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聽美劇學(xué)英語- 破產(chǎn)姐妹第一季 第97期:要下雪了!





Here's the last check, Earl.  這是最后一張賬單,厄爾

And, Max, they stiffed us on the tip but they forgot their camera. 麥克斯,那桌客人小費(fèi)給得小氣,卻大方地忘了他們的相機(jī)

Oh, I'll give it to Oleg.  我會把它交給奧列格

He can take one of his special pictures.  他可以拍一張他的"獨(dú)家"照片

That way, when they come back to get it, everyone will have been stiffed. 這樣的話,等他們回來取相機(jī)時(shí),就能賞他們點(diǎn)小"雞"瞧瞧

Well, good night, ladies.  晚安,女士們

I gotta get home before the snow starts.  我得在下雪之前到家

It's not gonna snow, Earl, it's 50 degrees.  不會下雪的啦,厄爾,現(xiàn)在有十度呢

Oh, it's gonna snow, trust me.  肯定會下雪,相信我

I couldn't tell when my first wife was coming, but I can sure tell when a storm is coming. 我猜不準(zhǔn)我前妻何時(shí)會找上門,但暴風(fēng)雪上門,我可是一個(gè)說一個(gè)準(zhǔn)

All right, so what's the plan?  好吧,計(jì)劃是什么

What are we gonna do if it does snow?  如果真的下雪,我們該怎么辦

You're so white, I'm worried we're gonna lose you.  你個(gè)死白妞,白雪遍地時(shí)我會弄丟你的

I love the snow.  我喜歡下雪天

Opening my balcony doors and watching it fall  打開我的陽臺門,看著雪花飄落

like fresh white linen and then running across the street to the park to make snow angels. 就像全新的白色亞麻布,然后跑到對街的公園堆雪天使

Yeah, that's snow when you're rich.  沒錯(cuò),那是你有錢時(shí)的下雪天

The only snow angels you'll see this year are the six crack addicts frozen to our stoop. 今年你唯一能看見的雪"天使", 是六個(gè)在門廊前凍成冰的癮君子

Oh, not to mention the adorable frozen horse we have illegally living in the backyard. 更不用說那只被我們非法養(yǎng)在后院的可愛冰棍馬

Max, don't overreact. Chestnut's fine.  麥克斯,不要這么夸張,栗寶沒事的

It's not gonna snow for weeks.  離下雪還幾周時(shí)間呢

All right, have it your way.  好吧,你就這么想吧

But I wouldn't want to be the next tenants  但我可不想下一位房客

who have to figure out why a pissed off horse is haunting a Brooklyn apartment. 搞不懂為什么會有憤怒的馬魂在布魯克林的公寓陰魂不散

I was cold and she thought she knew weather patterns.  我冷死了,她卻自以為是天氣"磚"家

Oleg, take a picture of your junk on this customer's camera.  奧列格,存張你雞雞的倩影到這相機(jī)里吧

Done.  收到

Aren't you gonna ask why?  你不問原因嗎

No need.  你有求,我必硬

I just saw Oleg's...  我剛看見奧列格的...

Yeah, that might have been my fault.  我得負(fù)部分責(zé)任

Kind of a shock seeing it for the first time.  第一次見到,你震驚是正常的

Max, I don't like you implying that I would ever be cruel to Chestnut. 麥克斯,我不喜歡你暗示我可能會做出虐待栗寶的事

I'm not implying it. I'm saying it outright. 我沒有在暗示,我是明示

It's winter.  現(xiàn)在可是冬天

And it's not like I've not been thinking about it.  我又不是沒考慮過這個(gè)問題

But Chestnut belongs in a special home.  但栗寶需要一個(gè)特別的家

You belong in a special home.  你才需要一個(gè)特別的家吧

I've done some research, and I found a retreat in the Grand Tetons 我查過了,在大山峰公園有間休養(yǎng)所

where newly-divorced women come to hug horses to help them gain back their ability to trust. 剛離婚的女人會去那里擁抱馬兒,幫助她們重建信任的能力

The only Grand Tetons Chestnut trusts are mine.  栗寶唯一相信的,是我這對"大山蜂"

Lady, you gotta get a reality check real quick 'cause Earl thinks it's gonna snow. 小妞,趕緊面對現(xiàn)實(shí)吧,厄爾說會下雪就真的會下

Earl also thinks the theme from Shaft was stolen from a cassette tape he sent out in 1975. 厄爾還覺得《黑街神探》的主題曲是剽竊他在1975年寄出的錄音樣本呢

Shut your mouth. That happened.  把嘴閉上,真有其事

Max, it's not gonna snow.  麥克斯,不會下雪的

I know snow.  我懂雪

We owned a ski chalet in Saas-Fee Switzerland  我家在瑞士的薩斯費(fèi)擁有一座小木屋

and I think I know more than anyone in this restaurant about living in cold climes. 這家餐館也沒人比我更了解如何在寒冷的氣候下生存

Snow is coming.  要下雪啦

Yo, Swiss miss, you wanna have a conversation about cold climes with Snowleg over there? 喂,瑞士小妞,你想跟雪列格先生聊聊寒冷的氣候嗎

Oh, Max, I almost forgot. The camera. 麥克斯,我差點(diǎn)忘記了,相機(jī)還你

I think you'll be very pleased.  我想你一定會很滿意

I made a little video as well.  我還附贈了個(gè)精彩小短片喲

Why are you wearing two coats?  為什么你要穿兩件大衣啊

Same reason I wear two condoms. In case one breaks. 跟我戴兩個(gè)套子一個(gè)道理,免得有層破了


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