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Rolling Stone helped define the counterculture epoch. It filled its pages with the words of renowned writers, including Hunter S. Thompson, Tom Wolfe, Cameron Crowe and Greil Marcus. Its covers minted stars. And while it focused on music, its influence ultimately stretched into pop culture, entertainment and politics.

《滾石》雜志(Rolling Stone)幫助定義了那個(gè)反主流文化的時(shí)代。它的頁面充滿著名作家的文字,包括亨特·S·湯普森(Hunter S. Thompson)、湯姆·沃爾夫(Tom Wolfe)、卡梅倫·克羅(Cameron Crowe)和格雷爾·馬庫斯(Greil Marcus)。它的封面制造了無數(shù)明星。雖然它重點(diǎn)關(guān)注音樂,但它的影響力最終延伸至流行文化、娛樂和政治。

“It was a magazine about music and the attitudes and things that music embraced,” said Jann S. Wenner, the Rolling Stone founder who has put it up for sale. “Rolling Stone has been one of the great magazines of our time.”

“它是一本關(guān)于音樂、音樂所擁抱的那些態(tài)度和事物的雜志,”《滾石》的創(chuàng)刊人詹恩·S·溫納(Jann S. Wenner)說。“《滾石》是我們這個(gè)時(shí)代最偉大的雜志之一。”溫納已經(jīng)啟動(dòng)了出售該雜志的過程。

Rolling Stone not only covered music, it was enshrined in it: A song written by a poet and illustrator best known for his children’s books, Shel Silverstein, irreverently captured the essence of rock ‘n roll stardom.

滾石不僅報(bào)道音樂,它也被銘記在音樂中。以童書聞名的詩人兼插畫家謝爾·希爾弗斯坦(Shel Silverstein)寫的一首歌不遜地道出了搖滾明星地位的本質(zhì)。

Wanna see my picture on the cover


Wanna buy five copies for my mother


Wanna see my smilin' face


On the cover of the Rolling Stone.


John Lennon appeared on the cover of the magazine’s first issue, followed by nearly every rock star, and many celebrities, from the 1960s onward. Mr. Wenner was a particular fan of Bob Dylan, who has appeared on the cover nearly two dozen times.

該雜志第一期的封面是約翰·列儂(John Lennon),從20世紀(jì)60年代起,幾乎每一位搖滾明星和很多名人都登上過它的封面。溫納尤其喜歡鮑勃·迪倫(Bob Dylan),他20多次登上《滾石》的封面。

Provocative photography was also one of the magazine’s hallmarks. The celebrity photographer Annie Leibovitz began her association with the magazine in the early 1970s and set the tone for whimsical and insightful portraits, like her 1981 cover photo of Meryl Streep.

挑逗性的攝影也是該雜志的一個(gè)特點(diǎn)。著名攝影師安妮·萊博維茨(Annie Leibovitz)從20世紀(jì)70年代初開始與該雜志合作,奠定了異想天開和富有洞察力的肖像的基調(diào),比如1981年她為梅麗爾·斯特里普(Meryl Streep)拍攝的封面照片。

Celebrity access — to rock stars and political giants alike — was one of Rolling Stone’s greatest assets. Mr. Wenner himself conducted some of the magazine’s biggest interviews, including with Barack Obama, as a candidate and later as a president. “The access you get everywhere is phenomenal,” Mr. Wenner said.


Mr. Wenner and his editors have long been criticized for relying too heavily on aging rock heroes for Rolling Stone’s covers. But the magazine still had the power to shock, as it did with a 2006 cover story on Kanye West that pictured him bloodied by a crown of thorns. “For every cover of Mick Jagger, you get a cover of Taylor Swift,” Mr. Wenner said. “It’s all great music, and they all belong in one place.”

長期以來,溫納和他的編輯們被批評(píng)在選擇封面時(shí)過于依賴年邁的搖滾明星。但該雜志依然擁有震驚讀者的能力,比如在2006年的一個(gè)封面上,坎耶·韋斯特(Kanye West)頭戴荊棘做成的皇冠,臉上淌著血。“我們有多少米克·賈格爾(Mick Jagger)的封面,就有多少泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)的封面,”溫納說。“都是偉大的音樂,都屬于一個(gè)地方。”

But Rolling Stone’s covers have also provoked outrage. When it featured Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, then a 19-year-old suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings, on its cover in 2013, some critics accused the magazine of glamorizing him as it did entertainment superstars. 不過,《滾石》的封面也曾引發(fā)憤怒。2013年,它把時(shí)年19歲的波士頓馬拉松爆炸案嫌疑人焦哈爾·薩納耶夫(Dzhokhar Tsarnaev)的照片放到了封面上,有些批評(píng)者指責(zé)該雜志像對(duì)待娛樂巨星那樣美化他。

Long respected for its journalism, Rolling Stone was badly bruised by a 2014 article about an unproven gang rape at the University of Virginia. The debunked article, which was retracted in 2015 after a damning report from the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism, prompted three lawsuits and waves of negative coverage for the magazine. The magazine settled two lawsuits, one of which went to trial; a judge dismissed the third last year.

《滾石》新聞報(bào)道的可靠性長期以來受到尊重,但它2014年報(bào)道的未經(jīng)證實(shí)的弗吉尼亞大學(xué)(University of Virginia)輪奸案使它的聲譽(yù)遭到重創(chuàng)。2015年,哥倫比亞大學(xué)新聞研究院發(fā)表關(guān)于此案的確鑿報(bào)告后,這篇文章被撤回,引發(fā)了三起訴訟以及對(duì)該雜志的負(fù)面報(bào)道浪潮。該雜志就兩起訴訟達(dá)成了和解,其中一起已進(jìn)入庭審階段,第三起訴訟去年被法官駁回。

Over the last several years, Mr. Wenner has been slowly ceding control of Rolling Stone and its parent company, Wenner Media, to his son, Gus. The younger Mr. Wenner, 27, has jump-started the company’s digital ambitions, and he has plans to increase the magazine’s video production capabilities. But in response to the financial downturn facing the entire industry, he has also aggressively sold off Wenner Media’s assets, including Us Weekly and Men’s Journal. Both Jann and Gus Wenner said they hoped to stay on at Rolling Stone under a new owner, but its sale would conclude their reign.

在過去幾年里,溫納慢慢將《滾石》及其母公司溫納傳媒(Wenner Media)的控制權(quán)交給了兒子古斯(Gus)。27歲的古斯很快展露了該公司在數(shù)字領(lǐng)域的雄心壯志,他計(jì)劃提高該雜志的視頻生產(chǎn)能力。但是為了應(yīng)對(duì)整個(gè)行業(yè)面臨的融資衰退,他也積極甩賣了溫納媒體的資產(chǎn),包括《我們周刊》(Us Weekly)和《男人雜志》(Men’s Journal)。詹恩和古斯·溫納都表示,希望《滾石》換了新主人后,他們依然能留在這里,不過它的出售將終結(jié)他們的控制權(quán)。

“It’s the end of an era,” Gus Wenner said in an interview in his office last week, “but it’s the beginning of a new, totally exciting era.”



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