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In January 2017, the director Jon M. Chu announced an open casting call for Asian and Asian-American actors for his movie adaptation of “Crazy Rich Asians.” Recorded in the kitchen of his West Hollywood home (you can see his fridge in the background), the online plea instructed anyone interested in joining his all-Asian cast, from aspiring actors to “cool personalities with hidden talents,” to post a two-minute video of themselves on social media. “We are looking for you,” he beamed.

2017年1月,導(dǎo)演朱浩偉宣布,要為他改編自《瘋狂的亞洲富人》(Crazy Rich Asians)的電影公開招募亞洲和亞裔美國演員。他在西好萊塢家中的廚房里錄制了一段視頻(你可以看到背景中的冰箱),這則網(wǎng)絡(luò)英雄帖稱,有意加入其全亞裔陣容的人——從有志成為演員的人,到“身藏才華的有型人物”,去社交媒體上發(fā)布一段兩分鐘的視頻。“我們正在找你,”他笑著說。

The call was an enticing one. The romantic comedy was going to be a major feature film, with a reported budget of $30 million; its inspiration, the best-selling novel by Kevin Kwan, had already sold millions of copies. And then there was the sheer singularity of it all. How often did a Hollywood filmmaker go looking for a whole bunch of Asians for anything? The last time a major Hollywood film set in the present day showcased a majority Asian cast was a whopping 25 years ago, with “The Joy Luck Club” in 1993. Many of the folks Mr. Chu was seeking now weren’t even alive then.

這個召集令令人心動。這出浪漫喜劇將是一部大片,據(jù)報道預(yù)算為3000萬美元;它改編自凱文·關(guān)(Kevin Kwan)銷量達到數(shù)百萬冊的暢銷小說。而且,這樣的機會實在難得。多久會有一個好萊塢電影人去找一大群亞洲人來拍東西?上一部以亞洲演員為主的時裝好萊塢大片,還是1993年,也就是25年前的《喜福會》(The Joy Luck Club)。朱浩偉現(xiàn)在要找的人當中,許多當時甚至還沒出生。

For Asian and Asian-American viewers, the film, which opens on Aug. 15, is important not just as something of a cinematic Halley’s comet — before “Joy Luck Club,” there was “The Flower Drum Song” in 1961, and then, what? There’s also an eager hope that if this movie succeeds, it just might stave off another quarter-century drought. Producers use something called “comps” — recent films similar to the ones they’re pitching — to help sell studios on their ideas and budgets. For the producers of “Crazy Rich Asians,” there weren’t any. For scores of Asian-themed films to come, the hope goes, “Crazy Rich Asians” could be that comp.

對于亞洲和亞裔美國觀眾來說,這部將于8月15日上映的電影不只是一部哈雷彗星式的電影——在《喜福會》之前,還有1961年的《花鼓歌》(The Flower Drum Song),然后還有什么?大家存在一種熱切的希望,那就是如果這部電影成功了,可能會避免又一段25年的空白。制片人愛用“參照對象”(跟其推銷的電影點子類似的近期作品)來幫助他們向電影公司兜售自己的想法,拿到預(yù)算。對于《瘋狂的亞洲富人》(又譯:《摘金奇緣》)的制片人來說,他們手里完全沒有參照對象。未來的眾多以亞洲為主題的電影希望《瘋狂的亞洲富人》可以成為那個“參照對象”。

When Mr. Chu made his online pitch, the film seemed a godsend for Asian actors, aspiring or otherwise. Forget a few token parts here and there; in this one film, Asian actors would play everything: the romantic leads and sympathetic sidekicks, the comic foils and cads, the faces in the crowd. With more than 4 billion Asians on the planet, how hard could it be to cast this thing?


Pretty hard, as it turned out. The talent was there. But as roles were considered and cast, the filmmakers contended with questions about identity amid the Asian diaspora. Could an Asian play an Asian-American? Could a Malaysian play a Singaporean? And what about an Asian guy with a white mom or dad — could he even be in the running?


In Hollywood today, some of the most contentious debates continue to center on just who can play whom. In 2016, the lack of Asian male leads in movies was highlighted by the project #StarringJohnCho, which reimagined “The Martian,” “Avengers: Age of Ultron” and other hits as if they starred the gifted Korean-American actor. Last month, Scarlett Johansson dropped out of the coming biopic “Rub & Tug” after her casting as a transgender man sparked a backlash from trans actors and activists. And Hollywood has gotten increasing flak for whitewashing, the practice of casting white actors in roles envisioned as Asian. Think of Tilda Swinton as the Ancient One in “Doctor Strange” or Ms. Johansson (again) as Motoko Kusanagi in “Ghost in the Shell.”

在今天的好萊塢,最具爭議性的辯論仍然集中在誰可以演誰上。2016年,“#StarringJohnCho”(#趙約翰主演)運動凸顯了好萊塢電影中沒有亞裔男主角的現(xiàn)象,該運動重新構(gòu)想了《火星救援》(The Martian)、《復(fù)仇者聯(lián)盟2:奧創(chuàng)紀元》(Avengers: Age of Ultron)等熱門大片如果由這位才華橫溢的韓裔美國男演員來主演,會是什么樣子。上個月,由于要在片中飾演一名跨性別男子而引發(fā)跨性別演員和活動人士的強烈反對,斯嘉麗·約翰遜(Scarlett Johansson)退出了傳記片《摩擦和拖拽》(Rub & Tug)的拍攝。好萊塢因為“洗白”而受到越來越多的批評,也就是讓白人演員來演亞洲人角色的做法。想想蒂爾達·斯文頓(Tilda Swinton)在《奇異博士》(Doctor Strange)里扮演的古一法師,或者約翰遜(再一次)在《攻殼機動隊》(Ghost in the Shell)里飾演的草薙素子。

Many of these debates wouldn’t be nearly as fraught “if there were enough roles to go around,” said Nancy Wang Yuen, the author of “Reel Inequality: Hollywood Actors and Racism.” She added: “We shouldn’t be fighting over scraps. We should be fighting for the system to expand, so that all of us can get access to roles.”

《電影不平等——好萊塢演員和種族主義》(Reel Inequality: Hollywood Actors and Racism)一書的作者王嵐芝(Nancy Wang Yuen)說,很多爭議本來不會那么焦灼,“如果有足夠角色的話。”她還說:“我們不應(yīng)該為殘羹剩飯大打出手。我們應(yīng)該為系統(tǒng)的擴展而奮斗,這樣所有人都可以獲得角色。”

Indeed, according to a recent study by Ms. Yuen and others, 64 percent of television series in the 2015-16 season didn’t have a single Asian-American regular; another report revealed that of the top 100 films of 2017, nearly two-thirds didn’t include a single Asian or Asian-American female character.


On a recent morning, Mr. Chu was here in his West Hollywood home, recounting the joys and struggles of casting his all-Asian feature. Sporting a white baseball cap and gray T-shirt, he talked about hiring legends (Michelle Yeoh) and relative unknowns (Henry Golding), Asian stars (Singapore’s Fiona Xie) and Asian-Americans on the rise (Awkwafina).

在前不久的一個早晨,朱浩偉來到他位于西好萊塢的家中,講述了他在打造全亞裔演員陣容過程中的樂趣和掙扎。他穿著白色棒球帽和灰色T恤,談起自己如何招募那些傳奇人物(如楊紫瓊)、相對不出名的人(亨利·戈爾丁[Henry Golding])、亞洲明星(新加坡的謝宛諭)和亞裔美國新秀(奧卡菲娜[Awkwafina])。

Mr. Chu also explained why he had cast such a wide net in the first place, supplementing the usual Los Angeles and New York casting calls with a five-continent search and an online open call. “We just didn’t want to miss anybody,” he said. “I wanted this to be the ‘Avengers’ of Asian actors.”


The search began in 2013, when the producers Nina Jacobson (“The Hunger Games”), Brad Simpson (“Pose”) and John Penotti (“Awake”) secured the rights to Mr. Kwan’s book. In the story, Rachel, a Chinese-American professor at New York University, travels with her London-bred professor boyfriend, Nick, to Singapore, where he was born. Once there Rachel discovers two things: Nick’s steely mother, Eleanor, thinks Rachel is beneath her, and Nick — and the rest of his family — is obscenely, stupefyingly wealthy.

搜索始于2013年,當時制片人尼娜·雅克布森(Nina Jacobson,《饑餓游戲》[The Hunger Games])、布拉德·辛普森(Brad Simpson,《姿態(tài)》[Pose])和約翰·皮諾蒂(John Penotti,《奪命手術(shù)》[Awake])獲得了凱文·關(guān)這部書的拍攝權(quán)。在故事中,紐約大學(xué)的美籍華裔教授雷切爾與她在倫敦讀書出身的教授男友尼克一同前往他的出生地新加坡。雷切爾一到那里就發(fā)現(xiàn)了兩件事:尼克的冷冰冰的母親埃莉諾認為自己比雷切爾高一等,而尼克——以及他的家人——富有得令人厭惡而且無聊。

As it turns out, there were questions about casting even before the book hit stores. Mr. Kwan said a producer who wanted to option the book had suggested that he make Rachel white. Mr. Kwan refused.


“It didn’t surprise me,” said Constance Wu, the Chinese-American actress who ultimately secured the role and who has been a vocal critic of Hollywood whitewashing. “I’m just glad that Kevin stuck to his guns. It takes a lot of courage to say no to something, especially if you’re scared that everything might slip away if you don’t say yes.”


Early on, Ms. Jacobson and Mr. Simpson had certain actors in mind, like Ms. Yeoh, who was on everybody’s wish list for Eleanor. Unlike most of her castmates, Ms. Yeoh had appeared in dozens of films with all-Asian casts, like the Jackie Chan classic “Police Story 3: Super Cop” and the Oscar-winning “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,” so, in some ways, this was nothing new. But those weren’t Hollywood productions. “It was very important for me to see an all-Asian cast here,” she said. “Twenty-five years? I don’t even understand why it’s taken so long.”


For other roles, the producers sought the help of veteran casting directors with connections to actors throughout Asia, like the Canada-based PoPing AuYeung (“The Forbidden Kingdom”). They also looked at stage actors in New York and London, and checked in with some of the world’s top drama schools, particularly in their search for the man who would embody Nick. “Ordinarily when you’re casting and maybe looking to break somebody, you go to the big theater programs,” Ms. Jacobson said, adding, “But they were like, we have not had a male Asian graduate in years.”

至于其他角色,制片人們?nèi)ハ蚺c亞洲演員有聯(lián)系的資深選角導(dǎo)演尋求幫助,比如加拿大的歐陽寶屏(《功夫王國》[The Forbidden Kingdom])。他們還去看了一群紐約和倫敦的舞臺劇演員,并與一些世界頂級戲劇學(xué)校接洽,特別是在尋找飾演尼克的演員期間。“通常選角期間,如果想捧一個新人,你會去看各校的大牌戲劇專業(yè),”雅克布森說。“但他們說,我們已經(jīng)很多年沒有男性亞裔畢業(yè)生了。”

When Mr. Chu announced his open call, thousands of videos poured in. Working actors from the United States, Singapore and elsewhere submitted auditions alongside those outside the industry who figured they had nothing to lose.


Among the hopefuls was Cheryl Koh, better known as the YouTube singer Cheryl K, whose videos have garnered more than a million views. Although she was trying out for a role, any role, it was her 15-second, a cappella snippet of Jessie J’s “Mamma Knows Best” that convinced the filmmakers to give her a shot at singing the song under the opening credits, a Mandarin and English version of the Beatles hit “Money.”

有望成功的人選包括雪莉·高(Cheryl Koh),她更為人知的身份是YouTube歌手,藝名雪莉·K(Cheryl K),她的視頻獲得了超過100萬的觀看。盡管她非常努力想要得到一個角色,什么角色都行,但她只得到了很短的亮相機會,她清唱杰西·J(Jessie J)的《媽媽最懂》(Mamma Knows Best)的視頻片段打動了影片制作人員,讓她演唱開場字幕時的歌曲——普通話和英文版本的“披頭士”金曲《金錢》(Money)。

“When I got the news that Jon wanted me to do it, I couldn’t stop screaming,” she said.


The cast soon became increasingly international. There was Gemma Chan and Jing Lusi from Britain; Chris Pang and Remy Hii from Australia; Pierre Png, Ms. Xie and a host of others from Singapore; Ronny Chieng and Ms. Yeoh from Malaysia; Lisa Lu and Jasmine Chen from China. Nico Santos had spent his childhood in the Philippines before moving to the United States and co-starring on “Superstore”; Mr. Chieng was born in Malaysia and had gone to school in Australia before getting a regular gig on “The Daily Show.” Among the American-born crew, there were actors who hailed from Detroit (Ken Jeong); Queens (Awkwafina); and Richmond, Va. (Constance Wu).

演員陣容很快變得越來越國際化。來自英國的嘉瑪·陳(Gemma Chan)和陸思敬;來自澳大利亞的克里斯·彭(Chris Pang)和瑞米·許(Remy Hii);來自新加坡的方展發(fā)、謝宛諭和其他一些演員;來自馬來西亞的錢信伊和楊紫瓊;來自中國的盧燕和佳思敏·陳(Jasmine Chen)。妮可·桑托斯(Nico Santos)是在菲律賓度過童年,然后前往美國,在百味超市(Superstore)中出演角色;錢信伊出生于馬來西亞,定期出演《每日秀》(The Daily Show),之后到澳大利亞上學(xué)。美國出生的演員包括來自底特律的鄭肯(Ken Jeong);皇后區(qū)的奧卡菲娜;以及弗吉尼亞州里士滿的吳恬敏。

“Ken Jeong had to fly out to Kuala Lumpur just to shoot for a couple of days, and it wasn’t a ton of money,” Ms. Jacobson said. “But he was like, I want to play any part that you have for me in this.”


With the entire world to pull from, the filmmakers faced several concerns about who they could cast to play what. There were the accents, of course. Whoever played Nick had to nail a British accent, which left out many of the Chinese box-office draws under consideration.


And then there was the Singaporean sounds of Nick’s friends and family. “This is the only accent I can do,” said Mr. Chieng, who grew up in Singapore. “I don’t know if you’ve heard many people with this accent, but it’s pretty specific, let’s put it that way.”

然后,尼克的朋友和家人必須有新加坡口音。“這是我會說的唯一一種口音,”在新加坡長大的錢信伊說。 “我不知道你有沒有見過很多帶這種口音的人,但是這么說吧,它是非常有特色的。”

With much of the action taking place there, there was a push to get as many Singaporeans as possible. If that wasn’t possible, the producers said, they wanted to understand when a non-Singaporean could fill a Singaporean role.


“We definitely always had ‘Memoirs of a Geisha’ in our heads,” said Ms. Jacobson, referring to the 2005 film that starred three prominent Chinese actresses as Japanese women. (Unlike “Crazy Rich Asians,” that film, directed by Rob Marshall and based on a book by Arthur Golden, was a period piece, set in Japan before and after World War II.)

“我們肯定總會想起《藝伎回憶錄》(Memoires of a Geisha),”雅克布森說,她指的是2005年那部由三位中國著名女演員飾演日本女人的電影。與《瘋狂的亞洲富人》不同,那部由羅伯·馬歇爾(Rob Marshall)執(zhí)導(dǎo),根據(jù)亞瑟·高登(Arthur Golden)的書改編的電影,是一部歷史劇,發(fā)生在第二次世界大戰(zhàn)前后的日本。

In the end, only a handful of YouTube hopefuls got parts in “Crazy Rich Asians” — a woman in a text messaging scene here, a groomsman there. But now, said Mr. Chu, he has “the most amazing database of Asian talent that can speak English.”


One of the last actors to be hired was Henry Golding, who auditioned for Nick. On paper, he was perfect. He was handsome and charismatic. Born in Malaysia to a mother from the Iban tribe there and a white British father, he had grown up in London, where he had acquired the requisite British accent, then spent much of the rest of his life in Asia, where he had worked as a travel host for BBC and Discovery Channel.

最后一位被雇用的演員是亨利·戈爾丁,他為尼克試鏡。簡歷上的他非常完美。他英俊,很有領(lǐng)袖魅力。他出生在馬來西亞,母親是馬來西亞伊班族人,父親是英國白人;他在倫敦長大,在那里得到了這個角色所必需的英國口音;然后,他人生的大部分時間都在亞洲度過,擔任BBC和探索頻道(Discovery Channel)的旅游節(jié)目主持人。

The fact that he had never acted before seemed to only add to the Cinderella charm of his story, which went something like this: With just a few months to go before filming started and no Nick, an accountant with the production in Malaysia told a line producer about this sexy travel host “all the girls were gaga over.” From there, Mr. Golding’s name went up the chain.


But when his casting was announced, the actress Jamie Chung, among others, criticized the decision. Ms. Chung, who is Korean-American, had been told by Mr. Chu that he was looking only for Chinese-Americans for the role of Rachel, so casting of a half-white actor as Nick seemed like a betrayal.

但是當他飾演尼克的消息宣布時,演員鐘潔咪(Jamie Chung)等人批評了這個決定。鐘潔咪是韓裔美國人,朱浩偉曾經(jīng)告訴她,他想找一個華裔美國人飾演雷切爾的角色,所以讓一個有一半白人血統(tǒng)的演員來飾演尼克似乎是一種背叛。

Asian-American journalists and bloggers wrote about the controversy, noting Hollywood’s historical preference for biracial Asian actors (such as Nancy Kwan and Keanu Reeves) and hinting (sometimes more than hinting) that biracial Asians weren’t “real Asians.” The controversy became so heated that Mr. Golding and other stars were compelled to address it in interviews and online posts.

亞裔美國記者和博客寫手們寫了許多關(guān)于這一爭議的文章,指出好萊塢過去對白人和亞裔混血演員(如關(guān)南施[Nancy Kwan]和基努·李維斯[Keanu Reeves])的偏好,以及暗示(有時候不僅僅是暗示)白人和亞裔的混血兒不是“真正的亞洲人”。爭議變得非常激烈,戈爾丁和其他明星被迫在采訪和網(wǎng)絡(luò)帖子里回答這個問題。

Ms. Chung walked back her comments soon after — “I am sincerely sorry about the ignorant comment I made earlier in the year,” she tweeted — and apologized to Mr. Golding.


“I think it’s fair to question motives of why they’re choosing me instead of someone else,” Mr. Golding told me. “It ensures that the studio knows, that everyone creating the story knows, that people are watching.”


Even so, he said, “I never felt I wasn’t suitable for the role because I was half-white. I’ve always seen myself as Asian, so I never had any qualms about that. I was much more concerned if I could act.”


For a while, Mr. Chu admitted, the questions about casting disturbed him, particularly the questions about Mr. Golding. “And then I realized that I was only getting angry at the people who felt that they had been burned. They were people like me who had watched Hollywood whitewash things, and watched roles go away because someone said an Asian man can’t be the lead of this or that.”


Much of the current whitewashing, Ms. Yuen said, stems from manga and Marvel films that “draw from these Orientalist tropes, whether it’s Asians in the past or Asia in the future. But Hollywood doesn’t know how to incorporate Asians or Asian-Americans into that. It’s like they want our look and our stories and our martial arts, but they don’t want Asians.”


With more and more people talking about diversity in casting and calling out examples of whitewashing, Mr. Chu sees positive developments, particularly for Asian-Americans. This week Netflix will begin streaming “To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before,” a coming-of-age tale starring the Vietnamese-American Lana Condor. And on Aug. 24, two years after #StarringJohnCho began hyping the actor as “the star we deserve,” there’s “Searching,” a thriller starring, yes, John Cho.

隨著越來越多的人談?wù)撨x角多樣性并舉出洗白的例子,朱浩偉看到了積極的發(fā)展,特別是對于亞裔美國人來說。本周Netflix將開播《致所有我曾愛過的男孩》(To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before),這是一部由越南裔美國人陳東蘭(Lana Condor)主演的成長故事。還有,8月24日,在 #StarringJohnCho 將這位演員奉為“我們值得擁有的明星”兩年之后,一部名為《網(wǎng)絡(luò)迷蹤》(Searching)的驚悚片將由……沒錯……趙約翰主演。

“If we make a decent showing on that first weekend, there are like six Asian-American lead movies set up at different studios,” Mr. Chu said. “They’re not greenlit. Everyone’s waiting to see how this one does. But if this one does well, we’ll immediately have more chances. And if it doesn’t, we’ll just have to do it again.”



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