走進(jìn)位于邁阿密海灘旅館的電梯。電梯操作員是一個漂亮的金發(fā)碧眼的美女,看到他們十分驚奇,她說:“嗨,Teddy,你好嗎?”夫婦倆到了他們自己的房間,憤怒的新娘要求丈夫做出解釋:“那女人是誰?!”“冷靜點(diǎn),寶貝,”新郎說: “我得對她解釋你是誰,這已經(jīng)足夠煩死我了。”
